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melanie 27 Thu, Jan-30-03 14:32

PCOS Success story
5 years ago I met & MAIRRIED my Second husband .After we had been married a few yrs we decided to try & have a baby together I didnt think Id have any problems because I had three Daughters from my previous marriage .Looking back at my teen years I was always irregular but always thought I was late. I had my first Daughter at only 16 I was gestational Diebetic & on insulin throughout my whole pregnancy .My Third pregnancy same thing.All my daughters are 2.5-3 years apart .Just a little back ground.Anyways we really thought I must be fertile.So we started ttc 6 months & nothing so I downloaded TCOYF software & started the fam method. My Mensus had all but disapeared during this time My Dr told me to loose weight.I started charting my long cycles 4+ months made it fustrating after a year of charting I could see I wasnt ovulating I did some research and after talking with other PCOSers went to my dr to get some tests done. My FSH/LH ratio was off My trygesterides high Good Cholesterol Low I was now borderline diebetic & I had Acne real bad Not to mention I had gained 71 pounds in just a few years.Needless to say it was obvious to my Dr I had pcos or perimenopause he refered me to a RE but our insurance expired so after Two years of charting & never seeing a true Ovulation I was heartbroken . I cried to God & begged & prayed Finally I heard a still small voice tell my I needed to loose weight shortly after that he lead me to Atkins. After only three weeks on the plan I had lost 12 pounds ,Got My mensus on my own first time in 5 years & my acne was gone so I decided to stick with it over the coming months I saw numerous changes in my overall health & my Diebeties was GONE!!! :D I had Irrital Bowl syndrome for 9 years it disapeared only agrravated now if I eat Carbs. Slowly but surely my Mensus was evening out after 4-5 months on the plan my mensus was a regular 32-33 day cycle by 9 months on the plan I seen a Miracle I started Ovulating again on my own for the first time since I concieved my third Daughter 6 years ago. Every cycle since then 4 now Ive Ovulated my cycles continue to be regular. Ive lost 62 pounds A little slower then some ;) & 82 inches total. Ive surpassed my origanal goal & my main goal to ovulate again is now fullfilled theres only Two more Goals to drop 18 more pnds & to See a ++++ HPT.I wish I wouldve listened to my hubby he heard a radio show 4 years ago about insulin resistance it was on protein power he told me thats your problem there describing you I ignored him Oh Im fine leave me alone! lol This WOE has not only saved my life it has givin me Hope that I will concieve a child with my Husband. May you all find the hope I have through Low Carb I really suggest Atkins for anyone with pcos its of the striktest of the LC plans & it has the most health benifits for us. Happy loosing Hope you all see the benifits I have seen!!!! :wave:

ysabella Thu, Jan-30-03 23:19

That is excellent! Thank you for sharing your story. You give me hope that I'm doing the right thing for myself.

After being on the Pill for 12 years to regulate my cycle, I stopped a couple of months ago just to give myself a break. I've been doing Atkins for a month; I've only lost maybe 2 pounds, but my jeans are looser.

More importantly, I think something is going on with my blood chemistry already since I got some spotting - like my body was thinking about having a period. C'mon, body! Do it!!

So, I have the slightest hint that I'm on the right track - and I'm determined that giving up sugar could never be the wrong thing. My dad developed diabetes a couple of years ago at age 63, but my sister and I both have PCOS and I'm very afraid of getting diabetes much earlier in life. But if I'm exercising and low carbing it just can't happen!

I'm not trying to conceive yet - I just got married last October. But you do give me hope that when we're ready, I'll be in shape for it.

All the best to you, and I certainly wish you great success and hope you'll have another child (and a really easy pregnancy this time!).

Elizabeth2 Fri, Jan-31-03 06:34


Congratulations on your wonderful success so far. You sound so happy and upbeat.

Looks like nothing in the world is going to hold you back from your dream of another child! Good for you! I'm sure that you'll get your wish now that you have taken care of your insulin resistance problem, and thus your PCOS.

I'll keep my finders crossed for you. Keep us posted!


Luisa777 Fri, Jan-31-03 09:32

Way to go Melanie!
I have seen many of your post and I had no idea you had PCOS. I am sure God will bless you with another child, you deserved it! :thup: I also heard about low carb a few years ago but I still had the low fat mentality and so I put off low carbing until now. It has already helped me feel better and I have lost some weight already. Low carbing is the way to go for us suffering from PCOS!.
Have a great day! :wave:

melanie 27 Fri, Jan-31-03 19:37

Thank you all!!

Isabella~~~~ Im sure your going to start seeing your mensus again if I did I dont doubt you will!! It was my third week on induction when I started at first My cycles were heavy & irregular but I did get them consistant cycles were like this 18,28,35,42,32,28,40,33,42,32,32,32,33 My Lateul Phase before My cycles regulated out were 9-12 days now the last 4 months there 14 days PERFECT!! ANY ways huge differance then the year before 79,135,85,53 started LC the 53 day cycle. so you can see it takes time but its well worth it the Bright side of it all your smart your starting LC before ttc .ttc with PCOS is a nightmare exspecially when you dont Ovulate its helpless. I wish I couldve spared my self the yrs of heartache & just started when Huby told me too. ;) He loves to hear he's right lolol & this time he was BIGTIME!!

I really feel more confident that we will concieve maybe this year. :D Hope you all see the Miracles Ive seen with my PCOS.. :wave:

ysabella Mon, Feb-17-03 18:36

You should have placed a bet...
...because you would have won!

Thanks for the kind thoughts, Melanie, and yes, low-carb and exercise has worked its magic already. I had a sort of almost-period in January but this weekend it really arrived. It is really heavy and crampy, but that's to be expected since it's three months since I last cycled (that's when I went off the Pill).

I hope that my results are like yours and my cycle will normalize as I go on. That would be great!

Well, be sure to take your folic acid and everything. With everyone wishing fertility for you, it's bound to happen. :heart:

melanie 27 Tue, Feb-25-03 14:47

YSABELLA~~~Thank you so glade to here TOM found you finally!!!
I ovulated again last cycle that makes 5 cycles Ive ovulated in a row!!I started taking A multi Vitamin last cycle I added Vitamin E 400IU ,2000mlg Vitamin C & B complex this cycle.Im hoping that this cycle will be my cycle for a MIRACLE!!! Oh Yeah Atkins notified me that Im going to be an Atkins Success story don't no when it will be posted on there web site hopfully soon..

Hope you all find the hope I have!!!! :D

melanie 27 Tue, Feb-25-03 14:49

Heres my BBT chart for anyone who wants to see how over time Atkins regulated my cycles & rstored Ovulation...\

BJ_1971 Mon, Apr-07-03 22:24

low carbs and pcos
:baby: i agree that low carb eating really really helps with pcos, it has helped me alot. i also have endometrosis and uterine fibroid tumars and diabetes type 2 and had IBS and i was infertile for the first 8 years of our marriage. then i found out about low carbs eating and how it is the key to good health and weight to make a long story short i just gave birth to my second baby 6 weeks ago :D :wiggle: :clap: :hyper: ( febuary 2003) and i want for the world to know that low carb eating really works. i am so happy it worked for you as well. it was nice to read your post because it let me know that there is another female out there with the same type of health problems who has over come them . keep up the good work on low carb eating! high carb eating seemed to land me where iam with all those health condidtions now i have to deal with them and i want to teach others how to eat low carb so they can not have thses same problems as i do. tell the everyone you know and love how low carbs really do work :thup:

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