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SteveH57 Mon, Aug-11-03 11:25

Revised Carbs in Booze Table
Back from my research again. :)

After UrbanGypsy's comments about the Alcohol Carbs being left out here is the full table :-

Per 100ml ............

Stella ................ 40.0 Cals - 2.9g Carbs + 1.9g alcohol carbs
Holsten Pills ........ 38.0 Cals - 2.4g Carbs + 4.0g alcohol carbs
Fosters .............. 40.0 Cals - 3.1g Carbs + 3.9g alcohol carbs
Becks ................ 41.0 Cals - 3.0g Carbs + 4.0g alcohol carbs
Draught Bitter ..... 32.0 Cals - 2.3g Carbs + 3.1g alcohol carbs
Guinness ............ 30.0 Cals - 1.5g Carbs + 3.3g alcohol carbs
Mild ................... 24.0 Cals - 1.6g Carbs + 2.5g alcohol carbs
Budweiser ........... 40.3 Cals - 2.9g Carbs + 1.5g alcohol carbs
Foster Export ...... 37.0 Cals - 2.2g Carbs + 4.0g alcohol carbs
Miller Pilsner ........ 30.0 Cals - 2.4g Carbs + 4.0g alcohol carbs

Per Pint ( 570ml)

Stella ................ 227 Cals - 16.5g Carbs + 10.8g alcohol carbs
Holsten Pills ........ 215 Cals - 13.6g Carbs + 22.8g alcohol carbs
Fosters .............. 227 Cals - 17.6g Carbs + 22.2g alcohol carbs
Becks ................ 233 Cals - 17.0g Carbs + 22.8g alcohol carbs
Draught Bitter ..... 182 Cals - 13.0g Carbs + 17.7g alcohol carbs
Guinness ............ 171 Cals - 8.5g Carbs + 18.8g alcohol carbs
Mild ................... 137 Cals - 9.1g Carbs + 14.3g alcohol carbs
Budweiser .......... 230 Cals - 16.5g Carbs + 8.6g alcohol carbs
Foster Export ...... 211 Cals - 12.5g Carbs + 22.8g alcohol carbs
Miller Pilsner ........ 171 Cals - 13.6g Carbs + 22.8g alcohol carbs

Per Bottle (275ml).

Marstons "Low C" ..... 85 Cals - 1.65g Carbs

No Alchol Carbs on label as its sold as a low cal beer, but at 4.5%
would expect it to be between 5 - 10g

Std Pub Glass (125ml)

Red Wine ............. 85.0 Cals - 0.25g Carbs + 12.0g alcohol carbs
Dry White ............ 82.5 Cals - 0.75g Carbs + 11.4g alcohol carbs
Med White ........... 92.5 Cals - 3.75g Carbs + 11.1g alcohol carbs
Sweet White ........ 117.5 Cals - 7.40g Carbs + 12.7g alcohol carbs
Sparkling White ..... 92.5 Cals - 6.40g Carbs + 9.5g alcohol carbs
Rose Med ............. 88.7 Cals - 3.13g Carbs + 10.9g alcohol carbs
Non Alcoholic ........ 47.5 Cals - 11.9g Carbs + 0.0g alcohol carbs

Large Pub Glass (175ml)

Red Wine ............. 119.0 Cals - 0.35g Carbs + 16.8g alcohol carbs
Dry White ............ 115.0 Cals - 1.05g Carbs + 16.0g alcohol carbs
Med White ........... 130.0 Cals - 5.25g Carbs + 15.6g alcohol carbs
Sweet White ........ 165.0 Cals - 10.30g Carbs + 17.9g alcohol carbs
Sparkling White ..... 130.0 Cals - 8.90g Carbs + 13.3g alcohol carbs
Rose Med ............. 125.0 Cals - 4.40g Carbs + 15.3g alcohol carbs
Non Alcoholic ........ 66.0 Cals - 16.60g Carbs + 0.0g alcohol carbs

Wine Bottle 750ml (for my Ref)

Red Wine ............. 510.0 Cals - 1.5g Carbs + 72.0g alcohol carbs
Dry White ............ 495.0 Cals - 4.5g Carbs + 68.3g alcohol carbs

Std Pub Glass (25ml)

Spirits 40% Vol ....... 56.0 Cals - 0.00g Carbs + 8.0g alcohol carbs
Spirits 37.5% Vol .... 52.0 Cals - 0.00g Carbs + 7.4g alcohol carbs

As i couldn't remember seeing any reference to " Alcohol Carbs" in the Charles Clark book, i checked but still no ref. so i looked at the Atkins website and found a ref to booze.

It said :-

You should not drink alcohol during Induction, but you can drink moderate amounts of alcohol during the Ongoing Weight Loss, Pre-Maintenance and Lifetime Maintenance phases.

When given the choice, your body will burn alcohol for energy before it burns fat.
But alcohol does not act as a carbohydrate so it will not interfere with burning fat in the same way that sugars and other carbohydrates do.

Now i'm confused,
But as i've lost 33lbs in 15 weeks and been drinking an average of a bottle of wine a night plus the odd Southern Comfort at weekends, then it seem to work for me, so i'll stick with my way of carb counting for now.

As they oftern say we all react to foods in different ways, so maybe its the same with alcohol, or am i just lucky!

Must go now and get some pool practice in and see if the barmaid need any company :lol:


pepsi max Mon, Aug-11-03 11:34

well, i,ve tested spirits with the clinistix that test for sugar.nil.i,ve tested my bgs after drinking, no bg rise so i,m happy to say that from a bg point of view,alcohol carbs do not put up blood sugar and i,ve never had a weight gain by drinking in moderation.
i,m still sticking with spirits being carb free.

UrbanGypsy Mon, Aug-11-03 11:46

Ah Steve you're an absolute star!!! :angel: (but we're fresh out of stars, so you'll have to make do with an angel badge! ;))

Thank you so much for going to all that effort, trouble, and selfless visits to the pub! :lol: Seriously, that's an invaluable guide to be able to refer to... and I for one very much appreciate you taking the time to list all those.


UrbanGypsy Mon, Aug-11-03 11:57

Hi Christine :)

I'm hoping this is one of those times when a problem pops in to your head about the same time as someone who could help with it appears... :help:

I just got off the phone from my mother, who was recently diagnosed diabetic and is sounding more miserable (and, frankly, more diabetic) by the second following the doctor's high carb diet. She's readily agreed to switch to the Atkins diet, but I could use all the help I can get in making sure I give her the best recommendations possible.

I know there's a diabetic forum, which I've been reading as best I can with all the jargon and US terms! But seeing you make that comment about your blood sugar levels (I'm guessing that's roughly what bgs are?) after alcohol makes me wonder if you could a) elaborate on that or b) offer any other advice which might help her? I just can't bear to see her having the life slowly sucked out of her... especially knowing diabetes killed her mother. :(

Not wishing to put you to major effort though, so do please say if I'm asking too much.

UrbanGypsy Mon, Aug-11-03 12:15

Originally Posted by SteveH57
When given the choice, your body will burn alcohol for energy before it burns fat.
But alcohol does not act as a carbohydrate so it will not interfere with burning fat in the same way that sugars and other carbohydrates do.

Now i'm confused

I'm just guessing here... But I know in my pre-ME days I always used to drink a pint of milk "to line my stomach" before heading out if I knew a major drinking session was in the offing (and drank two pints of water when I got back... sheesh, I couldn't even manage a drinking binge without being sensible! :rolleyes: ). Always spared me the otherwise inevitable hangover!

So perhaps what they mean by "given the choice" is that, if you haven't had a good low carb - and possibly higher fat - meal beforehand your body will head to the alcohol as its first choice in fuel as opposed to burning off body fat as normal?

Just a guess mind you!

tholian8 Mon, Aug-11-03 12:19

Steve, if it works for you then you don't need to worry. If you eventually stop losing, then you might want to check the calorie count of the booze you're consuming, and make some adjustments accordingly. But in general, if it ain't broke.... :D

I've never seen a reference to "alcohol carbs." If someone could point me to such a reference I would be most grateful.

I'd thought that the whole point of drinking spirits on LC rather than beer or wine was to minimize the carbs. Alcohol (EtOH) DOES hijack the liver, causing that organ to burn the EtOH in preference to bodyfat until the EtOH is totally cleared from the body, which happens at the rate of approximately 1 US standard drink per hour (about 1.8 UK units). Drinking does not mean that you will completely stall, because your muscles and some other organs will continue to burn bodyfat...but it does mean that your rate of burn will drop to 50% or less of what it is when you're sober.

The more important thing to consider when drinking on a weight loss diet is that even while the alcohol is being burnt by your liver, the fat cells keep releasing fat for burning at the same rate, which leads to a build up of free fatty acids in the bloodstream. Normally, extra FFA's are burnt up by the liver, but when there is EtOH in the system it totally disables the liver's ability to burn off that fat, and all it can do is put the incoming bodyfat aside to deal with later after the booze is gone. If you drink a lot while in a fat-burning mode, you are risking a big buildup of fat in your liver, and that is not a healthy condition. Fortunately, even a couple of days of abstinence per week can help your liver catch up with the workload. ;)

I love to drink. I couldn't give up booze even on Induction. I've discovered that on this diet, I basically have two choices with booze. I can drink a little every day without problems, OR I can choose to go heavy, but to take 2 or 3 days every week to allow my body to clean up the mess, as it were. If I go heavy but don't allow the catch-up time, I don't feel very well.

YMMV though. Metabolism is so individual.


pepsi max Mon, Aug-11-03 13:12

hi urbangypsy,
i,m sorry your mother has been diagnosed with diabetes.its quite frightening at first but its not a death help with the conversions of bgs-mmols thats used in uk to mgs thats used in usa, go to
if you print this out it will help when you read the diabetes forum.
is your mam on meds?what is her daily sugar of the best books to read is dr bernsteins diabetes solution.this is written by a diabetic for diabetics.his advice about "small inputs, small mistakes"has been invaluable to me.i keep my bgs tightly controlled (most of the time)between 4 and 6 mmols-normal,thanks to dr b and atkins.not thanks to my own dr.

Ebbie.B Mon, Aug-11-03 15:01

Reading Christine and Urbangyspy's posts has made me think of the diabetics that we care for (community care).

One lady's diet looks like this
2 x toast
cornflakes or porridge

fish fingers, or sausages or chicken nuggets with either mashed potato or chips, Veg or baked beans
fruit cocktail

a variant on lunch

For snacks she eats cheesy biscuits or something similar.

Just before bed she has a mug of hot milk (yep even in this heat!) and if her blood reading is 10 or below we have to make her a sandwich!

This is totally wrong isn't it? Absolutely nothing i can do about it, i think i may get the sack if i start preaching Atkins to our clients lol

pepsi max Mon, Aug-11-03 15:41

a bg of 10,i,d have 2 panic attacks and a stroke!

sooz Mon, Aug-11-03 16:25

So Steve, dont you suffer from hangovers drinking a bottle of wine a night?? Dont get me wrong, I used to do that too pre low carbs, but during induction I abstained, but had a blowout at the weekend (day 13 of induction) thought I was going to die on Sunday morning!!

Ebbie.B Mon, Aug-11-03 17:17

:bhug: Sooz

I too recently went through that experience,:bash::Puke:
Never ever again

UrbanGypsy Tue, Aug-12-03 02:25

Hi Christine :)

If anything, she seems very angry with them for diagnosing this... I call that a healthy sign! ;) Though I do suspect you're right and its at least partly a cover for fear: as I say, she watched her mother die from it. Nor will she have forgotten what "help" from the "professionals" did to me... :(

Thank you very much for that URL. Its not coming up at the moment, but I'll give it another try later... and then I might even understand that sentence! :lol:

She's not on any meds at the moment, no. They've put her on the special diet to make sure she needs them by the time they test her again. :rolleyes:

Originally Posted by pepsi max
what is her daily sugar readings. (and later you say...) a bg of 10,i,d have 2 panic attacks and a stroke!

Er... I'm not sure if sugar readings and bgs are the same? I do know she tested herself before lunch yesterday and got a reading of 2. She tested herself right after and got a reading of 10. I also know, before the doctors intervened she was no more diabetic than I was before Atkins... enough to get a bit grumpy/tired/shakey if she hasn't eaten for a while, but nothing you can't handle. :mad: But if that's how quickly the wrong diet could knock her for six, then here's hoping the right one has just as swift an effect.

Your Dr Berstein suggestion will be a fantastic help... thank you! I can't get her to read a thing at the moment. Not because she doesn't want to know; because an earlier brush with (surprise, surprise) Weightwatchers has left her sick to death of hearing about diets! But I know she'll follow whatever I say to the letter, so I'll order that today and get reading!

I really can't thank you enough for all that advice... its not often I feel out of my depth dealing with health issues, but this one threw me. You've done wonders to help ease my mind. :bhug:

UrbanGypsy Tue, Aug-12-03 02:39

Thanks Ebbie... you just reassured me it really wasn't anything personal with the detritus they tried to feed me when I was in the disability unit! :lol:

They used to look almost as offended that I wouldn't eat what they gave me (thankfully I had my own kitchen in there to create alternatives) as I did that they'd suggested I would in the first place!!!

It must be very frustrating for you having to watch folk needlessly go downhill.

pepsi max Tue, Aug-12-03 03:00

sorry the link isn,t working.try this
then go to the diabetes library.go to monitoring which will give you Goals for bs control.scroll down to where it says-attension visiters fron outside the on that and ot will give you the chart

pepsi max Tue, Aug-12-03 03:03

just tried it. it works.sorry about the spelling.these kids are bugging me.i can,t think straight!

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