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Marie H Mon, Apr-19-04 13:37

Avoiding specific goals?
Actually, the question is more about whether I SHOULD avoid specific dated goals.

I have two events coming up -- one at the end of June, one in early September -- when I will be traveling, and will see some people that I don't see very often. Generally, speaking, while I have a long term weight loss goal in mind, I have tried to avoid pinning specific dates or events to any goals. I do this for two reasons: one, I do NOT want to lose weight for a specific event, because the weight loss needs to be for ME, not for anyone else -- otherwise, I'm afraid that when that event is over, my motivation will also be over; and, two, I'm afraid that if I miss one of those date-specific goals, I'll get too disappointed to maintain my motivation.

Does that make sense to anyone else, or any I just creating problems for myself?

I find myself thinking about those upcoming events with specific weights in mind -- like, I want to be under 250 before I leave for the conference in June, or under 225 before I see my family again in September. I think those are probably both very realistic goals -- it isn't as though I'm hoping to lose a totally unrealistic amount of weight, but still . . . should I be trying to avoid that sort of thinking, or just go with it? If I SHOULD be trying to avoid it, does anyone have any particular tricks in mind to do that?

Thanks to all -- with my ultimate goal more than a year away -- or even more than two or three years away -- it helps to tolk to other people who are in this for the long haul, too!

magnamater Mon, Apr-19-04 13:42

I know where you're coming from.

You can set the goals, but keep in mind that you should reward the WOL rather than the lbs. lost.

Should you not make the mini goal, it is not a failure!!! You have accomplished so much.

And where would you be if you hadn't followed the WOL/WOE?? For me that place is scarey!!

You will make it to your "goal."

It works. I believe. :rolleyes:

LisaS Mon, Apr-19-04 14:56

I think you have to know yourself a little bit -
will having a goal motivate you to stick to the plan when you might otherwise waiver ?
will missing the goal cause you to beat yourself up - or will you recognize that sometimes you cannot script weight loss to a specific date ?

bunks Mon, Apr-19-04 17:17

I think having a goal is a good thing, it can help to motivate you and give you a sense of purpose. There is a great sense of pride and accomplishment in achieving a goal. Your ultimate goal would be to lose all of the weight that you want to but you could set your dates in June and September as mini goals. Maybe you won't achieve the weight loss that you want by the time you reach those dates but if you look at the weight that you will have lost by those dates as part of the greater goal I don't think it will be to discouraging for you. Better off than you were before right?

I would also like to point out that if you show up at these events pounds lighter, people will compliment you, it will be a real ego booster and feed the motivation process and encourage you. So try to look at them as opportunities instead.

You could make a game out of it. Go from event to event to event seeing how much weight you can lose to surprise your friends and family. Before you know it you'll be at your goal weight :)

I have a goal of reaching 155 pounds by the first week of August. That's when my husband and I visit my mom, dad, and brother in Vancouver. The second week we are going on an Alaskan cruise to celebrate our 25th so I want to look good. When I started Atkins I lost 8.5 pounds in the first week and thought no problem but now my weight loss has dropped right off and I only seem to be losing every 10 days. It looks like a very real possibility that I won't make my goal weight by Aug. However my reasoning is that whatever weight I lose will be still be better than what I weighed before I started this WOE.

Even if I only lose ten pounds between now and August it's still a lighter weight than I've been in years and of course I'll still be motivated to lose more until I reach my final goal. My family haven't seen me in a few years so I'm sure whatever I weigh will still be a surprise to them (I haven't said I'm on a diet, I want to wow them). Next goal will probably be set for Christmas to see if I can hopefully lose the rest. We'll see if the other relatives on my husband's side notice a difference :)

Hope this is of some help. One other viewpoint anyway.

CindyG Mon, Apr-19-04 17:21

I think it's better to have goals set with something you can control, like X carbs a day, x water a day. I'm losing rather slowly, but consistenly and while it might take me longer than I'd thought, I'm getting there. Had I said I will lose 60 pounds by April, I'd have been way off and extremely disappointed in myself. But thats just me.

One thing you might do is figure out your weekly average (not including weight lost during induction). Then you could multiply that number times the number of weeks til that event. That would give you a realistic number to use as a goal. I think if you include the big loss from induction in that average, it would be harder to reach your goal.

Good luck!

Marieshops Mon, Apr-19-04 17:23

Hi Marie,
For me, I don't like to set mini goals of weight tied to a date. The way I do it when looking ahead to a big event or holiday or whatever is to set my goal to be as healthy by that date as possible. This keeps me on track without the pressure of trying for an exact number. Everyone is different. A number of people here enjoy setting mini goals and don't have any problems with that. I don't like the pressure of a certain number, I do better just trying to do the best I can.


sophotia Mon, Apr-19-04 18:11

Well at work we continously set weight loss challenges. They last about 8 weeks and I think it has helped us all motivate each other to lose weight. I really dont think most of them would have lost as much with out a mini goal in sight.

UpTheHill Mon, Apr-19-04 18:28

Originally Posted by CindyG
I think it's better to have goals set with something you can control, like X carbs a day, x water a day.

This is what works for me as well. I now have a goal tied to a date, but that's a recent thing. Early on, my goal was to follow the program every day. Later, the goal switched to eating and exercising in a way that resulted in a certain calorie deficit each day. After that worked for a while, it became clear that my weight was headed toward goal at a certain time. When that happened, I set a time goal to keep me focused.


LoriLoCarb Mon, Apr-19-04 21:54

I agree with many, and think that goals are helpful and keep you focused. Of course, as an individual, I think goals are helpful in all areas of life so it may be personal preference. I think the biggest thing, and one that will be hard for me is not beating myself up over not reaching goals. Since this is my first real attempt at weight loss, I have NO clue as to how my body will respond. Your goals sound very realistic though, and it sounds like you are thinking about the dates/goals anyhow....never hurts to strive for something I would think. Best of luck with whichever way you choose to look at it!

~ Lori :D

hummelda Mon, Apr-19-04 22:45

Originally Posted by bunks
We'll see if the other relatives on my husband's side notice a difference :)
Oh, I guarantee we'll notice!!!! Just pick up some tight-fitting, sexy clothes and yes, we will notice!!!

At the beginning of this year, my signature line had monthly goals for the rest of the year. I met the Jan and Feb goals early and then looked at them and said --"This is the rest of my life" As long as I am following my food and exercise plan, it will come off and it will do it at a pace that makes sense to my body. So now I focus on the long term, on reshaping my eating habits. In my mind, I'm hoping/expecting to be at goal by the end of the year -- but again, if that doesn't happen, I will still be happier and healthier as long as I stick to what I am doing.

And since bunks and I are close to the same weight now, chances are she won't be able to borrow my different-sized clothes to take on the cruise!!! We'll have to work something out!

pha1226 Tue, Apr-20-04 08:43

I do think it's an individual thing. Personally, I like having a goal with an date. Since my ultimate goal seems very far away, having smaller interim goals gives me something more immediate to shoot for.

Renkin1990 Tue, Apr-20-04 09:35

Goals for me are something to look forward to. You see, in my mind I have already reached my goal, I am just waiting for my body to catch up. So my goals are really a prediction of the weight I should be at any given time. I developed my goals early on, when I was really excited about the program and wanted to predict my success. As a way to experience it in advance. I am absolutely committed to this WOL and have no doubt that I will reach my goal weight. Regardless, every morning, I wake up healthier than the day before. That has to feel good!

teresamay Tue, Apr-20-04 10:20

I can't do mini goals - I get way to down and hard on myself if I don't meet them. I basically stict to my carbs and water and don't cheat - I let the weight loss and inches take care of themselves!

tlmarshall Tue, Apr-20-04 12:48

Originally Posted by CindyG
I think it's better to have goals set with something you can control, like X carbs a day, x water a day.

I'd agree with Cindy! I think we are all losing at different rates - my weight loss per week might be much slower or faster than yours. I know for myself that if I set weight goals and don't meet them I would be more prone to sabotaging this whole process.

as they say...your mileage might vary! :)

Good Luck!

Wenzday Tue, Apr-20-04 14:32

Those thoughts youa re having are so normal...its impossible to not think of your weight with these things becuase your weight loss is a big thing in your life right now... I think very realistic goals are great.... but you have to work hard to get to them and set a new one right away once you do get there...most of all dont reward yourself with food.... I think many of us have done that once and it can throw you way off and make you! not worth it!

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