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Jackie K. Mon, Oct-15-01 19:53

cholesterol and understanding it's numbers?
I've been having the hardest time for the past two months. I went to a dermotolgist because my hair has been falling out. And when I went in for my annual check up my cholesterol is high. I don't really know what to do? And trying to understanding the numbers and their definitions for the HDL and LDL.
Ratio for HDL=3.8

My blood pressure is always low ie. 100/70
And all I have been craving is sweet things. I am having a hard time getting back on the low carb and if I should try to help in modifying it to lower my HDL.

Atriana Tue, Oct-16-01 06:45

Jacki - I think you've got a typo there, (HDL 240).

doreen T Tue, Oct-16-01 12:31

hi Jacki ..

As Atriana says, I think you misquoted the HDL .. I suspect the number listed is the TOTAL cholesterol. HDL is typically a much smaller number, around 40 + or -, preferably + ;)


Cholesterol travels in the blood in packages called lipoproteins.
  • Cholesterol packaged in low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is often called "bad" cholesterol, because too much LDL in blood can lead to cholesterol buildup and blockage in the arteries.

    Another type of cholesterol, which is packaged in high-density lipoprotein (HDL), is known as "good" cholesterol. That is because HDL helps remove cholesterol from the blood, preventing it from piling up in the arteries. The higher your HDL, the less your risk of coronary heart disease.
  • Desirable: Total cholesterol below 200 mg/dL (5.2 mmol/L), LDL below 130 mg/dL (3.3 mmol/L), HDL over 40 mg/dL (1.03 mmol/L) -- over 60 (1.55) is protective against heart disease.

    Moderate risk: Total cholesterol 200-240 (5.2-6.2), LDL 130-159 (3.4-4.1), HDL below 40 (1.03)

    High risk: Total cholesterol over 240 (6.2), LDL over 159 (4.1), HDL below 35 (0.9)

Triglycerides are a type of lipid that circulate in the bloodstream and are essential for good health. They are produced in the liver from fats and carbohydrates.

Factors that contribute to high triglycerides include obesity and overweight, physical inactivity, cigarette smoking, excess alcohol intake, high-carbohydrate diets, several diseases (including type 2 diabetes, chronic renal failure, and nephrotic syndrome), some drugs (such as corticosteroids, estrogens, retinoids, and high doses of beta blockers), and certain genetic disorders.

Triglyceride levels below 200 mg/dL (2.3 mmol/L) is normal. Higher levels are considered a risk factor for heart disease.


A very convenient way of expressing your risk of heart disease which takes into account both the total (bad) and HDL (good) cholesterol is the ratio between the two. If this is under 4.5, you don't need to worry, although a 'perfect' score would be under 3.5. So if your total cholesterol is 200 mg/dl and your HDL 50 mg/dl, your ratio is 4, and you're OK. But if your total is 200 and your HDL 35, your ratio is 5.7, and you may have a problem.

The ratio is sometimes expressed as the LDL/HDL ratio, in which case the cutoff points would be different. It's actually no better than the cholesterol/HDL ratio in terms of predicting who's at risk, and more expensive to perform.

Chol/HDL: below 3.0 low, 3.0-3.6 average, 3.7-4.6 moderate, over 4.6 high

LDL/HDL: below 2.3 low, 2.3-4.1 average, 4.1-5.6 moderate, over 5.6 high

Chrissy Sun, Mar-31-02 00:08

Chrissy's Cholesterol
I got my results back from my blood work from Feb 4/02.
Couldn't understand the numbers over the phone, so I went in and got a photo copy of my results.

I just wish I would of got my tests done before I started Atkins. Oh well, my doc said what ever your doing, keep it up.

Triglycerides 1.01
Cholesterol 4.57
HDL 1.00
LDL 3.11

Other major test:

Glucose-Fast 4.3
Hemoglobin .42
Ketones 3+

I never knew what my blood type I was either, so I got that done too..... I am O negative, and according to this group, high protein, low carb is the best diet to go nature I'm a hunter!

My Thyroid was low though, and I've been on a perscripton (Eltroxin) for the last 2 months now and I just had a new test done last week, will find out if I need to be upped or lowered on meds. I don't feel cold no more, although, I can't say I have more energy.

For the newbies who want to start the WOL, Its a real good idea as Dr. Atkins suggested in his book to get your blood work done first. Its well worth your health and its good to keep track of!

Take care :wave:

doreen T Sun, Mar-31-02 10:19

Those are great numbers Chrissy!

Hemoglobin 0.4? That's a typo, right?? ;) Normal hemoglobin for woman is 12 - 16.

Keep up the good work .. hope your thyroid problems get sorted out.


Chrissy Sun, Mar-31-02 15:01

Oops, yes it's a typo error Doreen, however my Hemoglobin says 137?
The hematocrit was .42, what ever that means LOL :daze:

doreen T Sun, Mar-31-02 15:15

LOL .. typo for me too Chrissy ! :daze:

I was looking at my nursing text of lab values, and there are two columns .. one for USA measurements, and one for everywhere else in the world, which is SI units (Système Internationale) I copied from the wrong column. Duh!

Just add some zeros there .. so normal Hgb would be 120 to 160. Yers is perfecto :thup:

Hematocrit is the percentage of your blood that's made up of red blood cells. (Red blood cells carry the hemoglobin). In the US, it's actually expressed as a percentage, so normal for a woman is 36 to 46%. In SI units, they express it as a decimal, so normal is 0.36 to 0.46. Once again, yers is perfect. ;)


Chrissy Tue, Apr-02-02 23:56

Thanks again Doreen for allllllll your help. I appreciate that you actually care about someone's health! This really makes me feel good when I know that these numbers are perfect! LOL

yelena Sun, Apr-14-02 00:33

Re: cholesterol and understanding it's numbers?
Originally posted by Jackie K.
...I don't really know what to do? And trying to understanding the numbers and their definitions for the HDL and LDL.
Ratio for HDL=3.8
My blood pressure is always low ie. 100/70...

If in addition to LDL of 158 you have 2 or more risks factors (men 45 years or older, women 55 years or postmenopausal, hypertension, smoking, HDL<35, family history of CAD in first degree relative - male relatives younger than 55, female relatives younger than 65), then, according to AHA guidlines, you should follow a diet and lose weight (if overweight.)

For people without coronary risk factors the goal LDL is below 160.

phoebe-tom Tue, May-28-02 00:52

HDL of 1.7 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm extremely chuffed by my cholesterol level of 5.3 but even more of my HDL of doctor was very impressed too.

Phoebe :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

liddle Fri, Jun-07-02 11:53

Just wanted to chime in here, after 10 months LCing my total cholesterol count is 143. My 5 yr. old son just had his done today, no he is not LCing but his is 145. I couldn't believe my cholesterol is lower than my five yr. old's.


Heike Tue, Feb-14-06 19:19

Right,my GP sent me to the dietician and finally I was given some numbers today.My GP wasn't happy with my results and I didn't have a clue about the meaning of the numbers.Now it's like follows:
Total cholesterol 7.1
HDL= 1.2
LDL= 5.2 (this is bad I was told?)
TG(Triglyc.)= 1.5

Do I have to be really worried? Any more tips how to lower my 5.2 number? I was told to cut cheese,eggs and cream drastically,all the things I love but eat to much of? Which food supplements help to lower cholesterol? Any other ideas of what has worked for you and might work for me too?

nedgoudy Tue, Feb-14-06 19:48

I just got my blood test
results last week with
my physical and they
were as follows:

LDL 66
HDL 38
TRI 88

But it should be noted that
I am on a Low Carb, NO FAT
and High Protein diet.

But the Dr. was amazed.
I started taking a Fish oil
caplet or two a day to build
the HDL but the RATIO of LDL/HDL
and TRI/HDL is very favorable so
my Dr. was not only pleased but

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