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sexym2 Mon, Nov-18-13 13:19

Beginning Second Round of IVF in January
My other half took a local truck driving job to afford the second round of IVF. He normally farms all year round and has a State seasonal job in the summer. Fields didn't produce well this year, we needed more. So, he got his CDL and is pulling lumber trailers to the Amish owned saw mill only 8 miles from home. He is trying hard to get onto a State job thats 3 hours away. He would be gone for 4 days out of the week and still driving for the saw mill on Fridays and Saturdays.

I'm trying not to stress that I am going to be going through this IVF cycle basicly on my own. I am staying with a friend an hour from the hospital for that week and a half but I still will have to give myself my shots and do the driving.

Sometimes I think its totally u nfair of him to ask of all this from me. He is the one that really wants a baby, I have 3 already, I'm good in that dept. But then I stop and think of all those people that have to work and only home on the weekends. The military folk who stay over sees for a year and many longer than that. So, getting my head out of my ass, I can do this (most days).

I know I can, I just remember my ex working nights when I had the others and he slept 10 hours a day and hid infront of the TV til work. I basicly raised the kids myself, I remember how hard it was but would be incredibly selfish of me to tell him no, when he is working so hard to make it happen.

I am working hard on eating healthier. I am day 11 of eating strick LC. The plan is to put the eggs back in January 18, so I hope to loose a few lbs before then and be as healthy as I can before that. Also I am an emotional binge eater, I would love to have the worst of that set aside because I'm going to have other things to do besides worry about my binging habits and trying to loose weight.

So, my mind is going to how I am going to eat after I am pregnant. Many say to stay low carb but a more moderate plan. Is the baby missing out on needed nutrients if I stay low carb, under 20 ?

What es everyones opinions here? If we had a Dr on the board, that would be great.

kjs1775 Mon, Nov-18-13 14:03

Hi there...

I've been re-reading my DANDR and he specifically states if you are pregnant to not do indunction, >20 grams . There is a section on pregnancy but with me not being pregnant I skipped right over it...

Good Luck

sexym2 Mon, Nov-18-13 14:16

I know what the book says, I'm just not scertain if I believe everything most Drs have to say. If one told pregnant women to eat only meat and fat, I think they would end up sued just for being different.

ParisMama Tue, Nov-19-13 07:13

I've done IVF 4 times (3 of them while low carb). I personally have always tried to drift up out of ketogenic while going through that - and that's my personal opinion about pregnancy too (I feel low carb is fine but I'm not so sure about ketogenic levels).

I too did most of my shots etc on my own with my husband traveling. At first it sucked then I got used to it. Once I was used to it I didn't want his help even when he was around.

Best of luck to you - I know it's quite an undertaking, physically, financially and especially emotionally. Feel free to vent all you want - sending virtual hugs.

sexym2 Tue, Nov-19-13 09:30

Thanks ParisMomma, I was doing as much resurch as possible on the subject and there are no desceently run studies on the effects of pregnancy while in ketosis. But for the sake of not wanting an unhealthy child, I think I will let my carbs go up a little. I am an addict though so I have to be careful. I was thinking a little berries with breakfast, some bright colored veggies with lunch and more veggies and/or a few oz potatoe with supper plus the normal meat and fat. I wil have to play with numbers to see what I can and cannot eat and keep me somewhere between 50 and 80 carbs a day.

My period is 4 days late, I cry unpravoked, I gained several pounds also so I accounted that to PMS. I can go 32 days, its happened before.Saturday mid afternoon I was nauseous for several hours, it settled down after everyone else ate supper..Last Sunday forming I was nauseous all morning, no vomiting just felt bad in the tummy.I ate a little and it settle for a little while and came back HMMMM, that sounds familiar from my past. Monday (yesterday) I did great all day and about 3 I got really tired, laid down for a nap (highly unusual) got up after the kids came home and was naucious. BF came home and I told him I wasn't cooking so he set to frying up the catfish I had thawed. That lard warmed up and I really thought I was going to loose it. I ran for the bedroom and shut the door and he turned the vent on over the stove. I didn't come out of hiding till they were almost done with supper, the lard smell was out of the air. It still took a few more hours before my stomach totally settled. Get up this morning and stepped on the scale, my weight has been up a little and I took PMS to blame for that. Got on the scale and I was down 2 lbs and I have not had my period yet.

It seems odd to have nausea this early in a pregnancy but to be honest I don't remember how quickly I got it with my others. It was never a pukey nausea, just upset stomach and feel like crap thing. Always tired, gosh I remember that LOL

Because of my history I am very high risk for tubal pregnancy. Bit of a concern for me, so my son has a Dr appt this morning, I'm going to ask her to draw blood on me and find out if I am pregnant or not I am so close to the time to start my birth control for the IVF, I want all this squared away. It would be nice if I am naturally pregnant. Less stress, a whole lot less money going out, and simply easier all the way around.

Took my vitamins last night just in case I was pregnant and took them this morning. Just in case :)

ParisMama Wed, Nov-20-13 01:50

Fingers crossed Jacki that you are!

The plan of drifting upwards on carbs looks good - basically that's my thought too - just increased veggies and a little fruit. I find potatoes hard to control personally (I always eat more than I should) so I find it easier to avoid them, but that's a personal variation.

sexym2 Tue, Dec-24-13 16:24

Started my shots (Lupron) on the 21st and today is the last day of my birthcontrol pills. Thankf goodness!!! My boobs are killing me and this morning I got splattered in the chin with hot grease and I bawled like a big baby, like some body took my baby. Ya it hurt, it still hurts but that was just a little more dramatic than I care to be :lol: BF hugged me at first then when I was sobbing and laughing at myself he laughed at me too. My kids had no clue what was going on though! I was a mess! I did get over it, cooled off the burn and ate my breakfast that he finished cooking.

I go to the hospital on the 3rd to do my first ultrasound and blood work. Then starting the 8th I go back for daily ultra sound and blood work till appx the 15th. Its going to be a long week!

I am staying 4 hours from home and BF won't be joining me till the end when he is needed. Its winter he has chores and a job and he will take care of the kids as long as possible till we has to come down with me. the kids will be going to my mothers after that.

Haven't gotten my food intake under control, really wanting to but I'm always wanting to. I feel like I've developed IBS with scertain foods and terrible sharp gas with other foods and wine and cranberry soda produced the worse gas ever, even worse than BF. Its time I go natural, my body is not handling this junk well any more.

ParisMama Thu, Dec-26-13 05:58

Hugs to you.

This is not the time to diet. You are creating the eggs that will become your embryos and your future babies. You can diet all you want after all this is done. Until then just try to do the things that relax you a bit - I know it's a very trying experience (but it can be so very worth it!).

sexym2 Thu, Dec-26-13 08:33

If I do what relaxed me I will be 20 lbs heavier when we I am finally pregnant LOL :lol: I do think keeping it natural is the most important thing.

Alocin75 Sat, Jan-11-14 11:08

Hi Jacki, Hope all is going well with your IVF. I had it done about 5 years ago. I still remember how difficult the emotions where. Sending prayers that you are successful.

inflammabl Sat, Jan-11-14 14:28

Originally Posted by sexym2
but I still will have to give myself my shots

One of my least favorite things. It's not horribly painful but it is a new experience.

Sometimes I think its totally u nfair of him to ask of all this from me. He is the one that really wants a baby, I have 3 already, I'm good in that dept. But then I stop and think of all those people that have to work and only home on the weekends. The military folk who stay over sees for a year and many longer than that. So, getting my head out of my ass, I can do this (most days).

"He is the one..."? Everything should be a team effort from now on.

sexym2 Fri, Jan-17-14 21:37

Apparently I am getting old LOL Out of 15 folicals we got 8 eggs and out of 8 eggs we got 2 good eggs that fertalized, lived 3 days and they put the 2 embros in today. I was told to relax today LOL I'm in somone elses house, just being away from home is bothing me. I'm either a hormonal bitch or a crying mess. My friend and I have been kinda avoiding each other the past week. Not hard to do since she spends all her time in front of the computer or in her room all the time, she sleeps a lot too. I have been running around, waisting gas durring the day and show up in the evening for supper. I don't know what I did to piss her off, all I can figure is 2 adult women in one house may be too much LOL

We are packing up and going home tomorrow :)

"He is the one..."? Everything should be a team effort from now on.

What part of pregnancy is a team effort? LOL Lets face it, for the most part (not all) us women do most of it from pregnancy to child birth to raising them. His father was involved when he was home from work, he comes home now after work and is involved with me and the kids. I see no reason why he wouldn't be involved down the road. But,\ as the woman, I am the main care taker. The pregnancy may not be fun, just getting to this point has not been fun. I get the shots, I get the hormonal issues, he gets to deal with me LOL He can't do much more than that, although I keep threatening to give him shots in the butt too.

Pregnancy is pretty much on my shoulders took he's not taking the shots or carrying it. I'm sure he will help when I'm not feeling up to doing my work and such but he can't carry the kid/s (keep threatening to put one in him too). Lets face it, for most of us pregnancy has is down sides LOL He is a silly man and has no clue to it, he will learn :)

As for him being the one? I believe he is. I've been married twice now, my first ex husband lives with my litte sister (what a fellow). My second ex husband has been showing his selfish and nasty side for quite some time.

Heath is everything they are not, he's patiend with me even when I'm blond. He shook his head when I dented up my care the other day and said "life goes on." He is helpful and loving with the kids, and even though he doesn't like my rabbits he is there to help repair the barn or sex the baby bunnies. He is gentle and loving with me, he does little things that would melt your hearts :) He is balding, graying, getting chubby in the mid section and I wouldn't trade him for the world.

When I met hiim he was open that he wanted a child at some point. I told him I couldn't have them, crazy as heck that we ended up together LOL We were attached from the beginning and about a year into it, he started getting upset that he would never get the chance to raise a child from the start. After a while of kinda sweeping it under the rug I had to make a descision. Move him on or try to to give him what he wants. I really did/do not believe that he would have stuck around forever if I didn't at least try.

We've tried LOL I've had a surgery to repair my falopian tubes with gave me more scar tissue, infection in my abdomanen and a blood infection. He stuck by my side all week long while I was in the hospital. I hurt all the time but held back the tears till the end. Every time they stuck me, I just couldn't control the tears any more. He cried with me and we made it through that long and painful wee.

I went blind a few years back and he was there with me, leading me around and helping with everything. We cried together then too LOL He stuck it out with me, to this day he knows what I can and can't see and is always there to help me. You know, he used to lead me into rest rooms and guide me to toilets and sinks. He still does it out of habit when we are in public LOL Its kinda funny but we did that for so long! He still leads me around in parking lots and stores. I can loose my own mother in a store and if its too bright or too dark in a parking lot I can't see a thing. A year ago my right ovary had to come out, he was with me through all that. He cried with my Dr when we were told that I couldn't have children naturally. He told me that he would do his best to get over that but as time went on, he just wasn't. Finally last summer I told hiim it was time to put the money up and do IVF. It didn't go well at all, the medication did not do well in my body and the eggs died shortly after the retrieval. I was a hormonal bitch all the way home, its a 4 hour drive. I cried, I blamed hiim for all my pains emotional and physical. I felt used and only wanted for my ovarys (or lack of). Nothing could sedate me that day, I informed him I was never doing that again.
He took my wrath all the way home, finally, an hour from home, he pulled over and started to cry. Then we started really talking and got it all off our chest. We've been excedingly close ever since, like we weren't already LOL We talked about trying again with a different protocol. Finally we agreed on January and that this would be the last time. We are out of money and I'm very honest, every time I get stuck in the ass with that giant needle, I'm feeling a little used. It has to be done though with IVF and I get over my fits when he's done and rubs the sore spot on my bum and cuddles with me afterwards.

I don't think we find too many good men out there, but even the good ones has faults. I can't say him wanting to have the experiance of raising a child from the start a fault.

So, after all that, I'm not getting rid of him. Right now we are laying in bed at my friends house. He's already gotten my computer and water so I could climb in bed and stay here and "rest" as the Dr ordered :)

I have not done well with my eating its been really hard living in someone elses home and eating well. We both agreed that tomorrow we are eating healthier. I've already boughten lots of veggies to take home with us.

inflammabl Sat, Jan-18-14 07:25

Well that was quite the response. I think you're a remarkable woman. I like how you come to his defense when I'm concerned for you.

ParisMama Sat, Jan-18-14 08:42

Sticky dust to you, hoping one of those little embryos settles in and grows to become your child.

Don't worry about the eating you've done, just dust yourself off and start anew.

sexym2 Sat, Jan-18-14 08:43

We have been through a lot together since we met and I believe good or bad we will go through a lot more together.

You know, he could have left a long time ago when my ovary was taken out and we found out that I wouldn't have children naterally. I even told him that he could go and find the family that he wants. But he didn't go, he cried and hugged me and is still with me. I get insecure some times wondering if he is going to leave because of my lack of girly parts but he always reasures me. He told me once that leaving never crossed his mind, he told me that family sticks together and it simply wouldn't be fair to walk away when I tried so hard.

I love the man, balding, belly and all.

We are packing up to go home now, I did the packing he is carrying it all out into the car. My friend is sending 2 rabbits home with me so he has to leave the cage put together for them and he frowned at that LOL I emagine he's wondering how to fit it all in my little hatch back, I did a little shopping these past few weeks :)

The question of weather or not I am or going to be pregnant is weighing on our minds. Inplantation wont happen on average till 6-8 days after fertilization. I am on day 4 now, we try not to think about it but we put a lot of money and mental energy into this to not worry.

He still doesn't want me to work out or do any heavy lifting till Tuesday, to give the embro a chance of attaching. I keep telling him that us women don't slow down for anything related to pregnancy but he now believes me to be an invalid :( Oh well, I guess I can milk it for a few days :)

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