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danwoody Mon, Jul-08-02 04:58

To Lilwannabe (some advice pls)
Hi there

Im new to these forums having v recently started a LC diet, and have been checking out this forum aswell due to my experiences with Depression

Im asking you this question because you seem klnowledgable about anti depressants

I was diagnosed with bad depression and anxiety about a year back and was put on the English version of Celexa (cipramil) to start with

This did not work at all and gave me pounding headaches

I was then put on paxil and while i stayed with that for a year, rather than dealing with my depression and anxiety it just seemed to drug and sedate me to a point where i had no feelings whatsoever

In that sence it did the trick because i wasnt depressed or anxious but i was drugged and felt nothing

the person who said paxil was a placebo is extremely ignorant

anyhow i am four weeks off the paxil and am still suffering withdrawal which is one of the worse things i have ever dealt with and imo i have just lost a year of my life

I picked up on the fact that you said you had experimented with anti depressants and that you had found that some of the newer ones dont cause a drugged feeling or mind numbing

I was wondering if you could just throw a few names of these drugs my way so i could do some research and see if i want to discuss them with my doctor

Thanx a lot

destro Mon, Jul-08-02 11:10

Dear danwoody,

This is not lilwannabe, but I just wanted to offer you some support of my own.

Finding a anti-depressant that works for you without giving you unpleasant physical side-effects can be a process of real trial and error. It is not the fault of the physician; I think it is because we all really do have some unique aspects of our brain chemistry.

Celexa is the one that works best for me, but I have had really unpleasant experiences with other drugs. I was persistent, because I knew that I needed help.

Since I am in the USA and not the UK, I won't be able to help with the particular "names" used in the UK.

Once I accidentally took a double dose of my Celexa (and since then I keep my pills in a special container so that it won't happen again) and felt like an absolute ZOMBIE. It was hideously unpleasant.

I think that what you are doing (discontinuing the Paxil) is very difficult. I know that a lot of my friends who have been on various a/ds do a slow taper, so that the shock of going off the medication does not give them the dreadful side-effects that you are having.

I think one way to go about it is to do an online search at a UK site of SSRIs and see what information you can find.

I truly believe that if you are willing to go through some trial and error and tweaking of the dosages, that you can find an a/d that has no side effects and that does not make you feel numb.

You might be like me: I take the lowest recommended dosage of my Celexa and that helps me. I still feel the entire range of human emotion, but am not so depressed that I am bed-ridden and capable of only tears.

I wish you the very best of luck; I think that being on a helpful a/d can also help some people (me, for one) to pay attention to a helpful diet and to end up taking better care of my body.

I also am very very sorry for the current hell you are going through. I KNOW that it is NOT just "in your mind" but it is a very real physiological bodily response.

Good luck to you,


danwoody Mon, Jul-08-02 11:58

Natalie i just wanto to thank you for your support

Im very surprised to have found any kind of forum where people seemingly want to help people out as much as possible, rather than get one over one another

like the football forum i belong to for example lol

Just to clear something up i did taper with the paxil for about three months and finally managed to give up taking the pill about four weeks ago

while the withdrawal has been mellower than i know some people get it, there are a couple of niggling things left that make getting back to any normal kind of life impossible

Hopefully this will sort itself out soon and i will see how things come along before looking at a new Med

Thanx again

destro Mon, Jul-08-02 12:39

Hi danwoody,

You really do have several things going for you: you are well in touch with how your body is responding, which is good. Better to be in touch than out of touch, right!

I like this forum very much. I don't see any signs of people trying to compete to see who can lose weight the fastest or who can be the most virtuous! :roll:

I suspect, although I don't belong to any of them, that American baseball forums can get quite rancid and bitter.

But here we are not competing; we help and get help and that is really lovely.

Anyhow, please keep on posting and telling us all about your experiences. It's bound to happen that there will be at least one person who will have shared your own experiences or who will have something helpful to say!



lilwannabe Tue, Jul-09-02 10:19

Hi Danwoody...

I have experimented with many different anti depressants yes...but I am not an expert by any means...It is my doctor that suggests I try different ones...

I have a tendancy to suffer depression as well as what works for one person will not work for another...

Because you suffer from both of those as well...why don't you ask your doctor about Amatriptaline (sp). Taken at night in a very mild dose helped me with sleeping, and with anxiety as well...I am not currently taking anything. GP did put me on Effexor just about a month ago...I was on it for 1 week...then went to see the doctor that is supervising my WL program...and he told me I should not be taking it as it will make me gain. Usually, I suffer only mild depression...altho I have been severely depressed in the past...the last couple of years has only been mild...and I find that talking to a therapist the greatest solution FOR ME . Like I said before...we are each different...and our bodys and spirits need different meds or solutions. I don't personally think that just taking a pill can cure us...and that is not meant to offend anyone in anyway...because God knows...I know that it is an imbalance...and not just in our heads... but just taking medication, IMHO masks the problem...we need to discuss with someone what is going on for us...we need to learn to deal with out situations...and learn coping skills.

I hope that I have helped in some way. I only ever state what has worked for me...we are all individual...and all have our own fears and issues.

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