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red1cutie Mon, Mar-10-03 07:24

red1cutie's gym log
Well I started a workout schedule early this morning. It was so hard to get up but I did.

I am in my third week of Atkins and I have decided to try to do the BFL along with Atkins. I am on induction. I guess I will take my measurements again tonight.

I weighed this morning and I am at 173 lbs with 44% body fat .

Adjusted based on the correct calculation:
My goal is to reduce my body fat to 20% and tone. This means my goal weight has to be adjusted to 122 lbs (lean body mass ([97 lbs] + [20% body fat (=20%*122)]).

I hope I stick with it. It is really hard to get up and do it in the morning.

Today, I did the BFL upper body . I am using 3 lb to 12 lb dumbells. I have no barbells and no bench so I used chairs to do the chest press and the lying triceps.

The workout was tough for me and I am know I will be really stiff tomorrow

Chest: Chest Press: 3 lb dumbells 12 reps, 5 lb dumbells 10 reps, 8 lb dumbells 8 reps, 10 lb dumbells 6 reps, 5 lb dumbells 12 reps; then Flyes: 5 lb dumbells 12 reps

Shoulders: Shoulder press: 3 lb dumbells 12 reps, 5 lb dumbells 10 reps, 8 lb dumbells 8 reps, 10 lb dumbells 6 reps, 5 lb dumbells 12 reps; then Front Raises: 5 lb dumbells 12 reps--- was really hard to do

Back: Dumbell Rows: 5 lb dumbells 12 reps, 8 lb dumbells 10 reps, 10 lb dumbells 8 reps, 12 lb dumbells 6 reps, 8 lb dumbells 12 reps; then Bent over flyes: 5 lb dumbells 12 reps--- also was really hard to do

Biceps: Seated Curls: 5 lb dumbells 12 reps, 8 lb dumbells 10 reps, 10 lb dumbells 8 reps, 12 lb dumbells 6 reps..STOPPED, 8 lb dumbells 12 reps...hard hard; then Hammer Curls: 5 lb dumbells 12 reps--- also was really hard to do

Triceps: Seated Tricep Overhead Extensions: 3 lb Dumbells (used both dumbells) 12 reps, 5 lb 10 reps (could only lift 1 dumbell with both hands), 8 lb dumbells (could only lift 1 dumbell with both hands) 8 reps, 10 lb dumbells 6 reps(could only lift 1 dumbell with both hands), 3 lb dumbells 12 reps...could not complete 12; then Lying Tricep Extensions: 5 lb dumbells 12 reps--- could not complete-- did 4)

50 minutes :yawn:

DarkLotus Mon, Mar-10-03 20:35

Just one fix/suggestion, somebody was saying this to me on my first workout too, it should look like this for all your exercises, the 8 reps and last 12 should be the same weight. Then you do the flyes till you can't do any more in proper form. Everything else looks ok to me, but there are ppl who know much more than I do that will chime in too :)

Chest: Chest Press:
3 X 12
5 X 10
8 X 8
10 X 6
8 x 12
Flyes: 5 X 12 to failure

Raises are really hard to do. Your time will get better as you are more familiar with the exercises and the routine ;) You may need to lower your starting weights if you can't finish. Don't worry, you'll be upping them again sooner than you think! Hope I helped a little! :wave:

red1cutie Tue, Mar-11-03 09:21

You did darklotus! :) Thank you.

Okay today I did my first cardio workout..if you can call it that the plan was:

level 5 walk in place for 2 mins
level 6 step up-stepdown on my step 1 min
(poor thing hasnt been out in a while :rolleyes: )
level 7 do a spin (can't remember name) 1 min
level 8 straddling step-step up and down 1 min
level 9 moderate jog 1 min
level 6 step up-stepdown on my step 1 min
level 7 do a spin (can't remember name) 1 min
level 8 straddling step-step up and down 1 min
level 9 moderate jog 1 min
level 6 step up-stepdown on my step 1 min
level 7 do a spin (can't remember name) 1 min
level 8 straddling step-step up and down 1 min
level 9 moderate jog 1 min
level 6 step up-stepdown on my step 1 min
level 7 do a spin (can't remember name) 1 min
level 8 straddling step-step up and down 1 min
level 9 moderate jog 1 min
level 10 strenuous job 1 min
level 5 walk in place 1 min

Man, I couldn't complete this. I did awful. On the second round approximately at the 7 minute mark...I gave up and then for the rest of the time walked raising my knees.....not a good workout

21 mins :(

DarkLotus Tue, Mar-11-03 15:00

Well on paper it looks great :D The format looks just fine, intensity wise. What do you have available to you for cardio? Do you have a bike, treadmill, crosstrainer, the great outdoors, or video tapes? Take some time to plan your next workout so that it's still challenging but you can finish it. :wave:

red1cutie Tue, Mar-11-03 15:52

Will do..thanks.

I will take the platform off and just use the step or find a video I can do. :rolleyes:

BTW, How do you space out your meals? All or your six meals meals or do you take meal replacements?


DarkLotus Tue, Mar-11-03 17:06

Can you recommend a video tape that I can do for 20 minutes until it gets warmer outside? I've heard about Walk Away the Pounds. I never did it, but many here have with success. Do a search for WATP, you will find some posts I'm sure. :)

Also, I am planning my leg workout for tomorrow:
Thing is I only have dumbells <----that's fine!!!

front legs:
<--- I need a front leg exercise for the last...can you suggest

Yes, you could do this on a chair:

back legs:
<--- I need a front leg exercise for the last...can you suggest

Yes, this one's one of my very favorites, effective for sure! You should feel it in your lower back and your hamstrings, don't panic if your back is a little sore, it's normal and you did it right. Do not bend your knees. Follow the instructions on the site, it's a great exercise!

Have a great workout tomorrow, let me know how it works for you! :wave:

As for meals, I tend to eat every 2-3 hours anyhow, it's not difficult for me to get in more than 3 meals. I think I have gotten six in easily today, I've been eating all day it seems! :D Sometimes I have protein shakes after my workout. Depends on how close my workout and dinner is, as the shakes fill me for about 2 hours.

Skamito Tue, Mar-11-03 23:40

Bookmark! I feel like I'd be lost without this great resource. If you're looking for a body part, it's got suggestions... and video. What more can you ask for?

Your workout plan looks good. Just hang in there! :)

red1cutie Wed, Mar-12-03 08:17

OMGosh!! I am so in pain from this morning from workout.

Upper Body Workout

front legs
squats set 1: 12 reps dumbells 5lbs each
squats set 2: 10 reps dumbells 8lbs each
squats set 3: 8 reps dumbells 10lbs each HARD
squats set 4: 6 reps dumbells 12lbs each HARDER
squats set 5: 12 reps dumbells 8lbs each...
stepups set 6: 12 reps dumbells 5 lbs...was so HARD, kind of lost form at end..think chair was too pain

back legs
lunges set 1: 6 reps no dumbells...legs felt weak
lunges set 2: 10 reps dumbells 3lbs each..could not complete
lunges set 3: 4 reps dumbells 5lbs each....could not complete
lunges set 4: 3 reps dumbells 8lbs each....could not complete
lunges set 5: 6 reps dumbells 5lbs each..could not complete
deadlifts set 6: 12 reps 5 lbs each....completed set
lunges form so not good..legs felt fatigued during lunges...burn

angled raises set 1: 12 reps no dumbells
angled raises set 2: 10 reps dumbells 3lbs each
angled raises set 3: 8 reps dumbells 5lbs each
angled raises set 4: 6 reps dumbells 8lbs each
angled raises set 5: 12 reps dumbells 3lbs each
straight raises set 6: 12 reps dumbells 5lbs each
felt burn...legs feel like jello

crunches set 1 12 reps
crunches set 2 10 reps...held for 10 count on last one
crunches set 3 8 reps...held for 10 count on last one
crunches set 4 6 reps......held for 10 count on last one
crunches set 5 12 reps...held for 10 count on last one
crunches w/ legs set 6 12 reps...held for 10 count on last one

Hard workout...legs feel weak...and stiff
Took glutamine after. hope I can walk tomorrow.

Skamito Wed, Mar-12-03 09:10

You know they SAY, "no pain, no gain" but I think you may find the glutamine really helps. Be generous with it, especially in the beginning.

Man, I remember the first time I did a weights routine after I joined the gym. MAN. That was before I knew about BFL or glutamine and I worked my entire body. Man, that soreness was indescribable. :) Hope you feel all right!

DarkLotus Wed, Mar-12-03 15:43

Your weight progressions should be like this
5 x 12
8 x 10
10 x 8
12 x 6
10 x 12


3 x 12
5 x 10
8 x 8
10 x 6
8 x 12

The 8 reps and last 12 of that same exercise should be the same weight. Glad you had a good workout. And they do say no pain no gain! :D Gotta go punish myself with LBWO too... :eek:

DarkLotus Wed, Mar-12-03 20:18

I wish I knew why my wrist was popping out, must be too much of a strain I guess. Made doing some things today suck a little, but I got through it ;)

That's great that you joined a gym! If they told you not to workout before your assesment, I'd listen, you can always do it later, maybe get it done after the assesment :) Good luck and pay attention to everything they show you. Ask them questions if you need to on how to work the equipment. :wave:

red1cutie Thu, Mar-13-03 12:13

Thanks Dark lotus!

Well I can barely walk. It hurts so bad. I did a sad 20 minutes walk/run today but walked more than ran and walk like a 100 years old woman. I feel like crap but hopefully tomorrow will be better. I am doing upper body tomorrow. I will try to stretch alot tonight. Hopefully that will help.

red1cutie Fri, Mar-14-03 22:37

Upper Body Workout

Chest Press: 5 lbs X 12
8 X 10
10 X 8
12 X 6
10 x 12
Flyes: 5 X 12

Shoulder Press: 5 lbs X 12
8 X 10
10 X 8
12 X 6
10 x 12 (could only do 8 reps)
front raises: 5 X 12

Bent over Rows: 3 lbs X 12
5 X 10
8 X 8 (struggled here)
10 X 6 (could only do 4 reps)
8 x 12 (did 6 reps ~8 lbs; complete other 6 reps ~ 5 lbs
dumbell rows: 5 X 12

Overhead extensions :3 lbs X 12
8 X 10
10 X 8
12 X 6
10 x 12
tricep flyes: 5 X 12

Bicep curls: 5 lbs X 12
8 X 10
10 X 8
12 X 6
10 x 12 (could only do 8 reps)
Hammers: 8 X 12

DarkLotus Sat, Mar-15-03 09:14

There you go! Looks good! :thup: Try doing some forced reps. Rest for a few seconds then squeeze a few more reps out. Otherwise, you're going to have to lower your weights. You need to finish. The 6 reps is supposed to be the hardest, not the 8 and the 6 being impossible. Have a good weekend! :wave:

red1cutie Sun, Mar-16-03 14:55

Thanks Dark Lotus!

I did not do my 20 mins of Aerobics on Saturday. :( I feel so tired this morning I could not get up for breakfast but I forced my self to have 3 eggs (hardboiled).

I bought 3 yogurts to take on the days I have to weight lift. I hope this will help.

I have my upper body workout tomorrow. I will do it after work. I pretty much know what I want to do.

front legs: extension, end with 1 set of squats
back egs: curls end, end with 1 set of deadlifts
calves: seated raises, end with 1 set of stand raises
abdominals: saw a machine if it is free I will try it and then end with another ab I saw at the gym

My goal this week is to do all my workouts like I am supposed...98 days before summer.

When I finally decided to get up and went outside it was beautiful. Spring is here to stay I hope.

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