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Zuleikaa Fri, Feb-06-04 18:15

Are Members of the Triple Digits Club Carb Addicts
I've always wondered whether people who have 100 or more pounds to lose would be found to be carbohydrate addicts as measured by the Drs. Hellers. In fact, I've really been convinced that this is a large part of the problem for them; that people who are 100 pounds or more over weight are really at the mercy of their bodies' chemistries.

I'm curious where members fall on the Carbohydrate Addicts addiction continuum and would appreciate you taking the test here and reporting on your results.

Please answer the questions as you would have before you came to lc.

I am not trying to convince anyone to change programs!! I've just always been curious about this and got the courage today to try a poll format. I hope it's easier than I thought, lol!!!

AntiM Fri, Feb-06-04 19:22

Hi Zuleikaa ...

Interesting thread! I've wondered, too, since I don't think I have a carb addiction, although I know many successful low carbers do.

I scored 2 - Sometimes I eat when I'm not hungry and I've lost and gained weight many times in the past.

conbom Fri, Feb-06-04 19:31

Well, after scoring a 9 on the quiz I guess you could definately put me into the Card Addict camp. The only one I didn't mark yes on was the question about repeated diets. That's because I never wanted to go through the frustration of dieting with little or no results and being hungry all the time. One problem with the questions is that I did have to answer yes because they put the question in terms of "sometimes." A couple of them I wouldn't say were really a problem but "sometimes" I do whatever is being asked about. Whether I am an actual addict or not, I know that I have problems with carbs,esp sweets. I feel very spacy after eating them and have no energy, not even the sugar spike.


liz175 Fri, Feb-06-04 19:45

I can answer the poll two ways. Thinking back to 18 months ago, before I started low carbing, I would answer yes to all 10 questions -- severe addiction. Taking it today, and responding as someone who eats very few carbs, I only answer yes to two of them -- I occasionally have issues with snacking at night and I have been on multiple diets and then regained the weight. That puts me at no addiction. However, I'm certain that the addiction would reappear if I significantly upped the quantity of carbs that I eat. I guess I am a recovered addict.

How should I answer the poll -- severe addiction or no addiction?

hummelda Fri, Feb-06-04 19:48

I've answered with my "before" persona -- and got 9. I had already figured out that I'm a carb addict and this just completes it. A recovered carb addict but from the number of times I have gained and lost weight, definitely an addict.

Zuleikaa Fri, Feb-06-04 20:11

I asked that members answer with their "before" persona. That gives me a trueer picture. LC helps to correct carb addiction.

Marie H Fri, Feb-06-04 20:43

:q: While I scored very high on the addiction scale, I'm not convinced that those questions aren't measuring something else -- at least in my case.

I've only been doing this for 4-1/2 weeks, so it's really too soon to tell if things will change much, but, at least for now, I'm not sure any of the answers would change much. There is no question but what I often overeat, and tend to be unaware of when I'm hungry/full, but those issues have to do with other issues from my past rather than specifically what I eat, I think.

Ask again after I've been doing this for six months!

Marie H

2muchofme Fri, Feb-06-04 20:55

:yay: Wow! A perfect 10. Ha!
Seriously folks, I agree with what Liz said. before I started low carbing, I would answer yes to all 10 questions -- severe addiction. Taking it today, and responding as someone who eats very few carbs, I only answer yes to two of them -- I occasionally have issues with snacking at night and I have been on multiple diets and then regained the weight.
This past weekend I made a batch of peanut butter fudge and ate all of it but 3 or 4 pieces. Weekends are bad for me. During the week, I'm away from home at work. No temptations. On weekends, I'm here at home and the temptations are tremendous. I can think of a million things I want and crave. I'll have to keep super busy from now on and not have the opportunity to do this again. It is emotional eating not hunger.

maryc Fri, Feb-06-04 21:26

I scored a 3. It took me a while to figure out where the questions were at. Finally I saw your word HERE. hehe :)

Wolfiesask Fri, Feb-06-04 21:29

I'm a perfect 10!!!!!1
I started out doing CAD but due to my bulimic past I turned the reward meal into a binge. It was like me telling one of my alcoholic clients that they could drink as much as they wanted, but had to do it with in an hour per day. I started a half-assed Atkins program fall of 2002 but due to a strike I had no finances to eat LC; we were lucky to keep eating...sigh. Since starting Atkins in April I feel like I'm in control for the first time in my life and I'll be forever grateful.

Great thread!

Nicole :wave:

orchidday Fri, Feb-06-04 21:36

I scored a 9 which didn't surprise me in the least. I could bathe in garlic mashed potatoes and make love to Hershey's Chocolate Syrup ::sigh::


Dr.Ray Fri, Feb-06-04 23:13

LOL, I used to use hersheys when I would, ummm, well, make a sunday, whipped cream is fun too!

When they say a full breakfast, I am thinking of the diner breakfast we get once a week, chipped beef over dark brown home fries, rye toast on the side, im not hungry til dinner, BUT its a thousand calorie breakfast!!!

Oatmeal does a nice job of keeping me full, so does grits and eggs

kath310 Fri, Feb-06-04 23:17

If it were possible to score an 11 on that quiz, I would have. "Ours go to eleven."

Starting lc and reading DANDR, I "self-diagnosed" myself as a carb addict. Not that this quiz is scientific proof, but asking the right questions certainly gives a clearer picture!

I was always a B student....should I print my quiz & post it on the fridge...actually, that wouldn't be such a bad idea for a deterrant! :lol:

But, if I were to answer the questions now living the lc life, I have such a different view of carbs and what my body "needs" now....amazing! :yay:

Thanks for the quiz & this was interesting :)

AZDean Sat, Feb-07-04 07:39

I scored an 8. I've never tried dieting before as I hated the idea of it, and I never really had a problem with night time snacking (I'm a morning person and too tired at night to think much of eating).

But I REALLY had a problem with eating way too much, of stuffing myself and STILL not being satisfied!! Only the pain of being full would really stop me!! Yikes!!

But I'm am SO DIFFERENT today!!! Yeah!! I'm am definitely NO LONGER a carb-addict, and that is such a GOOD thing.

One funny thing for me though was that I couldn't remember what I used to eat for breakfast!! I only started last June, but already, that life I lived back then seems like ages ago!! Wow!

twinkles10 Sat, Feb-07-04 08:04

I scored a ten also. Too bad I didn't know about any of this stuff a LONG time ago; eating LC has certainly changed a LOT about my life.

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