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cs_carver Tue, Feb-10-04 10:02

Disappointed by Oprah
O, the Oprah magazine, has an article about "the truth about Atkins" in this month's issue. What a bust! One woman's experience; she went in for a consult three weeks before Dr. A. died. Article claims this is a high protein diet. The author's report of an OA meeting is just as off-balance, leading me to think this woman really has no clue. Anyone else seen it yet? Think Oprah would really ever print "the truth?" She's got a pretty tight commitment to "just eat less."

sharann Tue, Feb-10-04 13:16

I think Oprah is an amazing buisinesswoman who has a food addiction. No secret there. If she knows what "diet" is right and works, then she should remain at a steady weight for more than a few months....
I think she is influenced by her trainer and his book.

red1cutie Tue, Feb-10-04 13:27

Imagine if Oprah were to "endorse" Atkins. She would probably get sued for by someone. (Not the beef guys though)I did not read the article in O magazine because I don't read it but I guess it was like most articles written by people who don't have a clue what this WOE really is. Grr.

I like Oprah. She seems generous and has done good work in Africa and her shows have highlighted lots of issues that need to be addressed. Plus she is an exceptional business woman.

BTW, I think she looks amazing!


kay3osu Tue, Feb-10-04 13:29

Will take a peek at the article, but let's not forget, she's trying to manage her weight while:
*running her own (rather successful) company :)
*oh, and that other thing she does so well: changing the world for the better one person at a time :)

we've all been told a bunch a bull as far as weight loss and it looks like she has cut out all white food and sugar (i think) and exercises (and if anyone can ever find an excuse not to do either of those, i think it would be her!) and she looks great so hopefully, she is onto something here. (talk about a run on sentence!) anyway, i just hope she's as healthy as she looks and sounds...because i hope she is around for a LONG time!!

cs_carver Tue, Feb-10-04 13:33

tricky sentence: "SHE" <> Oprah
In my original post, the "she does not have a clue" is the author of the article (actually a mother-daughter pair).

Oprah can do what she wants with food as far as I'm concerned.

kay3osu Tue, Feb-10-04 13:37

oh, Cs i know you were talking about the author (but don't you think Oprah has to ok it?) anyway, i was just following up on the post below yours....didn't mean anything bad...just good :)!!

ItsTheWooo Tue, Feb-10-04 14:25

Oprah has financial interests in other diet products.

It really is that simple.

BawdyWench Tue, Feb-10-04 14:26

I have a subscription to the magazine, but haven't gotten it yet this month I guess.

Even if she is "against" Atkins (which I doubt that she is), she's doing her own form of low-carbing in that she's cut out white bread, sugar, and other carbs. Dr. Atkins and his plan are easy targets. When it comes down to it, all low-carb plans have more similarities than differences, in my opinion.

I tend to take most things I read in regular magazines with a large grain of salt. I read magazines like this for enjoyment, not for nutritional or health advice.

melpope Tue, Feb-10-04 15:56

I love Oprah. She has done much more good then bad in her lifetime! It's her magazine and she can put whatever articles she wants in there but she has already stated what she believes works for her and it's:
not eating at night
lots of exercise
cutting out bad carbs like sugar, white flour, etc.
drinking lots of water

Aren't many of these things what we all are doing too? Who cares what it is called, it works!

PilotGal Tue, Feb-10-04 20:32

the mfgr are going to have to come up with alternative white foods. If Oprah ain't eating it, no one's going to eat it!

Kristine Wed, Feb-11-04 10:20

She can put what she wants in her magazine, but there's never an excuse for inaccuracy, especially when the title of the article is "The Truth About (x)." :nono:

What was the author's name, CS?

Supermommy Wed, Feb-11-04 12:01

I have honestly never seen the attraction to following what Oprah says, just not into her I guess.
It is great that she has lost weight and believes " her" plan is best, but as someone else has already stated it's all about commercialism.
Oprah has a chef, a personal trainer and lots of money to lose weight. I don't relate to that because I am a real person trying to make due and lose weight at the same time. If I had someone making my meals for me everyday following a low carb plan I would lose as well. What she has done is phoenominal, but plenty of people lose with absolutely no recognition to what worked for them.
If Atkins works for you, Great !! Nothing a celebrity has to say, for means of personal monetary gain, means a thing to me :). Business woman yes, doctor no.

Btw: A person comes up to me at work and says "Hey you know what ? Did you know Dr. Atkins was considered obese when he died ?". I of course was stunned but turned around and asked him " Well do you know what he weighed before he started his weight loss research?"... of course the answer was no.
You can't believe everything you read or hear.

slim4life Wed, Feb-11-04 14:02

I read the article!
I read the article last night when I got home and saw my March issue had come. I went straight to that article since I read this post yesterday. I personally got the feeling that the author thought that this diet was unhealthy but even admitted that she didn't give it a try. She talked about symptoms that her mom encountered while losing over 30 pounds.....btw such as muscle fatigue and cramps, loss of memory, hard time focusing......I think these are withdrawl symptoms from the carbs. We don't know if her mom was exercising or taking her supplements...... The author even admitted to trying Atkins but gave in to her sweet tooth. SO someone who couldn't stick it out past induction is definitely not someone I want to hear giving me the "truth" about Atkins. At the end of the article, it left me wondering what she was really getting at. Her mom lost weight and she seemed happy. The article didn't live up to the title.

Basically the magazine was saying that Atkins is good for the first six months but after that people tend to peter out and can't lose the last of the pounds that they need to. Is it just me or is the same true for any diet or WOE? My boss did weight watchers, lost most of her she's been the same for a year. She would like to lose 15 more but it's hard. She doesn't want to deprive herself just to lose another 15 pounds. The same is true for Atkins in my opinion.

black57 Mon, Feb-16-04 19:04

I read the article and it said that this woman's last hope was Atkins and that she met the good Dr right before his death. It also spoke of her weightloss which was successful once she began Atkins. The insert that reviewed the worthiness of the diet begins most sentences with why the diet has been thought to be bad but then it goes on to describe studies that support the diet.


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