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LCwannabe Sat, Jul-05-03 01:12

Low Carb makes me feel blah. I can't break this cycle
I've been lowcarbing on and off for a few months now. Don't get me wrong, I like it and really believe in this way of eating. I'm not puffy and bloated anymore either and I love that. But every 4-6 weeks I get in this cycle. I do great for a few weeks then I get bored with the whole routine and start feeling blah and depressed like. I feel fatigued and my head gets all cloudy. Once I eat something high in sugar it's gone. It's NOT in my head, I really start feeling like this. I do not have any cravings. (nor depression, this just happens when I low carb for a while). I tried changing what I eat but it didn't help.

Another problem I have is that sometimes I even eat on an impulse. My aunt works in a bakery and will bring pastries over. I'll automatically grab one and eat it. Totally FORGETTING that I'm on Atkins and don't eat that junk. It's impulsive, not cravings. I have no idea why I do this. That's totally different then this blah feeling though and I have gotten somewhat better at controlling it.

This particular time I have also started exercising and weight training. I do weights about 3 times a week. I did fine for a week. The past 3 days I have no "umph" feeling to even wake up. I went from feeling energized when I wake up to blah. I was fighting it and figured OK so I won't exercise today, no big deal, I'll make it up tommorrow. Well that was 3 tommorrows ago and today is now the 4th day I don't feel like exercising. I thought it was because I was sticking to induction while exercising and that isn't enough carbs. But I went up to 30 carbs (added more vegetables) and that didn't make a difference. I also take all of my supplements.

I guess being stuck in a rut is no help. I have a 1yrold son, live with my parents (and they don't let anyone use the new stove so I can't be creative with the cooking), my bf is away for a few months, I don't have actual 'friends" just aquaintances and I work nights so I sleep most of the day and I'm up at night. I tend to be an emotional eater, but I have gotten a little better. I just don't understand why sugar would rid me of this blah feeling I get every 4-6 weeks? I am sick of this cycle and I am never going to lose weight if I don't figure out how to break it. I should've given up the last time this happened and I gained 10lbs. It's like why bother if I keep screwing up from something I can't even control? But I'm trying to overcome this I just don't know how too anymore. Typing this is actually keeping me away from the new cookies upstasirs. Why am I feeling like this? Is the blah, cloudy, depressed feeling normal and go away after a certain amount of time? Am I just doing something wrong that can easily be fixed?

LCwannabe Sat, Jul-05-03 01:31

I didn't realize I wrote so much. Sorry about that.

kellyuk Sat, Jul-05-03 04:09

If you're going through this every 4-6 weeks and eating high carb/sugar foods maybe your body has got to the stage where it is 'expecting' this and giving you these feelings?

It's going to be tough if you can't use the new stove at home, is there an outdoor grill you can use? You could come up with all kinds of new marinades and grill meat and some different veggies for yourself on it so you wouldn't feel so bored with the foods on your plan.

Before the next time your aunt comes over let her know that you love the pastries that she brings over but as you're sticking to a LC plan, could she please not offer them to you.

Good luck, keep up the good work you've done so far on the LC lifestyle and I hope these feelings go away quickly for you.

joyjoyjoy Sat, Jul-05-03 04:32

I have gotten that feeling before. Taking vitamin b complex seems to work for me, and just knowing it will pass. And even though most of our cravings are gone on this WOE a big portion of it is still will power.
Hang in there

LCwannabe Sat, Jul-05-03 05:39

Originally Posted by kellyuk
If you're going through this every 4-6 weeks and eating high carb/sugar foods maybe your body has got to the stage where it is 'expecting' this and giving you these feelings?

Thanks. I thought about that. But isn't 6 weeks a little too far in to be having these problems? I tried fighting it before, but it goes on for a week and seems like it will not end untill I eat sugar. The blah feeling lasts 24/7, it's not like a headache that comes and goes. =(

As for my Aunt, she knows I'm dieting. But I live at home and they have their little visits and can eat that stuff. So I can't just tell her not to bring it over. I have willpower, like I said, I don't have the mental or physical cravings..which I guess is quite odd compared to other experiences I've read. If I'm at the point in lowcarbing where I'm doing good; I don't care what's in the house. It's only when I feel like this.

I'm not sure what a Vitamian B complex is but I'll try it. I am getting enough B6 and 12 in my multivitamian, what would be the difference?

itsallgood Sat, Jul-05-03 09:49

is it possible that it is in relationship to your T.O.M.? I get super hungry during that period right before.

Over-all I have noticed that I have lost that initial zip that got me so excited in the beginning.. but you know I am not as bad off (energy wise) as I was when I was eating """normally""". I just started to drink a cup of coffee, or sometimes a sugar free energy drink! Yay rockstars!

cdnbarbie Sat, Jul-05-03 11:04

Originally Posted by itsallgood
is it possible that it is in relationship to your T.O.M.?

This was my initial reaction to your plight as well. Chart your moods versus your cycle and see if there is a correlation.

cdnbarbie Sat, Jul-05-03 11:11

I realized after posting the above, that you asked several more questions in your post.

Originally Posted by LCwannabe
Another problem I have is that sometimes I even eat on an impulse.

That's called the seefood diet. I see food, I eat it. You're normal!

Originally Posted by LCwannabe
I went from feeling energized when I wake up to blah

Are you having breakfast right away? If not try eating as soon as you get up. You may be fading because you've not eaten?

Originally Posted by LCwannabe
I have a 1yrold son, live with my parents (and they don't let anyone use the new stove so I can't be creative with the cooking), my bf is away for a few months

That's a lot of emotional stuff going on right now. Don't beat yourself up too badly. Hopefully some of the suggestions above will help a bit.

joboblaw Sat, Jul-05-03 11:18

I think the others are right...probably TOM. Try a sugar substitute, it may have the same effect as sugar. Also, don't know if you suffer cravings or hunger panes, but a good swig of whipping cream seems fix that for me

Meg_S Sun, Jul-06-03 07:32

The first thing I thought of was TOM as well... if, after a few mos you are sure it's not... please be sure though, try switching your diet for a few days or a week then go back to atkins. For example something like the Zone might help, or CAD.. or something which gives you some carbs but isn't like just giving up and falling off the wagon. I know every month without fail my energy, motivationan, and mood is zapped for a couple weeks when TOM rolls around. My perspective of what I want to eat changes too.

Good luck finding out what's going on!!

RickinTN Sun, Jul-06-03 07:34

I have been feeling this way since I run out of vitamins. So, that may be a key for you also

LCwannabe Sun, Jul-06-03 21:57

Wow never thought about it being related to PMS. It does make some sense since it's every 4 - 6 weeks. Although I don't think TOM is due for another week or so. Guess I'll see what happens.

But Ok, if it IS related to PMS, how can I fix and prevent this? This is screwing me big time. I'll never lose weight this way. I know I can eat more carbs, but won't that throw me out of ketosis and result in yo-yo ing? There is no way more vegetables will give me an energy boost. I need a sugar high to get through it. Today I ate cookies and drank chocolate milk :rolleyes:

I was thinking of buying the Atkins Advantage bars for when I feel like this, but I think they stall me and I've heard a lot of horror stories with the "fake foods" So I don't really want to trust it.

I don't think doing good for 3 weeks and then eating Atkins bars will be any better for me then the cookies I ate today.

Iluv2cook Sun, Jul-06-03 23:54


if you look on the BFL part of this site you will see that body buidling requires some people to eat more (good) carbs. Also I am one who needs a little more right before my TOM. About 10 days before I get so hungry! So I just eat more. But only legal foods. Lots of protein and fat.

You may need more than 30 grams of carbs a day just during this time. I had to face that I just wouldn't lose weight when I felt like this. But I did manage not to gain.

Supplements do help. Which ones are you on? Chromium was good for hunger for me.

I felt like the weight came off very slowly but in the end I got there. And so will you as long as you are persistant. Don't accept feeling 'blah' keep tweaking your program until you feel good AND are losing.

How much protein are you getting? you need lots more if you are body buidling.

Meg_S Mon, Jul-07-03 04:53

You mentioned that it wasn't due for another week or so.... my "symptoms" generally start 10 days before. Appetite increases dramatically, the urge to just munch all day, loss of will power and ability to say no to foods, low energy, and that's besides being irrational and moody. All of this stops about 2 days into TOM.

I don't know what you can do about it :( last month I just lost a lot of weight in the first 2 weeks, and then stopped for the 2nd two, now I have the feeling I'm going to start losing again. In the "anyone for no cheat in july?" challenge some people gave me some good advice when I moaned about TOM messing things up.

take care,

LCwannabe Sat, Jul-12-03 18:40

Thanks so much everyone. Guess you hit the nail on the head. I posted this on July 5th. Today is the 12th and TOM is here. I'm feeling more fatigued then ever. I slept about 8hours, then a few hours later I fell asleep for another 5 hours. I can't go on like this every month!!!! I don't know what to do. It's depressing me. It's like I'm destined to be fat. I work so hard at everything, and then once week, every single month it's going to screw me royally.

It screwed my exercising. I was doing soooo good for a while, now I have to start all over. Just great. If I can even bring myself to start over again. Why bother? I'm going to get my period next month too! Maybe I should go have a hystectomy(sp) and then try low carb!

I hardly ate any real food last week. I ate junk like cookies and cereal. Regret it? No, because it gave me my energy back which I need.

I take a Potassium/Calcium/Mag combined supplement that I get from GNC, along with a multi vitamian daily. That doesn't seem to matter.

Meg, what have you been doing to try and get rid of the symptoms?

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