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DramaDame Tue, May-20-03 21:22

How long have you been following TSP?
Good Day All:

It seems we are getting more people here lately and I am curious how long people have been following this way of eating and living. Are there mainly new people or do we have some veterans that have been here for a long time?

I am just starting my fourth week, so I am new to TSP.

Piano Tue, May-20-03 23:02

Good question Drama, I have been doing SPII since March of this year.


kd lite Wed, May-21-03 08:56

I'm new to TSP also I just switched over from Somersizing 2 weeks ago. I had been somersizing for about 2 years and seem to be stalling up some so I read TSPII and found it very interesting and worth a try. Even if I don't loose any weight (I only have 10 to loose) I am really eating healthy and I feel great.

carpathia1 Wed, May-21-03 16:10

I switched from Somersizing about 4 weeks ago so I have something in common with both of you! I've bounced around within a 4 pound window and am now down about 2 1/2 pounds since I started.


Suni Wed, May-21-03 16:11

How long on TSP?
Hi - I've been TSP-ing for almost a year (this July will be a year). I initially lost 17 lbs. easily - put a few back on when I was cheating a bit but overall have kept it off. Before TSP I used to eat a low-fat diet + I did WW. Because I didn't eat much processed food or drink any kind of soad, it wasn't too difficult for me to switch to TSP. I always exercised 3 - 4 times a week also.

I feel wonderful and would love to loose the "tummy" - or baby belly (even tho the baby is almost 30 years old) - all other parts are slim and trim but I have this "roll" and/or padding right in the middle that doesn't want to seem to budge.

I try and keep my carbs at 15 per meal, even lower since I really don't like potatoes, pasta or rice - my addiction was sugar but I gradually weaned myself off it so now I don't use any. However I do allow myself a piece or two of high content chocolate and do not allow cookies or other tempting foods into the house.

I have to admit I feel better than I have in years - have lots of energy and sleep well - I plan to eat this way for the rest of my life.

nursehew26 Wed, May-21-03 19:08

I did TSP for the entire summer last year, and did very well. However, I returned to school to take some research classes over the winter, and lapsed. I just recently started again this week, day 3 for me. I do feel better already. Just gotta keep going! Thats one of the main reasons I joined this forum, hopefully the support will help!

inatic Wed, May-21-03 19:29

Hi. :) I have been following the TSP for about 3 months. I too switched from Somersizing in hopes of dropping some more weight..No luck there but i keep plugging on. It seems on the days that I eat less fat, i lose.. I am thinking that i need to lower that fat a bit...

anyone else find that they need less fat. I also do BFL

Bustmybutt Thu, May-22-03 23:58

I have been doing this for about a month. I did Atkin's and Somersizing for a few months prior to trying TSP. On Atkin's induction I was still gaining weight while in ketosis (explain that one). Then I went to Somersizing and really packed on weight, while staying perfectly legal.

Reading TSPII really turned on light bulbs for me in regards to my weight gain and inability to lose it. It is my last hope and I pray it works for me. I am having a bad week on this plan, since my hormones really are fluctuationg wildly right now. Perhaps it is a sign of improvement in some sick little way.

Since nothing else has worked, I am willing to stick it out since I have no other choice. It would be nice to see some weight loss and have some sort of encouragement.

inatic Fri, May-23-03 05:11


the director at my preschool went on the TSP Plan as well. She too gained weight. After about 6months she went to the dr to be tested.
It turned out that she had high insulin,but not high sugar/glucose. She is prediabetic..Many of the individuals in her family are.
She was still able to follow the TSP plan but her dr said that she needed to make sure she was not eating the cream cheese and higher fats. when she lowed them and cut out the cream cheese the weight just started to drop.
Have you gone to the dr so that he can run thryroid/etc tests. It may have something to do with why you have been unsuccessful with these plans.

I hope you find some answers. :)

ImMusicMom Fri, May-23-03 09:53

I'm a newbie to Schwarzbein but a veteran low carber! I am finding TSP very liberating after years of Akins. I was basically in maintance mode for a long time, but with a few bad weeks here and there and too many processed foods, I crept up a little (4 -5 pounds) A return to induction for 6-8 weeks produced nothing, and then I found TSP. I am lucky because the only changes I have to make are diet and they are pretty small. NO processed foods (I cannont find "REAL" cream without additive!) and adding a real carbohydrate to each meal. According to TSP II I should be eating 30 carbs a meal (Sensitive-healthy). Wow that ear of corn was good last night! She says it is just as bad to eat too few carbs as it is to eat too many. I'm trying to eat the recommendation but it feels so decadent.

Bustmybutt Fri, May-23-03 12:21

I have been tested a million times. No thyroid problems, but my hormones are all over ther place, and I mean all over. I am due to be retested soon. I go with both blood and saliva testing. The saliva tests are better, but muy blood work even shows problems. The doctor gave me a diet plan pretty much the same as TSP. I thought he was nuts to make me eat carbs again, and I did not listen to him and continued to Somersize. I gained 20 pounds in less then a month and have been unable to lose it.

I don't eat saturated fats at all anymore. Well, actually I do a little bit. However, it is a splash of cream in my coffee (yes it is not decaf, I am self medicating), or a small amount of cheese here and there. I have lots of olive oils and essential fatty acids though.

I have to admit that this does feel decadent in the eating though. I keep having to remind myself this is the right way to eat, and my inability to lose it due to my metabolism healing.

DebPenny Fri, May-23-03 13:09

15 months and counting!
I've been following TSP (starting with the first book) since January 31, 2002. I love it. I initially dropped about 30 pounds, then stalled. When I started following TSPII I put on about 10 pounds and haven't started back on the downward path. But it will come.

In the meantime, I feel so great. I'm following this program for the rest of my life.

Oh, and I have reversed my prediabetic condition. My fasting bloodsugar started out at 138, on my last test, my doctor said my "average" bloodsugar was 109. She also said that I am no longer diabetic or prediabetic. (And I don't understand most of this because I never got into the diabetic treatment course, we agreed that I would try to correct it with diet, which I have done.)


Elke Wed, May-28-03 07:38

I´m on Schwarzbein since January, feeling great and never hungry.
For me it`s easy to follow.
My daughter laughs at me, because I´m always carrying a "survivel kit" containing baby carrots, stringcheese, nuts, apple slices, etc.
I think it`s most important to drink as much as you can, to have at least one tbs of olive or flax oil a day, not to be without food more than 3 to 4 hours.
Eating a piece of your favorite cake or ice cream in between doesn`t matter, sometimes you just need it :)
DramaDame, stick to it, it works. :yay:

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