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Orang Mon, Nov-17-03 07:43

Protein Power Pals - Monday - Nov 17
:yay: :idea: :wiggle: :idea: :dazzle: :thup: :yay: :idea: :wiggle: :idea: :dazzle: :thup:

Good morning everyone - it's 9AM on the east coast of the US and no one has started our thread :exclm: Hope all of you are OK.


ewinpa Mon, Nov-17-03 11:17

OK, one of us is around :yay: Maybe Bawdy took Advil after her exercise yesterday and is sleeping in, heehee.Wendy is on Cloud nine :dazzle: , Shelly is probably out freezing and mooing at a calf :lol: , don't know where our Yeti is....... :q:

I have figured out that it is my evening eating (dinner) that is leading me astray. I eat a real good meal and then the dessert devil circles the globe and finds me and it doesn't matter if I am eating a low carb dessert, etc, I eat too much. The other problem is that I don't enjoy not having something for dessert; that wouldn't be a WOE I would stick with. It's like my evil twin takes over after 6 PM :bash:

Still coughing a little but hope to do some weight training today after work.

Bawdy, will try your Dobie Muffins as soon as I remember to pick up baking powder :eek: One question-I have Bob's Red Mill flax meal -ok to use?

Orang Mon, Nov-17-03 11:43

Ahhh........ I see Elaine has joined me and accounted for some of the missing folks. I think I saw the ghost of the yeti... now if we could only find Ellie, Marnie Kristine and Robin.

Bawdy had an anniversary and worked out - and is therefore entitled to sleep in an recuperate :lol:

Hmmm... the lack of traffic may result in me getting bored and venturing into photoshop.

About my WOE - I have been LC but not strictly PP lately. I'm maintaining my weight - not gaining or losing. I'm keeping the carbs around 40 - 50 gms and the protein around my minimum (102 g), but the fat numbers are way up there.

It has been kind of tough knowing I'm going to be doing the surgery thing soon. I'll have to have a lot of meds I don't like to take - pain meds tend to mess with my thinking for weeks afterward - make me edgy and irritable. They do this for a lot of people who have a history of abusing such meds /alcohol. I'm putting together my 'safety net' for that situation now (friends who are recovering themselves and understand what its like who will help me until I'm back to being myself again.)

Still no word on exactly when they will be doing this - they want two docs familiar with my case in this surgery - one for cardio and the other for gastro (my esophagus is adhered to the scar tissue) and they are having trouble finding a time that works for both.

BawdyWench Mon, Nov-17-03 12:17

Not to worry, I'm here. Feeling quite good, as a matter of fact. Not sore at all. Must be due to the extensive stretching I did afterward. I plan on doing the same workout/stretching tomorrow.

Elaine, the Bob's Red Mill is fine. I've used it before and is certainly easier than grinding your own flaxseeds. After opening the bag, though, I'd put it in the fridge.

Orang, how much warning will you have for the surgery? I hope you have time to mentally prepare. At least it's not as extensive as once thought. Keep us posted.

Gotta run. I'm in the office today and don't like hanging around the Internet for long. I'll catch up tonight. See ya! :wave:

BawdyWench Mon, Nov-17-03 12:18

Hey, everybody! Now the Wench has two chicken legs, too!

Lissette Mon, Nov-17-03 12:32

Hi ! I thought that I would check in am in the land of the living! :lol: It sounds like BW inspired us all, i had a great work-out on the treadmill last night and have made plans to do the same! I have another goal to strive for now, My DH"S Mum (sweet lady!) invited us to go to illinois for Christmas!! The reason that I am so excited is that My DSis Married My DH's Brother so most of my family is out there ( My mom and dad, sis and neices and nephews) plus I had lived out there for a while and my Best friend is there! :yay: :yay: :yay: So I Really need to get in gear! I would like to get down to atleast 138, I do not know if that is attainable by the end of Dec. Does anyone have any suggestions on some menus that I could go on that might kick it in gear?? I would love to feel good about myself for once when the family gets together!

Hi Orang! Prayers and :bhug: to you on your up and coming surgeries! You know that you have all our :rheart: and support! Just try to eat healthy and get your self through this! Ps, We do love your photo island escapades!HA :lol:

Hi to Elaine! The calves say hello! :D

Well I best get a going, we have to go to town for supplies!
Have a great day all!! :) :) :)

Orang Mon, Nov-17-03 13:23

I told you it was dangerous to let me get too bored...

ewinpa Mon, Nov-17-03 14:53

Answer to Shelly from yesterday's posts- the coconut oil I have is extra virgin, I don't drink it, although you probably could mix it in drinks if you melted it. It's not coconut milk... You can cook with it or spread it on toast. It really wasn't yukky (it has a clean coconut smell, etc)on toast, just tastes like coconut on toast! I don't use it a whole lot, was one of those "things" like CLA that you investigate and see if it works for you.

Oh the 'Skins-what can you say? Packers/Bucs game was a good one, so was the Eagles. At any rate- Dallas lost, that ALWAYS makes me happy :lol:

Orang -re: Photoshop-nice one :)

Orang Mon, Nov-17-03 15:47


This one is for you.


WendyOH Mon, Nov-17-03 17:31

Good evening. Just woke up from a nap. Was a bit tired today. Saw a movie with guy from work yesterday afternoon. Then went out to eat with him at Outback. Then went to the pet store and looked at the puppies. Then went back to my place and watched American Dreams. Then sat around and talked till 11 pm. 8 hours is a long time to spend with someone. You'd think you'd get sick of them. At least that is how it usually is for me with other people. Ahhhh..........................................

Anyway, was back to some more "normal" eating again today. I was up another half pound to 152, so 1 lb above my lowest, but I know why. It's from eating at Outback last night and Max & Erma's the night before. I am making "okay" choices, but I think what's got to happen if I continue to go out to eat is to really pay attention to the fat. I think I could handle a chicken caesar salad, but I never choose that. I'll choose the salad with all the trimmings, or else have a side salad plus and enormous hunk of meat, and I just don't need that much. I've never been good at eating only part of what is in front of me, but that is going to be my goal next time. Eat some now and take the rest home, what a concept.

Also I am feeling a bit weird b/c my first round of the pill is finally at the end and I've got TOM for the first time in over 3 months. It's a bit weird when you've been away from that for awhile, and I don't know how it will affect my daily weighings, as I never weighed myself till recently.

Elaine-It's so weird how our bodies seem to want something sweet to round off a meal. Even now, I have my desire for sweets, but not in the same way as before. I don't desire anything sugar, b/c I know how it will mess with me, but I still crave the taste and consume a fair amount of SF syrup in my yogurt and cottage cheese during the day. Right now my favorite is mixing cottage cheese with 1/2 t. cinnamon and some SF syrup. It's sooo tasty, and it gives me exactly what I want without overdoing it. Hugs to you as you try to figure out how to keep yourself satisfied but also stay in control.

Renee-That's tough that you just have to wait around for your surgery. The anticipation is the worst, and not knowing exactly when it is going to happen is even harder. Hopefully it will be soon so that you can get back on with living your life as you want to again.

Lissette-I think the best menus are usually the ones that are the simplest. In LFL they have a plateau-buster's menu which is focused primarily on eating grilled chicken, steamed broccoli, and grapefruit. It's obviously very low in fat, but also notice how it doesn't have any of the usually triggers for people like dairy and nuts. A surefire way for me to lose is to do a protein day or two. It's basically like doing stillman's, very low in fat and carbs, and high in protein. It promotes a lot of water loss, but also fat comes with it, and the lbs stay away. Just something you might want to consider to do for a day or two.

Chamellie Mon, Nov-17-03 18:52

Its Monday :roll: I was very good today, I walked on my lunch break and went to the gym. I am on a roll, let's hope I can keep it going.

Elaine - I also seem to always have dessert even when I am full and really don't need it. I rotate between yogurt with Fiber One cereal or fruit mixed in, 1/2 cup SF ice cream (sometimes more than a 1/2 cup :rolleyes: ), a small serving of Keto crispies milk, etc. I just try to make sure that I watch what I eat during the day to help minimize the damage. I just can't seem to give it up.

Wendy - is the 'guy' the same guy as you guy friend ??? I also have the same problem with eating way too much at resturants and sometimes at home too :lol: If it tastes good I just keep eating until I am miserable. I am working on this contstantly :)

Lissette :clap: :clap: WTG on the exercise! Sounds like you are going to have a great holiday. Why don't try some of Wendy's menus??

Orang - I understand your anxiety about the pain meds. It is good that you have friends to help you through it. We will be here for you as as well :)

Bawdy - Glad your not sore, wish I could say the same :rolleyes:

:wave: Rob, Robin, Kirstine, Marnie, Rebecca, and anyone I may have missed

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