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Kitten Sun, Nov-25-01 14:32

Breakfast ideas in the UK?
I may be reinventing the wheel here but have any of you experts got tips on breakfast ideas? :confused:

I have been doing this for 15 days and cannot face more bacon, egg and sausage...I am not keen on pre-made bars and such like and fish that early is simply not an option.

I would consider a shake but get lost in the whey/soya/powder/flour debate as to what is what...I also find it difficult to find the stuff here.

So in short help!

Thanks in advance

juicyjacki Mon, Nov-26-01 06:42

It is a hard one - once you have wiped out cereal & toast we are not left with much.

Have you tried omelette? A good thing to put in it sliced sausages and a tonne of cheese. A good sausage to have is the mattesons, i think its only 1 carb per 100g, which is nice. try adding some mushrooms too.

You could venture into making a loaf of Atkins Bread - but in all honesty, i found this really nasty, tasted like it was made from baked beans. Savory pancakes are also a good idea. I find making a batch of these and adding a hefty amount of herbs in the mix tasted pretty good. if you make them quite thin a fold them into quarters to make a cone-shape you can make little pockets that you can fill with goodies. Scrambled egg & smoked salmon - maybe some cream cheese & ham.

pancakes make a good DIY pizza - just make a load of pancakes with loads of italien herbs in the batter, onec cooked spread a thin coat of a basic tomato pizza sauce. Add cheese, thin sliced sausage, maybe some onions too, put the whole pan under the grin to make it go brown and the cheese bubble. Not as good as a stuffed crust, but very addictive.

I must admit that i am a big fan of easy & quick things as i work and i usually tired from swimming. Try to find a few things that you can have for a quick meal that yiou can put in the cupboard. I try to buy jars of things with less than 10% carbs. There are some good pasta sauces which are great for eating with chicken & melted cheese.

I know that everyone says that breakfast is very important - myself i can't stomach eating that early. i just start my day with a glass of water, which is very important on the low carb diet as it helps flush your body out.

I hope that any of this of help to you - let me know if you come up with any more

daisy Mon, Nov-26-01 09:33

Wow, those were some great ideas Juicy! How do you make the savoury pancakes? I'm finding it quite hard to work out the whole 'whey/soya/powder/flour' thing, too Kitten!



ezandreth Thu, Nov-29-01 10:30

I also can't eat too early. I take things like hard-boiled eggs and weight watcher's cheese to eat at about half nine in the office.

cocoabear Mon, Jan-14-02 11:09

Have you tried making a porridge type breakfast?
Mix together almond flour (ground almonds), cream, golden linseed (from H & B), sweetener to taste, add some boiling water. I usually put it in microwave for a few seconds also. Some people add a bit of butter or peanut butter to add more flavour, you could also add some cocoa powder. You can add other nuts and small bits of fruit, say strawberries, apple for a change. You could also add some oats to it although that would bump up the carb count quite a bit.

Savoury muffins made with almond flour are lovely and you can make a batch and heat one up for breakfast. Could make bacon and tomato or cheese. I make loads of different muffins both savoury and sweet and they really have helped me stick with Atkins.

Hope this helps

juicyjacki Mon, Jan-14-02 16:40

those muffins sound good - what recipe do you use?

I just discovered the total heaven of fake lemon merangue pie.

I made a batch of jelly for the week (as usual) and wanted one now but was too impatient - so i had one when it was set but still a little warm - with a huge helping of sweetened whipped cream. It was one of the best things i have had so far

daisy Tue, Jan-15-02 03:57

Hi! Cocoabear that porridge sounds really nice but watch out for that fruit! It'll really bump up your carb count. I'm not positive but I didn't think berries were allowed on atkins till pre-maintenance? And no apples at all! Also, are you adding an aspartame based sweetener? I've heard it doesn't heat well so I've tried to do without- I can't seem to find one that's aspartame free.

Try out this recipe for sausage & egg muffins. I gave it a go last night & it was the only time I've been able to eat anything I've made with soy flour! I couldn't find low carb sausagemeat so I used minced pork instead & spiced it up with salt, pepper, thyme & nutmeg! :yum:


jennym Tue, Jan-15-02 14:32

Hi - I am new on this atkins diet and am trying to find a lot of the ingredients - live way up in the north east of scotland and we are quite limited to whats available - I am having difficulty finding - almond flour and with finding pork rinds (supposed to be quite good for snacks) - could anyone please tell me if its ok to drink caffeine free diet coke!!

Those pancakes sound really good as an alternative for lunch or supper as the pizza - which I am missing terribly,

Be glad to hear if anyone knows where to get this almond or soy products - i.e. tesco etc - I am willing to travel into the city if I knew they stocked.




cocoabear Tue, Jan-15-02 15:41

For Jacki - muffin recipe
100g almond flour (ground almonds)
1/2 tsp baking powder
25g melted butter
2 eggs

Mix wet ingredients together and dry ingredients together separately. Add wet and dry beat for a few seconds with electric mixer. Bake in muffin tins or whatever you have for 20 - 25 mins at 180 degrees C. About 8 carbs total.

*For sweet muffins add 1/2 tsp vanilla and sweetener to taste - I use Hermesetas Gold at the moment - it is fine for baking. Although I don't like the fact it is not natural. I use about 3 - 4 tsp for sweet muffins.
Have made them with ginger, very small amount of apple or strawberrys (layer the fruit with the mixture - bit of fruit on top).
chocolate and walnuts (add cocoa), apple and cinnamon.
Nice as a hot pud with double cream too!
Omit sweetener and vanilla for savoury ones - add cheese or anything really.

cocoabear Tue, Jan-15-02 15:53

Mmmmm sausage and egg muffins sound great will give them a go.
I am on maintenance now and can get away with one apple or a decent portion of strawbs a day without gaining. Whilst I was losing I had them just occasionally but you only need a very small amount of fruit to flavour each muffin.

I use Hermesetas Gold granulated sweetener at the moment but am researching a 100% natural sweetener you can bake with - not tried it yet - will keep you posted. I hate using aspartame, Ace K, saccharin or any other chemical sweetener due to the health risks but I still like sweet things now and then and there ain't much choice!

Re; post about almond flour - it is ground almonds and all supermarkets sell it. Macro sells it in bulk and it's a lot cheaper. as do Julian Graves (if you have one in your area, they sell nuts etc.)
Diet coke apparently stalls half who use it and doesn't affect weight loss in the other half. It does contain aspartame though which a lot of people avoid as they feel it is unnatural and causes health problems. I try and avoid it as much as possible.
Bye for now


odd sock Mon, Jan-28-02 16:32

Have you tried steak in the a.m.? I don't like so much fried food for breakfast either.

Cream cheese rolled up in ham is a quick one that i like.

Another idea is mascarpone (1 oz. = .5) or ricotta cheese (1 oz. = 1.0) with some chopped nuts or perhaps some sliced strawberries or melon if your diet permits.

I just discovered frittatas as well: grated couregette, onion, or mushrooms seem to work the best. Fry the veg until soft, then add scrambled eggs, top with grated cheese as you wish, and cook on very low. Don't stir the eggs, just let them set... takes about 20-30 minutes. Finish off the frittata under the grill.

Besides steak, pork chops can also be nice in the morning, especially seasoned with sage.

Shirred or baked eggs are nice sometimes-- crack an egg into a buttered ramekin, put in a couple of tablespoons of heavy cream, and bake for 15 minutes, longer if you want a firmer yolk. You can also add lots of things like cheese, smoked salmon, asparagus tips, chives or other herbs, morel or porcini mushrooms, among other things.

Delia has a recipe in volume one for a gratin of egg with peppers and chorizo, but I don't have the book with me for the directions :rolleyes:

Some other things I have heard:
egg fu yung
hash with meat and turnips or yellow squash
scrambled eggs with minced beef and spinach

Hope this helps. :D

Patchouli Mon, May-13-02 17:08

Breakfast Idea for Kitten
Lemon Cheese Breakfast Mousse

Contains: 1 entire lemon (including skin), quartered, remove seeds
1/2 - 1 pkg gelatin (dissolved in 1/2 cup of boiling water) also optional
1/4 cup of Udo's Wholesome Oil Blend (or a high quality
polyunsaturated vegetable oil, such as grape seed oil,
or safflower, or extra virgin olive oil.)
Put in blender and liquefy for a minute or so.

1/3 cup of honey
a couple of large chunks of fresh coconut (along with milk)
Blend some more on high

add 1 tbsp of vanilla
1/2 cup of yoghurt
at least a cup of cottage cheese
and blend some more on high.

Options: almonds, brazil nuts, avocado, whatever lo-carb fruit your little heart desires. You can play with it and create your dream breakfast mousse.

Refrigerate overnight and it's ready to eat for tomorrow's breakfast or in a few hours you can eat it as lunch or as a dinner dessert. This will give you 4 cups or thereabouts. (I often eat it right away without waiting for the gel to set. Sometimes it doesn't set to a gelatin solid anyways if I put too much other liquid in. It usually doesn't matter to me too much whether it sets or not.)
* * * * * * * :yum: :yum: :yum: :yum: :yum: :yum: :yum: :yum: :yum: * * * * * * *
Should clarify that I never measure any of the ingredients - the measurements given here are approximations so readers will have an idea of the proportions. This can also be done in a food processor if the liquid content is not enough to process in blender. The gelatin can be omitted completely if you use enough coconut to make a desirable thickness. In this case it would need to be done in a food processor. The initial grinding period of the lemon/coconut mix would have to be increased to break down the pieces to small size. It can be run to smooth or chunky, depending on your own preference or taste.

(Previously used banana - I have since omitted the banana because of the high carb count and have instead added fresh coconut, with or without the milk. Sometimes I just drink the milk right away. The coconut goes into the blender with the lemon and gets liquefied for a minute or two.)

I don't usually add the entire coconut, just a couple of good-sized chunks. It adds a lovely flavour. Sometimes I will add an egg as well if I have nice fresh eggs.

I also add a couple of tablespoons (or thereabouts) of Udo's Ultimate Oil Blend with the lemon/coconut start. With the yoghurt and cottage cheese I add some of Udo's Wholesome Fast Food Blend.

For those of you who don't know about Udo Erasmus, do a search at or for Udo Erasmus or go to He has a line of nutritional products that are unique and superior, IMHO, to others along that line.

Patchouli Mon, May-13-02 18:21

MMMmmmmmm. yummmmmy
I just copied all these recipes to try. They look delightful.

tink Tue, May-14-02 01:33

the breakfast thing can be a nightmare - i usually eat on the run or don't have time - i save the fry ups for a weekend.

The muffins are great ( I have used the recipie above before) and easy to carry in a bag etc, if I have time I might have jelly ( made with whipped cream of course ) or sometimes I take nuts or cheese with me.

I always have water before I leave the house and a selection of multivits !

As you get used to what you can have and become more adventurous it gets easier. I know I was terrified to change the initial routine in case i went wrong - now I am much more relaxed and I am still losing the weight !

good luck

:roll: :roll: :roll:

ps - jennym - i have been drinking diet coke - mostly decaff and it has been fine for me - still losing - i think different people react differently ? - i am sure someone can tell you more !

Boogie65 Tue, May-14-02 15:26

Breakfast Ideas
Hi Kitten (and everyone)

Have you tried adding a few mushrooms and perhaps 1/2 a tomato to your bacon & eggs in the morning. Just gives a bit more variety I find.

What about scrambled eggs with smoked salmon for a light and luxurious change?

I sometimes have a shake if I'm in a real rush (like when my son Tom has suddenly remembered he has to hand in his homework that morning!)

I also sometimes make a low carb porridge type thing with soy protein isolate, flaxseed meal, wheat bran, cocoa powder & sweetener. The kids actually love this too!

Hope this helps.


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