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kat123 Wed, Apr-16-03 19:27

need some support!!

Just hoping to get some words of encouragement. There is a coworker at work who keeps making fun of this way of eating. I have had such great results from Atkins that I really love it. The problem is I am sensitive about my weight and everytime I am in the eating area at work, she walks by and says "are you eating again". Today i feel so hurt, maybe it';s from the carb withdrawl but this persona always makes fun of my weight. I don't want to fight as that is not in my nature and I am trying to just laugh it off. I guess words of encouragement from other weight challenged people will make me happy :)


Alida Wed, Apr-16-03 20:01

I'm so sorry you are going through that. That person is just plain MEAN. I wish I could tell you some amazing trick to stop the abuse, but I can't. I can't take away the hurt that you must feel. All I can do is say that by beginning this way of life and learning all you have and sticking with it means one thing is certain: you are a STRONG woman, who is going to have ultimate success. You have a good heart, because you haven't hauled off and decked that person. Strength plus a good heart equals someone who will go so far in her life. I promise that it will get better.

If you can, try to think of something positive to counter every negative thing she says. If you need more positive thoughts, post here often!! I will always be good for one for you!!

Kat's positive thought of the day: "I am making my good heart stronger and healthier because of the way I am eating!"

Good luck!


silvergrl Wed, Apr-16-03 20:13

Are we talking about an adult?
I'm having a hard time understanding why a grown person would feel the need to make fun of another human being. You know she probably feels bad about herself and that's why she's striking out at you. That sounds like a cliche I know, but it's one of the main reasons people bully others. I hope you can be strong and let it roll off you. I'm sorry for the pain you're in as a result of another person's cruelty. Is this person overweight? Does she feel threatened by you for some reason? The sooner you can find a reason to feel nothing but pity for her, the sooner her words will lose their sting. You know there's nothing but love here on the boards and I'm sending you a great big hug(((()))).

MsJinx Wed, Apr-16-03 20:14

Or, you could always put sugar in their gas tank....either way.

kat123 Wed, Apr-16-03 20:23

Tears were rolling down as I read the positive encouragment. Thank you Thank you and much thanks. It's so easy to be strong with others support. Especially from low carberss. Kisses.

:D :p :thup:

Kat :wave:

alwazbuzy Wed, Apr-16-03 20:40

Sounds to me that this person is making fun of you, not your diet. She would probably make some stupid remark no matter what diet you were on.

First of all, I suggest that you don't discuss your diet with this woman. I wouldn't even talk about it in the same room with her.

She knows she is getting to you, so ignoring her or laughing it off won't make her stop. I would guess she sees you as easy prey for her hateful demeanor because she knows it's not in your nature to fight back.

You may have to go out on a limb on this one and fight back.

The next time she asks, "Are you eating again?" try one of these answers:
1. Yeah! And your lunch was great!
2. Are you talking again?
3. Are you breathing again?
4. Buzz off! Kiss off! *%$# off!

Maybe she'll shut up and leave you alone. Or maybe she will be even more hateful than before. Who knows? But I don't think that having a nice little chat with her about how it hurts your feelings when she makes these remarks to you is going to get you anywhere. She already knows she is hurting your feelings--that's why she is doing it. She thrives on it.

And don't try to figure out why she's doing it. She's just plain hateful. You'll never understand why she acts that way because you would never act that way yourself.

Of course, it's easy for me to give advice...I don't have to work with the witch. It must be horrible to have to get up every day and go to a job where you are harrassed! I wish you all the luck in the world with this one.

I wish you all the luck in the world.

P.S. Before I started Atkins, I would feel the need to eat again an hour after dinner. My husband used to say the EXACT

alwazbuzy Wed, Apr-16-03 20:43

Oops! I pushed they wrong key on my computer.

What I wanted to say was that my husband used to say the EXACT same thing to me, "Are you eating again?" I got so sick and tired of it, I finally told him he was a jackass and that when I wanted his opinion I would give it to him. He's left me alone ever since.

Hope you can find a solution to your problem that makes you comfortable!

Pugzilla Wed, Apr-16-03 20:58

I understand just how you feel Kat. I was in a meeting a week ago and everyone was joking around. I was laughing about something and one of the women said, "You look just like Mama Cass!" and this in front of about a dozen of my coworkers.

I played along with it at the time to save face, but it really hurt my feelings, especially since I'd just started induction not long before. Here I felt like I was making this positive change in my life and someone (who by the way has NO room to talk when it comes to physical attractiveness) goes and says something cruel.

But you know what? I KNOW I'm doing what's best for me. And you should, too. The he*~ with what that person thinks of you!

Another thing you could say.....

Yes, I'm eating again, but I'll lose weight and you'll STILL be an a#~hole!

Hang in there girl! :there:

Kathy54 Wed, Apr-16-03 21:06

Some people should have their mouth surgically zipped!!



Pugzilla Wed, Apr-16-03 21:15

I hope you don't mean me Kathy, I'm just trying to cheer Kat up! Besides, I always think of a hundred witty things I COULD have said, but I never really do! And...I did use symbols, so you can fill in the blanks anyway you want.

No offense intended, just good will! :blush:

kat123 Wed, Apr-16-03 23:12

Wow pugzilla, that made me mad about the mamma cass thing. Funny how I can get the energy to stand up for you but can't shake it off for me. I believe we are doing what's right for our soul and you know what? Can't nobody touch that!! To He** with their negativity. It makes me feel good to give you positive vibrations. Thanks for the good vibes to all/

Kat :hyper:

Katana Thu, Apr-17-03 04:12


I feel for ya, hun.

I think one of the most important lessons to learn in life is how to value yourself. That means that it simply doesn't matter what others say, or think. She can't hurt you unless you let her (think about it!).

In Israel we call that developing "elephant skin" - that other person's petty little barbs will simply roll off it, and not penetrate.

My sister has a great motto: Charm them and disarm them.

I would not recommend getting into a war of words, or exchanging barbs with this person. Even if you are more pointed, and more clever, she'll know she's getting to you.

Try this: next time she says "I see you're eating again", smile sweetly at her, and say "How kind of you to notice!", or something like that.

Otherwise ignore her. She isn't worth all the attention you are giving her (and the rest of us, by extention). But YOU ARE.

whyspers Thu, Apr-17-03 05:40

It always amazes me when I see people who have no manners. It makes you wonder if they were raised in a gutter, doesn't it? I'm sorry you are going through this.


Cook Thu, Apr-17-03 07:47

Unhappy People
I know the sting of comments made by those meanies out there!
I try never to say something back to them (no matter how good the reply that I thought up may be) These people are not worth the effort! The best reply is a smile and a nice comment.

These people feel bad about themselves and want to make others feel bad. They are jealous when they see another making an effort to make life better. Happy people to do not need to put others down.

Pugzilla - the person who made that nasty comment to you just made herself look terrible in front of all all co-workers. Hold your head high and be proud of the positive changes you are making in your life.

Katana - I like your point of view on this - the elephant skin analogy is great!

alwazbuzy Thu, Apr-17-03 08:59

I disagree that people who are mean to others do it because they feel bad about themselves. I have found that people who feel bad about themselves are more likely to have low self esteem.
As far as mean people go, I don't think they feel bad about anything. I don't think they have many feelings at all, especially remorse, compassion, or empathy.
Rather, they have over-inflated egos. Their self images are way too high for their own good. They actually believe they are better than anyone else. These megalomaniacs are so self absorbed that it has eaten away any speck of humanity left in them. Their egos feed their hatefulness, and their hatefulness, in turn, feeds their egos.

How do you deal with them? Good luck! Lots of good advice in previous posts.

I am going to subscribe to this thread. I would like to know how this turns out.

It's a shame you even have to deal with a problem such as this. Why can't people just behave?
Keep us posted, Kat.

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