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leborland Wed, Jan-07-04 11:52

Anyone heard of Maca root for thyroid?
I've been researching alternatives to synthetic thyroid vitamines, which have a lot of drawbacks. Coconut oil sounds like it's at least worth a try. By the way I discovered a great recipe, not for the oil, but for the milk which has a pretty high oil content and tastes great. I take 1/2 can of coconut milk and stir in some chocolate DaVinci syrup. Heat it in the microwave and you have a delicious rich hot cocoa. Each cup has over 50 grams of coconut oil. I don't know how that translates into tablespoons.

However, back to the topic, I've been reading about Maca root and hypothyroidism. This root is reported to help the whole endocrine system including the thyroid and can rebalance the estrogen dominance that often accompanies hypothyroidism and overweight problems. It has no phytoestrogens, but women are using it to alleviate menopause symptoms with apparently amazing success. The root works on the hypothalmus and pituitary glands to regulate the whole endocrine system, which has a very delicate balancing act to perform. There is no danger of too much hormone or hormone imbalance, because you are not taking a hormone replacement, you are stimulating the body's own natural production of hormones in a natural way. It's safe for men to take too, as it stimulates production of testosterone and has many benefits for them too, which I won't go into because the topic is hypothyroidism. You can check out the rest yourselves. This is one of the more interesting websites for Maca root. Lots of info.

If anyone has ever tried this, I'd be interested in hearing your experience.


leborland Thu, Jan-08-04 13:53

Maca Root
I turned up more good info in my search on Maca Root and hypothryoidism. This is a really interesting interview with Dr. Vianna Muller on South American Medicinal herbs and hormonal health. She was giving Maca root to menopausal women to treat their hot flashes and other symptoms, and several of them reported that they lowered their dose of synthroid or other thyroid replacement hormones because they no longer needed them. She then began to take them down slowly and systematically. There's a lot of other info in this interview about beneficial effects of Maca root on insulin control and beneficial effects on overweight problems.

Here's the website:

Micha2 Sun, Jan-11-04 13:05

Linda, Thanks for this interesting thread! I have ordered some Maca root over the internet yesterday, can't wait to try it out...


leborland Fri, Jan-16-04 09:38

After searching around the web, I decided to buy powdered Maca root in bulk and just add it to my shake. I've been taking a teaspoon a day for four days, and this is what I've noticed so far. Normally I am cold whenever I'm inactive, even for a short period of time. If I want to sit and read, I need to curl up in a blanket. I also, almost never sweat unless I've had a real workout, or it's like 90 degrees outside. Since taking the Maca root, I'm almost never feeling cold even though it's January, and I sweat easily just from simple tasks around the house. It's wierd. They say it's supposed to up your basal metabolism--well I guess!

The other thing I noticed is that my general energy level is much higher. I don't get as tired as before, and I'm needing less sleep. This morning I woke up at 4:00 am feeling hot and sweaty and wide awake. It's so different from my normal pattern. Something is very definately happening.

Bjuba Fri, Jan-16-04 10:00

This sounds great - where did you order Maca in bulk form from and what was the cost?

lowcarbjo Sat, Jan-17-04 12:14

I have a question... I have no thyroid (removed d/t cancer) and I'm on Synthroid... is it safe to take the Maca in this case?

leborland Thu, Jan-22-04 02:45

I bought it from Raintree Nutrition. I think their website is It cost $25 for a one pound bag. They seem to be pretty careful about the quality of their product. You can email them with your questions. The other site, is supposed to have medical professionals available to answer your questions.

doreen T Thu, Jan-22-04 09:46

re - Maca root ...

The dried root powder is 67.5% total carbohydrate ... 59% digestible carbs + 8.5% fiber. So a 10g dose (2 tsp) would yield 5.9g digestible carbs.

It does look interesting though ... I'll see if I can find this product in my area. I'm not keen to order from the internet.

Thanks for posting your experience with this Linda :thup:


lowcarbjo Mon, Jan-26-04 20:36

I found it at my local health food store. $23.00 for a 120 caps. Peruvian Maca Root is the name.

Ruralgurl Mon, Jan-26-04 21:15

Peruvian Maca Root
Wow, this may just be the answer I need too!
There is certainly a lot of information out there as well.
I also came across this article that is worth paying attention to.

regarding Big Business coming in and trying to exploit the lives of indiginous people! In this case Peru and trying to patent the Maca plant!!

Hey Locarbjo! What store did you purchase your at???

Hi DoreenT ...I rely on your vast amount of research and information on this site. I am so relieved you are still here and providing it for us!

lowcarbjo Sun, Feb-01-04 12:46

Hi Rualgurl... the Vitamin Discount Centre... they have one in almost every city...not sure where you live but there should be one near you. Healthfood stores should carry it as well.

Ruralgurl Sun, Feb-01-04 14:28

Hi Lowcarbjo

Thanks for the reply. I have gone out and purchased the Maca.
I picked up MACASure. Certified Organic Maca Root Extract, distributed by Sequel Naturals.
They have a website on the bottle that I have not checked as of yet..
Many sites seem to recommend buying the powder, I bought the vegicaps! I don't know why, I was in a hurry and the women really suggested the caps are easier to take than the powder so I just took her advice and left. I felt like I paid too much for them, but that is what impulse buying will get you.
$34.99 for 120 caps 750 mg per capsule.
She claimed Maca will really help balancing the hormones but when I mentioned thyroid she was not too keen that it would affect the thyroid that much. But then how do I know what she really knows and how much research she has done. I will give it a try though and see what kinda of changes come about.

leborland Wed, Feb-11-04 12:09

I just found another website with info on Maca Root and they sell the product for less than I've seen it anywhere else. I paid only $29.95 for a kilogram. They also sell capsules for $14.99, but like many other sources, they recommend using it as a food and getting the powder instead. You certainly save money doing it that way. I don't know how many capsules I'd need to make up a teaspoon. That's what I take every day mixed in a shake with low carb whey protein and DaVinci syrup.

It does add a few carbs to the total, but I'm inclined to think it's worth it. Maca root is a vegetable, and I eat other vegetables with carbs. I prefer to pick and choose the ones that give the most benefit. Potatoes, for example, are worthless but garlic is not, even though it's high in carbs, and a little garlic goes a long way.

The product at this website is certified and each shipment is analyzed for quality. Interesting in the testimonials page there was an entry by someone who was diabetic and hypothyroid who had profound improvement in his lifestyle and was able to lower his thyroid medication much to the surprise of his doctors. Usually, I don't put much stock in testimonials, but they don't mention thyroid in most of the promotional material on Maca Root. You have to hunt for it. A big problem with most botanicals is that no one is willing to pay for a big expensive study to see what they do because you can't patent it, so it's highly unlikely that you'll recover the cost of your study.

Since this product is perfectly safe, I decided the best way is to try it and see what it does. I've been taking Maca root for about a month now and I like the way it makes me feel: more energetic, mentally sharper, and I don't get cold. I think it's a little early to say much more than that.

Lindym Thu, Feb-19-04 23:10

So, how is it going? I bought some of the extract today. Are you getting the desired results?

leborland Thu, May-06-04 19:01

I started this thread and I've been taking Maca root for several months now. I can't believe the changes. My thryroid must really be stimulated because I'm hot and sweaty all the time and I used to be so cold that I'd take hot showers just to warm up. Before taking Maca I almost never perspired, no matter what the temperature, but now just drinking a cup of coffee makes me perspire, and I have to kick the covers off during the night because I get so hot it wakes me up. The weight is starting to burn off too. I was one of those turtles, who took forever to lose a pound. Now they are rolling off. My energy is much higher than before and my spirits are elevated. I feel really great. I know some of that is just because of the low carbs, but I think part of it is due to having my thyroid function better.

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