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mommyto3 Thu, Feb-20-03 21:29

I TOTALLY blew it tonight. I don't know what happened.
I have been doing so well-until tonight. It hit me out of NOWHERE! I prepared a meal that would suit Atkins induction and then WHAM! I was feeding the twins (14 months old) a few cheerios while I was eating my supper. My husband wasn't home. He went to a hockey game w/my brother-in-law. Before I knew what happened, I had a handful of cheerios in my mouth.

Did I stop there? NO! I found our son's (12) Valentine's candy and had 2 Hershey's miniatures in my mouth. Did I stop there? NO. I then ate an Atkin's bar-which I CAN'T eat and lose weight for some reason-and to top it off, I ate one of my hubby's girl scout cookies before I finally got a grip!!

What in the world happened to me? I swear it hit me out of nowhere. I DID NOT see it coming or else I would have tried to arm myself. I am so disappointed and disgusted w/myself. I have been doing awesome. I've lost 14.5# in just over 3 weeks. Who knows what damage I did to that progress in just a period of 5 minutes.

I can't EVER let this happen again, yet I don't know how to prevent it. My family shouldn't have to do without the foods they love and can eat without weight issues just because of me. I didn't think that I was supposed to have cravings. I don't even know if it was a craving. I think that it was a total and instantaneous loss of self-control. I feel so weak and ashamed. I have so much to lose that I can't afford to make mistakes like this again.

Any ideas?? Our son's soccer team is having their chili supper tomorrow night to top things off. I don't know what to do about that, yet. I don't suppose a bowl of chili is allowed, is it?

Please, give me a kick in that pants to straighten me out! I need a dose of reality here. (Don't worry, I can take it!)

liz175 Thu, Feb-20-03 21:41

Hi Deborah,

Carbs are an addiction and addictions take time to overcome. You have been doing great -- don't beat yourself up too much because you had one bad evening. The carbs got the better of you tonight, but you can get the better of them tomorrow.

Feeding kids is tough -- I know that I gained quite a few pounds finishing what my kids were eating when they were younger. You've probably gotten in the habit of popping a few Cheerios in your mouth while feeding them and that habit just came back because you let up your guard a little and weren't watching for it after three successful weeks on Atkins. Once you eat a few carbs, it is just really easy to keep on going.

Learn from this experience and you'll be fine. Obviously, you have to watch it while feeding the kids so you don't start to snack without paying attention to what you are doing. Just pick yourself up and go back to eating the way you were eating. You may gain a few pounds of water weight, because carbs make you retain water, but if so the water will be gone in a few days. You may also have more cravings for carbs for the next few days, but you overcame that once and you can overcome that again. It doesn't sound like you ate enough extra calories to gain any fat.

Good luck to you! Focus on how well you have been doing and what you can do to prevent a similar carb blow-out in the future.

momofmka Thu, Feb-20-03 22:32

If it helps I know how you feel. PMS is killing me right now, I want chocolate. Instead I had some jello with whip cream. Not quite the same but it seemed to help.
Chili dinner tomorrow night, I have found it helps to eat before going into a social situation like that, then I'm not so hungry that I'm tempted to eat something I shouldn't.
Good luck. :daze:


kjturner Fri, Feb-21-03 05:59

Makes you feel like you're possessed, doesn't it?

statjunk Fri, Feb-21-03 14:51

Perfection doesn't win the day. Persistence and determination do!

The good thing is that you are over it. Right?

Move on and don't let this blemmish get you down. I would consider putting it in writing and placing somewhere where you will see it. Also put an expiration date on it, let say two weeks from now, so that if you don't do it again by that day then you will throw the note away.

My 2cents.


didi3 Fri, Feb-21-03 17:57

:) You are not perfect (I'm not either - nor anyone else)! Don't keep reliving the slip - get back up and dust yourself off! Concentrate on the pounds you have loss and the pounds that will shed soon! It takes courage to admit to all of us your small indecresation - (we all don't have your guts!) Keep up the good work and relish those carbs you indulged in! Valentine candy - I bet that chocolate tasted reallllly goooood!! :daze:

DDMariana Fri, Feb-21-03 20:02

Hi Deborah...

We can all relate to those moments where there is no rationale, just a body in search of sweets! It really makes you see that we are addicted to carbs, habits, and generally not paying attention to what we put in our mouths. It's afterwards that we realize...and you did. Good job. Enough said. :thup:

Sometimes that one little thing won't show up on the scale, but if it does, it quickly readjusts as long as you get right back on the wagon and continue. Its the pattern of those cheats that does me in...I learned the really long, hard way!

When I have to go out somewhere...I eat before I go, AND I bring a dish of something that I can eat - enough for nibblers and guests - but at least I know there's SOMETHING on the table for me to munch on instead of all the no-no stuff.

Good luck... no more :bash: just :angel: !!


tbagram Fri, Feb-21-03 20:07

your not alone
Is'nt it wonderful that you have this group to turn to when you blow it. Remember the days when you blew it and had no one to vent to and just kept on eating. Having this group is such a blessing in more ways than one! Vonnie

mommyto3 Fri, Feb-21-03 21:00

You know, I could never express to you all how much I appreciate your support and encouragement. I've really beat myself up about this-last night and today. It honestly made me doubt whether I could do continue w/my diet or not. You have helped me put into perspective and not dwell on it or let it defeat me.

I am so thankful that I found this website-truly thankful.

Best wishes to all of you and thanks again. :bhug:

macc Fri, Feb-21-03 22:22

Hi Deborah!

I've just been reading over your journal--seems like we have so much in common: husband, three children, teaching (I'm in school to teach), southerners :) , and we LOVE carbs! LOL

I truly understand your 'binge' or whatever we should call it. I have done just that lately. Like you, I don't know why I do it, but unlike you, I am totally aware; I just want them!

Please listen to these ladies, and don't beat yourself up. It will pass, and you will be okay. I don't think you will destroy what you've worked so hard to accomplish.

You can live on this WOE. I have found I can even go to church socials and schools functions. There's usually something for me to eat there, unlike on lowfat or other diets. So hang in there!


UAGirl Fri, Feb-21-03 23:16

Hi Deborah!! :)

I do want to say that your only human. This one mistake was a lesson well learned. And remember this may not be your last mistake, just know that you did not gainback all your lost weight by one slip up.

Also, this is not a diet. It is a way of life. This means when you go outside your way of life, you step right back in.

And yes it is that simple.

As for the future, you need to learn to condition yourself, it becomes routine, then it becomes natural.

I can watch someone eat a potato and almost be literally sick to my stomach. Took me 2 years but I did it. :)

Have you read "A letter of apology to my body" yet? It is bumped up here. It will really throw a spin on your perspective. I suggest you read it. :)

Keep your chin up, your doing great and well on the road to success!! :D

bigguyjonc Fri, Feb-21-03 23:37

Hi Deborah,

I have cheated many times. Many more then i care to admit and I have still lost weight. 75 lbs so far. What i do is if i cheat i take a long walk. Maybe for an hour. I figure that makes up the cheating. I also feel alot better about myself when I'm done. I can't tell you how many times in the past i have cheated early in the week and said well i guess this weeks shot I guess I'll start over again next week. I don't do that any more. THat's how I gained back 17 lbs I had lost and have just lost that 17 lbs again last week after 6 weeks of sticking to my diet rigidly. I kind of went off on a tangent. My point is don't give up! not even a week at a time. Take each day a day at a time. If u fall start again the next day. I have totally gone off my diet for 2 days straight and ate sandwiches and cake etc then started over on the third day stuck to my diet the rest of the week and still lost 2 lbs for the week. anyway I am just trying to illustrate how important it is not to give up. I think you get the point. Well I think I am all typed out. Stay in there you will do great.


Bamrak Sat, Feb-22-03 14:40

I don't think it's reccomended, but I allow myelf at least one peice of candy or sweets that I enjoy every day, so long as it is only one, and it has to be less than 4 grams per day. My only craving was the first week, now it's more of a reward for maintaining discipline. Last week, I found myself wanting the candy only one time, so it may be one of those issues where time heals the wounds :)
Good luck!

DDMariana Sat, Feb-22-03 20:23

Okay Bamrak...let me gently and lovingly play CANDY COP for a mintue here...before the real cops jump on this first!

Not that I don't believe in doing what works for each individual, but the basis of LC'ing is to let your body adjust to doing without those candy routines...especially as a 'reward' for doing well. Are these possibly LC or sugar free "candies" you're talking about??

In my own life, I attribute many of my old eating habits to lessons like that grandmother always wanted to celebrate with food, reward me for good grades with ice cream, etc. And for the next 20 years, that's what I did for myself....

Those VERY hard habits to break... if you no longer have the cravings, why not reward yourself with something non-edible?

Just a bashing, I promise! :D

PoofieD Sat, Feb-22-03 22:20

Elsewhere on this board I have tried to make the point that this is not like Low fat high carb low calorie dieting.
Its about getting back to basics and really figuring out how to nurish your body.
when you give into a sugar self medication fest what you have done is just for one time, one moment made the choice to nurish yourself less well.
So what can you do to avoid it next time?? do you need more fat in your diet? Do you need a good fat right at the minute? Are you lacking in protien or are you really hugry for a great big green salad?
Don't beat yourself up. Just remind yourself this is about health and the weight loss follows.
Does that make any sense?

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