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Alina Thu, Jan-29-04 01:10

Myths about 'thin' people
Please Insert your own definition of 'thin' here:.....................

1. Thin people believe they are the center of the Universe

2. Thin people are shallow, egoistic and mean

3. Thin people are always happy

4. Thin people are solely interested in their looks, clothes, fashion etc

5. Thin people keep themselves thin solely to please others and fit into ideals set by fashion industry

6. Thin people despise anyone who is guessed it right - thin!

7. Thin people believe thy will live forever just because they look so good.

8. Thin people never read Shakespeare.......

Come on now, you'll do you know about number 8?

I don't - it's the whole point. But it is as true as the rest of the list...


Frederick Thu, Jan-29-04 01:55

1. Thin people are just blessed with fast metabolism.

2. Thin people can eat 5000 calories and not gain weight.

3. Thin people never have to excercise.

4. Thin people can sit on their posteriors and still never get fat.

RoseTattoo Thu, Jan-29-04 06:06

Thin people are healthy.

This is one for me. I'm fairly thin--at least by traditional weight table standards--but until I started low carbing, I had a ragingly dangerous cholesterol and triglyceride level and high blood sugar. A recipe for heart/artery disease despite the outward appearance of "health".

latingirl Thu, Jan-29-04 07:17

I was one of those who you talked about. I used to eat 5 or 6 candy bars a day and everything else I wanted. I was 5' 6" and a size 4 until I was 30. People used to tell me " day your metabolism will change..." and it did.

adkpam Thu, Jan-29-04 08:12

It does seem to be true that the metabolism slows down when one gets older. Perhaps the belief that there is nothing you can do about it is wrong. What if we didn't eat those bad carbs? Would our metabolism maintain its health longer?
I think so.

LadyBelle Thu, Jan-29-04 08:38

1. Thin people automatocally have high self esteem

2. Thin people have good relationships where there is mutual respect

3. Thin people can wear anything and look good

4. Thin people never have days when they feel blaoted of fat, or jeans don't zip

5. Thin people are in good shape

6. Thin people never eat, that's how they stay thin

7. It's all genetic, if your family is thin you should be too

8. Thin people always have higher energy

9. Thin people automatically have a healthy diet

Kristine Thu, Jan-29-04 10:25

>>Thin people are healthy.
>>Thin people are always happy.

Amen to all of these, especially those two.

How about - thin people on this or any other weight loss forum must be either obsessed or really vain.

There's a reason I took my stats off my profile.

Paleoanth Thu, Jan-29-04 12:36

How about thin people have never had weight issues.

atlee Thu, Jan-29-04 13:49

Amen to that one, Paleo! I've gotten crap from people who didn't know me when I was heavy -- "well, YOU wouldn't know what it's like", or "why are YOU on a diet" -- until I explain that I used to weigh 80 lbs more than I do now. I was almost sorry when I got married and had to get a new drivers license, because showing the old moon-pie-faced one was a pretty good way to prove that yes, in fact, I have been there and done that.

I have to say, though, that this forum has a lot of members who ARE very supportive of "thin people". I've gotten into a couple of the fat-vs.-thin conversations, and I have sometimes felt rather jumped-upon, but other people have been so supportive and understanding that it's almost humbling. I *know* I wasn't that understanding myself when I was heavier, and the shoe is really on the other foot now.

yingyang25 Thu, Jan-29-04 14:51

I used to be thin as a teen and never thought I'd gain weight. Boy did that ever change for me. I was one of the types that stayed home most of the time and didn't get out to do much though. :(

RoseTattoo Thu, Jan-29-04 15:51

Kristine and Atlee, I know what you mean about getting jumped on. It hasn't been too bad, but people should realize that there are so many health benefits to low carbing in addition to weight loss. :)

Lisa N Thu, Jan-29-04 18:03

Originally Posted by latingirl
I was one of those who you talked about. I used to eat 5 or 6 candy bars a day and everything else I wanted. I was 5' 6" and a size 4 until I was 30. People used to tell me " day your metabolism will change..." and it did.

My brother was one of those. All through high school he tried to gain weight and couldn't even eating far more than the average person as well as a steady diet of pop, doughnuts, etc... That trend continued until he hit about 35; ate anything he wanted whenever he wanted and stayed thin. Then in one year, he put on about 40 pounds and found himself having to hit the gym to get it off and keep it off as well as majorly changing his eating habits.

LadyBelle Thu, Jan-29-04 19:31

My brother was one of those. All through high school he tried to gain weight and couldn't even eating far more than the average person as well as a steady diet of pop, doughnuts, etc... That trend continued until he hit about 35; ate anything he wanted whenever he wanted and stayed thin. Then in one year, he put on about 40 pounds and found himself having to hit the gym to get it off and keep it off as well as majorly changing his eating habits.

I see alot of parents talk about that on here and other places. "Well they are a growing boy with a high metabolism. I don't see why I should limit junk food since they don't have a problem"

Yes they don't have a problem now, but the eating habits instilled now will stay with them for life. It will be much easier for them at 40 whem metabolism slows if they are already eating a balanced diet instead of suddenly having to change the whole way they eat.

ItsTheWooo Thu, Jan-29-04 21:38

Originally Posted by latingirl
I was one of those who you talked about. I used to eat 5 or 6 candy bars a day and everything else I wanted. I was 5' 6" and a size 4 until I was 30. People used to tell me " day your metabolism will change..." and it did.

I think the big reason people get heavier as they get older is because their lifestyle changes and not so much their metabolism. A slower metabolism will make you pack on 10 or 15 pounds, but all those women who were thin when they were younger but then gain 30 40 50 or more pounds when they get older can't be explained away by a simple slow metabolism. I think the reason older people tend to gain so much weight is because their lifestyle changes... young people are always out of the house, hanging out with friends, moving, doing... older people are more likely to sit at a desk or at home for hours at a time. Plus, being idle for long periods of time makes you want to munch on foods, so you have a double threat to your weight: sedentary lifestyle and excessive calorie consumption.

Grimalkin Thu, Jan-29-04 21:50

Yes, but also as time goes by the years of bad diet start adding up and taking their toll too. Maybe it isn't visible on the outside while the body struggles to cope. Arteries slowly plaque, levels of circulating insulin slowly increase as cells become more resistant to it, ... then one day, wham! People call it a "slowing" metabolism, but I call it a "damaged" metabolism.

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