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billw Tue, Jul-16-02 05:39

Anyone try coconut oil?
I have been reading where coconut oil is very helpfull for thyroid support so I bought a jar yesterday. I tried 1 tbs at dinner and my temp went up to 98.4 and stayed there till I went to bed.

This morning my waking temp was 96.7. It has been being 96.3. I took another tbs this morning with my coffee and within 15 minutes my temp was up to 97.6. Usually my temp barely gets up to 97 after an hour of cardio.

My TSH test came back 2.8 a few weeks ago. Doc says nothing is wrong and wont do a T3 or T4 but can't explain my low temps.

I bought the Wilson's Thyroid Syndrome book and am currently reading it and it sure sounds like what is going on with me.

I'll keep trying the coconut oil.


billw Wed, Jul-17-02 05:34

:D My temps stayed above 98 all day yesterday. I even hit 99.1 at one point.

Waking temp this morning was 96.5.

I also had a 3lb woosh overnight. :D


Danyele Wed, Jul-17-02 14:30


I too am hypo. I also read at that coconut oil was helpful for thyroid but now that I've heard that it's raising your temp maybe it's something I will consider taking. It may help with other symptoms as well. Thanks, hope it continues to work for you


billw Wed, Jul-17-02 14:48

Hi Danyele, Keep us posted on how it works for you. So far it has worked better for me than anything else that I have tried.


SweetLoren Wed, Jul-17-02 15:46

Bill Was ur 3 Pound Woosh due 2 the Coconut Oil??....Im Gonna Try Only Using Coconut Oil, I Hope It Works In the Weight loss cuz i cant Loose Any Weight.....Thanx

billw Wed, Jul-17-02 15:53

Originally posted by SweetLoren
Bill Was ur 3 Pound Woosh due 2 the Coconut Oil

It's hard to say. I have been following a CKD version of Atkins for the last 3 weeks and usually I gain from 5 to 10lbs during the carb-up and lose 1 to 2lbs per day the following week during the LC phase.


khala Sun, Jul-21-02 15:04

I have tried Coconut oil
I started taking coconut oil in January, and am still using it. My body temperature has gone from 95.8 in the mornings to about 96.8. So in terms of improving my metabolism, it has helped somewhat. The weight started budging a little, but a couple of benefits that I did notice almost immediately were:
1. New hair regrowth.
2. Sleeping much better. Often would not sleep at all, and usually got no more than 4 or 5 hours per night.
3. My arthritis was noticeably improved.

I still take the coconut oil, because I feel that it is extremely beneficial in transporting the nutrients in your body. The coconut oil website contains much information about coconut oil being a medium chain fatty acid, vs a long chain fatty acid, as are most oils that we consume.

At the beginning of June, I started taking a new supplement and consequently I feel like I have discovered the fountain of youth. I am amazed at how great I feel, and how many improvements I have experienced with a lot of my symptoms.

Bec Sat, Jul-27-02 21:57

Hi, I just recently recv'd my order of coconut oil. Could anyone give me advice on what to use it in. Thanks :)

khala Sun, Jul-28-02 14:08

My favorite coconut oil recipes

I use the coconut oil in place of all other oils in my cooking and baking. While I do not eat baked goods, my husband does and I feel it is beneficial for him as well.

I fry chicken in it, along with a little salt, pepper, garlic and paprika. Delicious.

Here is one of my favorite recipes.

Coconut Garlic shrimp.

1/2 lb of raw peeled tiger prawns or large shrimp, tail left on.
1 to 2 tbsp. coconut oil
2 tbsp chopped green onion.
crushed garlic to taste (the more the better in my opinion)
salt and pepper to taste.
1 to 2 tbsp lemon juice

Place 1 to 2 tbsp. of coconut oil in saute pan, over high heat. Oil should be just starting to smoke.

Add 2 tpsp chopped green onions and 1 tbsp garlic, or more to suit and salt and pepper taste.

Stir until these ingredients are just covered with the oil.

Keeping heat on high at all times, add 1/2 lb of raw tiger prawns or large shrimp, and stir until they just turn pink. Add 2 tbsps lemon or lime juice and stir quickly for about 15 to 30 seconds. Serve with Caesar salad without the croutons.

If you are cooking more than 1/2 lb, repeat until you are finished.


Bec Sun, Jul-28-02 19:39

Thanks for the recipe, sounds yummy :)

billw Tue, Jul-30-02 05:24

Thanks for sharing khala, That is great news about your experience with coconut oil.

My experiment continues this week. Last week I was on a business trip and took a vacation from everything. No exercise, no metabolism boosters or anything. I even took a break from LC'ing but I kept the carbs below 100g per day.

I took the coconut oil everyday 1tbls each morning and my energy level stayed high all day. A few days I forgot to take it and my energy level was noticably lower.

I'm back on induction for the next 2 weeks with the coconut oil.

This mornings waking temp was 96.6 and 25 minutes later after taking the coconut oil it is 97.5.

Originally posted by khala
At the beginning of June, I started taking a new supplement and consequently I feel like I have discovered the fountain of youth. I am amazed at how great I feel, and how many improvements I have experienced with a lot of my symptoms.

What is the new supplement?

The shrimp sound wonderful.


skyspinner Tue, Sep-10-02 11:21

Hi, all...this is interesting! I can understand cooking w/ coconut oil, but if you just "take it w/ coffee", how is that done? Does one simply swallow a spoonful of it? Stir it into the coffee? Spread it on toast? Inquiring minds want to know! :lol:

Many thanks in advance....

SweetLoren Tue, Sep-10-02 11:36

My Question Was.....Is Coconut Oil 2 Saturated In Fat? And Is It Bad 4 Hypothryoid Pacients? A Nutritionist told Me that, So I Stopped Taking It?.......I Wanted 2 Know If This Is False?.....Do We Not As Hypothryoid ppl Not Do Well With Fat?........She Told Me 2 Get oFf the Adkins diet, and Do A Higher Carb, Lower Fat Diet....Could Someone Plz Explain 2 Me??........thank You

Thyroid_M Sat, Sep-14-02 17:50

Coconut Oil??
Will someone please explain to me the specific type of Coconut Oil that is recommended, and where to find it?

I initially thought this was a bad idea, because of the saturated fats. One of the moderators informed me that this is not the case because of the lack of hydrogenation.

Since then, I've tried to find some to try for myself. The problem is two-fold: I either can't find it, or what I do find is not the type I suspect I need!

I would appreciate anyone's feedback on where to find the kind you guys are all talking about.



skyspinner Sat, Sep-14-02 19:13

There is really only one kind of coconut oil...look for it in the health food stores. May be in the fridge.

It's white, solid at room temperatures and really has no taste, not even of coconut.

It is a saturated fat, but not hydrogenated, so no trans fats.

Take care....

PS: I'm still waiting for someone to say just how they are using it. I made the coconut prawns, and they were good. Then I fried chicken drumsticks in it, and they came out very crisp and everybody loved them. How else are you folks using it?

Thank you in advance....

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