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lowco Tue, Dec-17-02 19:44

Recommit For 2003



I use to visit a website full of sommercizers, full of support tips and tricks. Even when some were not losing weight they were motivated to stay on plan cause of the support and new friends they made. Afterall it will take time to recover from years of dieting and INSULT. the guilt of eating ,EATING!!!!!!! a food that you like.......WHY? i am not a sommercizer but i used to go there for inspiration.People stay on that plan for 3 months with no weight loss then all of a sudden BOOOOOOOOOOOOM, there clothse don't fit and they are smaller. The scale is not a measure for success. It's how you feel that counts. Being content with eating, the food you eat every day is better than losing pounds FAST....only to regain it !!!I am learning that now.

With this board active and alive we could support and motivate each other to stay on plan and also catch the eye of people like us who are having problems LOW a CAder said once you leave the safty zone of induction Carb ADDicts are out of control. THERE IS HOPE AFTER INDUCTION!!!!

What are your plan for next year what would you like to improve?

nawchem Tue, Dec-17-02 21:30

I admire your enthusiasm! You really hit the nail on the head. Last year I followed Atkins faithfully until May but didn't lose weight. Then I started thyroid hormone and my metabolism became so active that I had to eat more carbs because of the massive water loss. While my metabolism was ramping up I lost 22 pounds. But as soon as I ate more carbs I had such bad cravings that I caved into that I couldn't lose weight and even gained. Does that make sense?

Yes, I figure CAD is the only diet I can really follow. Now my metabolism is shot and I have to eat so few carbs to lose 10 or less per day that I'm starving and have cravings.

Yes I'm trying so hard to adjust to all these changes and can't figure out whats going on with my own body and would love a sounding board and others thoughts on things.

thanks for idea.

Dar Babe Wed, Dec-18-02 06:28

I'm in!
Okay Lowco, I'm in.

I've lost weight on CAD before. Then I hit a one year stall. I stayed on plan through the stall but after a year I started overcarbing. Now I'm ten pounds heavier then when I started. I'm CADing now but I don't hold out much promise of being clean through Christmas. (I'm baking cookies and other goodies this weekend) I'm also overcarbing at my RM. So here's to a clean new year and finally losing the extra weight!

I love the idea of swapping recipes too!

mbutterfly Wed, Dec-18-02 08:14

Me Too!!
I'd love to commit to sticking to fruit as my dessert for my reward meal at least 3 or 4 days a week, and balancing a little better. I was losing weight so much faster when I was doing that!

Count me in!


Zuleikaa Wed, Dec-18-02 09:03

I've got a long way to go and for me this WOE is a WOL and survival! Count me in! I'll probably gain some more and won't really lose until spring because of SAD but I'm determined to stay on plan however unbalanced right now.

Vel Wed, Dec-18-02 10:34

Count me in too!
I am a relatively new LC-er, having started CAD in Sept 2002. I have lost about 37 lbs since then, with lots more to lose. I am VERY happy to have found CAD, and very excited about all the changes to come in my life as I continue on with this WOE.

I love the idea of getting to "know" some of the CADettes better, too! :spin:

need2bthi2 Wed, Dec-18-02 18:00

:wave: :wave: :wave: :thup: :thup: :thup: :wave: :wave: :wave:

Count me in. I will probably need heaps of support in the new year after Xmas.

Lila2002 Wed, Dec-18-02 20:50

I am just getting started on CALP and was doing quite well till this week. Count me in - now that I have found something I can live with I'm excited to really work it. These next 2 weeks won't be perfect, but come January I'll be 'to the letter'!


plum Thu, Dec-19-02 07:39

Yes Please.
Im finding CAD easy to put into practise but already I feel I will be better with balancing my RM perfectly.... and..... did someone say exercise ....... :( ..... I need to find something I dont begrudge doing..... :)

lowco Thu, Dec-19-02 20:39

my friends think i am crazy, and obessed.

you can onLY eat what when???!!!They exclaim.
i feel good reading posts , knowing that i am not alone. I don't even feel like eating with them anymore because they will not appreciate my diet as MY CHOICE.

i eat my RM's with them, with no problem, then snacks way after 1 hr limit comes my way and i refuse and they are confused.

i can understanD why i can eat anything and not gain weight with CAD. THE CONSTANT EATING HAS TO STOP!!!!!! IT'S LUNCH, THEN SNACK, THEN MINTS, dessert all day, and fat free junk! i don't mind if i maintain anymore I JUST WANT TO BE HEALTHY AND FREE FROM diabetes, high blood presure and weight gain....etc

mbutterfly: i am with you with the fruit thing.....i'll start sooner than next year. I have chocolates i want to indulge in :) i have to stop the wheat to......cause i gained a pound or 2 after i had cookies and cakes......

grandma Thu, Dec-19-02 20:43

Me too!

I'd really like to join in too. I don't think I'm going to be much good until I can get the junk food out of my house after Christmas. I'll need a lot of support then and would like to be a support to others as well. Thanks and looking forward to a light and lean new year.

Grandma (Mary)

Moi Thu, Dec-19-02 21:38

Woohoo! I'm in too!


sabregirl Fri, Dec-20-02 20:38

Hi everyone: I'm pretty new to this too and have not had a lot of success so far because of not balancing my RM. On the other hand, I feel so much better and can actually tell that my blood sugar is finally under control. I guess that's not so bad. What's amazing to me is reading your posts and seeing that really, I'm not nearly as alone in my experiences as I think. It's good to know that other people have similar struggles. If someone has a secret to balancing the RM I'd love to hear it. Somehow, that extra cookie or piece of chocolate just jumps on my plate. I think having fruit at least a couple of times a week as dessert is a great idea. Anyway, just want to let you know that your posts a great source of comfort and inspiration. :)

lowco Sun, Dec-22-02 15:50

For 2003

We could have challenges like, no sugar challenge, no wheat challenge, drink water challenge or excercise, no scale challenge. Any thing that may be of interest. Why do it alone get company. See what needs improvement another cader may be having the same problem. This makes life so much easier, and makes the board exciting.

Dar Babe Mon, Dec-23-02 05:24

Wow, I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one who needs to recommit. I've been fully off plan for 5 days now. I feel terrible! I mean physically just plain yucky. I just hate feeling this way. It's hard for me to imagine that I used to feel this way all the time and think it was normal.
I'm going to try to eat low carb for as many meals as I can until the new year. Then I'll need all the support I can get to stay strictly on plan. I start out gung ho and lose steam about 10 days into it.

Here's to new beginning's!
Happy Holiday's

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