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coke&&glam Sat, Mar-31-07 16:17

anyone out there like me?
Im 19 and i have about 100 pounds to lose... (hell, id be happy with losing just 60... but the bf wants me down to 130) im a busy student and dont have a lot of time to prepare meals and such. ive struggled with bulimia for 8 years... and itd be nice to find someone whos been there... i think im being a bit picky lol


Nico78 Sat, Mar-31-07 16:34

I'm sure that here you'll find tons of supporting people and even around your same age :)
There is just one thing that bothers me in your post:
Why do you want to lose weight? For yourself or for your bf?
Because then things will be much much harder!

Didi you read the book by Dr. Atkins? New Diet Revolution?

I'm answering because I am a student, even if not a teen anymore (I'm 28 y/o) but anyway I'm here to cheer for you and support you!
Good Luck!!


coke&&glam Sat, Mar-31-07 17:32

well... im 230 right now... i wanna be like... 160... im big boned and when i was 140 my hip bones and ribs showed... it was hard finding clothes that fit right... and im only 5'5... my bf wants me down to 130... i guess thats more healthy than 160...

Redrose81 Sun, Apr-01-07 10:51

Originally Posted by coke&&glam
well... im 230 right now... i wanna be like... 160... im big boned and when i was 140 my hip bones and ribs showed... it was hard finding clothes that fit right... and im only 5'5... my bf wants me down to 130... i guess thats more healthy than 160...

I am your height and my goal weight was 140. I too am fairly big boned and I think that instead of setting a goal weight for right now, get around 160lbs and then decide how much more, if anything you think you need to go. I think you should get down to what YOU want to get down to. It is hard to judge right now how you're going to look at a certain weight until you actually get there. 130 may be too low or it might be just right, but I think you should do what makes you feel best.

elizabet Wed, Apr-25-07 06:32

I would just like to say 2 things.I am big boned and could never weight a 130 i would proably disa[ 150 is good for me.At 5'6 height.
We are not the same age but I tell you from experience.My hubby loves me just the weight I am actually he has made it harder for me He doesnt understand why I want to loss little or no supportI believe he thinks I cant do it.He was married before, his first wife tried to no avail and maybe he saw her let down time and time again. I told him Im different.It might not come off over night but it will come off.I had to explain to him.he may be happy with my weight but I am not and I have to live with me.Its all about me.I deserve a better life one where I am comfortable in my own shoes.Most people who lose for bf or hubbies dont do it.Search yourself .he maybe worried for your health.But you must be worried for your health.Ill never be a model and be bone thin but I can look my best in my eyes.And that is what truely matters.It sounds like you may have a great coach to help you, use that . my dad went on this diet also and we talk about all the time ways to better eating ,plan things to eat.we share our ups and downs with each other so he is great support.
Good luck on your journey to a new you

aprils0909 Wed, Apr-25-07 06:36

Repeat post, sorry!

aprils0909 Wed, Apr-25-07 06:37

Don't listen to your boyfriend. Take it one step at a time and do it for YOU! I'd stick with little goals like 10 lbs or 20 lbs at a time. I think that 160 or even 150 would be wonderful!

Congratulations on your decision to try. Thats the first step and you've succeeded in finding a great website.

As for preparing meals, there are lots of great tips that are quick and easy that you can find online. I am not on Atkins, but the people that are can give you great tips. I only have general LC ideas, unfortunately. GOOD LUCK!

DietMonstr Wed, Apr-25-07 06:50

What do guys know anyway? My bf is really thin, only an inch or two taller than me and weighs 165. He freaked when I told him I was about the same, he thought I was 125!!! If I was 125 I'd be too skinny- I'm 5'8". Reach for 160 and see how you like it, then go from there. My bf doesnt want me to lose either- or maybe he just says that to avoid my wrath. if he told me to lose, I'd tell him to piss off, call it what you will but I refuse to change for anyone but me when it comes to these. I need to lose weight for me, especially since hearing negative things about my weight from others drives me into this insane state- I either binge or starve, there isnt a middle ground. Since I'm doing this for me, I can actually think about what I'm doing and do it healthy. I also had an ED- it never really goes away, be very careful not to let it take control.

Redrose81 Wed, Apr-25-07 07:06

Good for you! Definately lose it for you, because in the long run it only affects you. I do understand though about finding a middle ground. We are all here to help you any time you need it because this journey is a learning experience and isn't always a smooth road. Lose what you want, when you want and when you feel you hit a good weight, then dammit, that's good enough no matter what the scale says. Sometimes boys can be stupid. I had an ex who once told me that I needed to firm up the back of my legs....I was like F%$$ off. Kindess goes a lot further than some people realize, and he happened to be one of those unlucky ones who did feel my wrath. :lol: I wish you the best of luck and if you need anything at all please don't hesitate to stop by my journal or PM me! :wave: Hope you have a great day.

elizabet Fri, Apr-27-07 06:06

My life is extremely crazy right now.And I have to find a middle ground, "
balance".Easy word but hard to do.
I am not on atkins but I have less than 20 carbs a day.I love my coffee,dont always eat enough vegs,and dont always drink my water.Havent had time to excercise.But as long as I try, it gets better everyday.
For me I dont have time for a big recipe,(shred the homemade cheese and spinkle the freshly grown herbs) so I have picked something I like and stuck to it .Which has got me started and I see a difference.Sometimes I have a hard time eating.Afraid whatever I eat will go to my hips.years of yo yo dieting and starving myself.I have made my diet simply I dont worry about anything but carbs.And I keep a home journal of food intake.
Good luck with your weight loss.

brownwh1 Mon, Nov-12-07 12:54

I have been struggling with bulimia for about 7 years on and off. I have begun diets, followed them and then ruined it all. I think for me I have to get away from that ALL or NOTHING mentality. When I get off track, its very easy for me to get completely off track and think I ruined everything. I guess just try to put things into perspective. You have to really want to make a change and believe that you can before it will happen. YOU CAN DO IT :)

classic86 Tue, Jan-22-08 23:05

Originally Posted by coke&&glam
the bf wants me down to 130

hahahaha .... did he just come out and say it "oh btw, i want you down to 130 pounds"

too funny

imho if you want a skinny chick, you dont start dating a fat one and then pressure her into losing weight, just get a skinny chick to begin with

big_loser Thu, Feb-14-08 15:18

Originally Posted by Nico78
There is just one thing that bothers me in your post:
Why do you want to lose weight? For yourself or for your bf?

even if its mainly for her bf. if someone is overweight - then they need to lose weight so whatever the motivation is - at least its there.

Sandollar Thu, Feb-14-08 18:17

Originally Posted by classic86
imho if you want a skinny chick, you dont start dating a fat one and then pressure her into losing weight, just get a skinny chick to begin with

Tecumseh Fri, Feb-15-08 02:35

I am a student as well. I have about 100 lbs to lose myself.

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