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flynnlee Mon, Apr-05-04 22:41

happy post
hey guys! hope all is going well!

remember when you first read atkins' books, or any lc book of any kind and you read that you would eventually be able to go several hours without eating anything? being a carb addict i thought that impossible. but now i can go forever without eating and have to force myself to eat! i have that old feeling back that i remember the first time on atkins(i've been on maintence now, wasn't quite ready to lose the last weight). isn't it great? what do you guys think of it? this woe is a godsend! being able to go all day without sugar cravings or several hours without eating or obsessing over food is almost better than weightlos(notice i said ALMOST better!lol!).

toopoles Mon, Apr-05-04 23:08

Hi flynnlee

I agree with you that this woe is a godsend. Things are so much better now than they were before. I am so thankful that I have this chance to be healed and made whole. :clap:


LUCKYLADY Mon, Apr-05-04 23:11

I know exactly what you mean! It used to be that I wouldn't even finish one meal without thinking about what I would eat at the next....Even when on weight watchers I did that. Now I really have to think about eating to get any kind of "hunger pains" and I can go hours without even thinking about food. I too have to remind myself to eat at times.

teresamay Tue, Apr-06-04 05:49

I love this way of life - I have totally changed my outlook and perspective on food. It is something my body requires, but I don't obsess over what i am eating - or what I am not eating. I don't feel deprived if I "can't" have some junk food someone else is - I have finally managed to realize that food is not the be all and end all of everything in life.

stephiewil Tue, Apr-06-04 06:12

It is great, food goes back to being about nutrition and what is good for my body, rather than eating just what tastes good, but is not really all that good for me. It is amazing to look at the clock and tell myself, oh, I had better eat,it has been too long. I can actually forget to eat. This is a great woe that is for sure. Stephie :)

tulips Tue, Apr-06-04 06:44

Exactly!!!!!!! It still amazes me and I'm constantly trying to tell someone about it!!!!!

flynnlee Tue, Apr-06-04 12:47

yea! i'm so glad others feel the same way!

i was to the point a couple of weeks ago(god has been good and i haven't gained my weight back) that i was such a carb addict i HAD to have some form of candy or sugar in my purse at ALL times and i would like spontaneously combust if i didn't give myself a dose or two sometimes. and now i still have the cravings, but they pretty much go away after i eat something with protein or drink water. i haven't lost anything in quite some time, but i'm just happy not to be thinking about FOOD all the time, and i actually got PICKED UP at a restraunt last friday, and so i'm not too worried about how i look at the moment, because for the first time in YEARS this cute guy asked for my phone number and i was flabbergasted!! i was like, well, guess i can't look TOO bad, if the cute waiter is hitting on me. and he hasn't called, but i don't really care (i don't drink, i told him so, and that's probably why he hasn't called but i don't care one bit because i don't want to go out with someone who gets smashed) because if a guy is hitting on me then i can't look TOO bad. i keep reminding myself that when i'm feeling bad (i even threw a chunk of bread away today when i was STARVING and it was the closest thing nearby!) and oops -- i'm rambling, hope ya'll are having a GREAT LC week!!

itsgottago Wed, Apr-07-04 09:02

:lol: This is the most awesome WOE ever! I have always said my problem is that I have no off button on my appetite. Now I don't even think about food! I can't finish half of what I used to eat and it makes me physically ill if I attempt to over eat. This is how naturally thin people feel, I think! What a concept! I have so much more time to worry about other things now. :lol: I can't see myself ever giving up because I don't want to be addicted to food again.

Rocky_Cdn Wed, Apr-07-04 09:22

This is an amazing WOE!!

For me I've become a consistent eater! I don't skip meals anymore and overeat at other meals. I don't snack late at night (and that was ALWAYS junk food when I did). What a difference that has made!

Wow!! :yay:

Chairface Wed, Apr-07-04 09:36

Flynnlee, you hit the nail right on the head.

For me the most amazing thing about this WOE is the decrease in my cravings for food. I find it funny that news reports and even low carb plans themselves love to try and entice new customers by telling us we can eat ALL THE MEAT WE WANT!! I probably would have tried a low carb WOE years ago if somebody made me understand that if I went low carb I wouldn't be hungry anymore.

I'll be 33 this month, for the past 23 years or more I have always been hungry. ALWAYS.

I thought I had no willpower. I really put my self down about my inability to stop eating.... even after I was full. I had resigned myself to life as a fat man and decided to make the best of it.

Thank God I picked up that book a little over 2 months ago! There is no going back now. Low carb for life!

Keep losing,

flynnlee Wed, Apr-07-04 11:17

yeah. i'm glad others feel the same way! i did have a moment last night when i wanted sugar like bad, but i slowly got over it. i'm on re induction for those last 30lbs!

anyway, i remember as a child eagerly looking forward to going to my friends' house because they had lots of candy all the time and i could always eat some. and same with my grandparents. only they had fruit and i would always eat grapes or cantaloups. not that that's bad stuff, but for a sugar addict it is.

anyway, i wish i had known then what was wrong with me, but i'm sure glad i know what is wrong with me now and am able to fix it!!

stephiewil Wed, Apr-07-04 14:01

Since I am eating pretty stick I have found I have virtually no cravings for sweets at all. I was very nervous when we gave up the low carb ice cream that I would have a hard time, but truth is, I am doing better without it and do not miss the sweets at all. A friend and I went to lunch today after our hubbies went to work, and there were pictures of pies and stuff on the table. I looked at it and thought, I do not even want that. Sugar had begun to make my tongue burn, and the texture of sugary things felt awful in my mouth. I think that plus the pain I was in before low carb have helped me to have a much better mindset this time around.
I will make up some low carb treats from time to time, but there is no urgency to do so. I have an occasional low carb yogurt, maybe once or twice a week, but again, do not crave them.
It is freedom for sure to not have the sugar overwelming my life. When not eating low carb I ate horrible. Too much breads and sweets, more baked than candy, I am not a big candy person, candy has been bothering me for a while, but baked stuff I could still eat for a long time, and then finally it started to affect me too.
It is almost impossible to make someone understand. The usual comment is, oh, I can't give up my bread, no way, and that is the end of the discussion. Too bad, I wonder sometimes how many people would be releived of health problems, and live much better if they would do low carb eating. It is a shame.
Stephie :)

Renkin1990 Wed, Apr-07-04 14:12

I am also amazed that my appetite had deminished so much. Not that I was ever a "big" eater, but I was a "grazer" I could pick at food all day. I needed a constant supply. A little something here, not much, and then a little something else there. Probably just to keep the sugar levels up.

Now I have to remind myself to eat, I have few if any cravings, and I am so thankfull that I am free from sugar addiction.

I love this way of life and I know I will never go back to my old ways.

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