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hidees13 Sun, Sep-28-03 01:41

Something i realized today.
I was thinking today about how these past 4 years, (while at college, GREAT TIMES, but unhealthy lifestyle for me) I have totally ignored/denied my unhealthy habits. I gained weight and never seriously took care of my health via eating habits. I made late night food runs, binge drank/ate with friends. But yet, while i promoted this unhealthy lifestyle i became more obsessed than ever about my hair, my makeup and my overall hygeine. I am obsessed with skincare and I mean ive always been into that, but just before i went on atkins, i was obsessed with plucking my eyebrows perfectly, conditioning my hair, perfect makeup, etc. Anyway, i just had this internal switch flip today when i realize that although im still obsessed with myself (lol) I realize that it takes a lot more than makeup and hair to make myself feel good about myself. Why didn't i take some of the energy i put into hygeine into my physical health! Jeesh, i mean who cares if your eyebrowns are perfect if your gonna die of a heart attack at age 30. I dunno, this is kinda a pointless post, but i just realized today that it's not as imporant to me how "groomed" i am as how healthy i am. Simple idea really, but new to me. I guess i was trying to deny the weight gains by tending to my skin, hair and makeup.

Ive only lost 15 pounds and im already loads happier about myself. Honestly ive never really lost weight, ussually when i get a "crush" or into a relationship i loose a little because of the
butterflys and what not, but i always gain it back. I've never been a yo yo dieter cause well, ive never been a dieter. Anyway i just thought i would share. I love this place. Gives me so much motivation to see everyones numbers dropping.

Thanks for listening.


Wenzday Sun, Sep-28-03 02:48

You know....there are lots of girls/women I've met who could benefit from this post of yours-really! You really have been enlightened. I love make-up and such but I am not good enough at it to have had that problem specifically. I am very happy for you!

to share my 'thing'... I was very, very into discovering me and changing things about me I didnt like or just deciding what I really wanted from was all very spiritual and I was tuned into myself. I have always been over weight but lved myself so it wasnt a huge issue. I lost a bunch of weight without trying and was happy about it but didnt thikn about it too hard. Well...once school was over I guess I just kept getting bigger and more unhealthy and quite honestly I really didnt realize how bad I had gotten right up until I DID...if you know what I mean!

So...I think sometimes we all need to remember that our physical health is probably the most important thing and all the rest can follow suit.

meflowerg Sun, Sep-28-03 06:54

Thank you both.

I really want to lose 20 pounds in the nest month and 1/2 but then the next 20 I will take it slow. I want to be 140. But it seems I can't lose any! Of well...I will just keep eating my pork rinds and just stay happy and wait to see what might happen!


GrammaJoJo Sun, Sep-28-03 07:06

You've lost 4 pounds, that's not bad, are you sure that you are following all the induction rules? hang in there.

paradise Sun, Sep-28-03 07:07

meflowerg: Just make sure if you're eating pork rinds to drink tons of water! Pork rinds are pretty high in sodium and cause me to retain water in a big way.

hidees13: Your post was not pointless! It's just what I keep trying to tell my four-year old daughter. Just because someone looks pretty on the outside or is dressed in nice clothes, doesn't mean that they are pretty or nice. What's inside counts, good health and a "good" heart!

Good luck on your LC journeys!!!

GrammaJoJo Sun, Sep-28-03 07:09

I too agree that you are an inspiration for our young, to much is put into superficial beauty, beauty truly comes from the inside and a healthy lifestyle is a big part of that. I also like makeup and such, but I feel so much better now that I really think that this shines through more than the trappings if you know what I mean. Keep it up it is a wonderful WOL to be truly free of our addictions.
Have a great day :yay:

Karen Sun, Sep-28-03 07:34

Great post Heidi! :)

True self-esteem comes from doing worthy deeds and that's what you're doing, starting with yourself. I wish that you continue to flourish and this life-style brings about greater and more wonderous changes for you.


skibunnie Sun, Sep-28-03 12:02

So what school did you go to in oregon? Im from oregon but I just moved to montana to go to school.

hidees13 Sun, Sep-28-03 12:24

Wow, thanks everyone. It was great to wake up this morning and read these lovely responses. I hope everyone has a happy sunday!

SkiBunnie, I went to OSU. GO BEAVS(we just kicked ASU butt last night in football 47-17, and UofO lost big time to Michigan) Where did you live in OR, im back in portland now.


honeybfly Sun, Sep-28-03 13:31

this is such a lovely gave me a different perspective in life...
when you said "I realize that it takes a lot more than makeup and hair
to make myself feel good about myself. Why didn't i take some of the
energy i put into hygeine into my physical health!" ive realized that ive
never been contented on who i am. ive always wanted to be this perfect
person i want to be(w/c is so unrealistic)...but you know what? there is no such thing as perfect.
and the only real way to be happy is to accept ourselves for who we really are.
so to me,i've realized that it takes more than just makeup,hair or physical health for me to
be really happy. i think i need to work more on the inside. so thanks for this post.
take care

beachmum Sun, Sep-28-03 13:45

I've been a bit on the self-realization/what's really important thoughts this week as well. Actually, I've been considering that maybe I'm a little too obsessed with Atkins and what I look like (lost several inches off hips and thighs). It's okay the be happy, and feel better, but I also want to spend time making sure the inside me--loving others, etc--is as pretty as I want the outside to be.

Hope this isn't too much of a ramble. Thanks for sharing your post.

skibunnie Sun, Sep-28-03 15:54

Well Im from medford, I was living in Portland for a year though, I cant believe the ducks lost! grrrr
you kind of look like clair danes or whatever her name is

hidees13 Sun, Sep-28-03 18:10

ha ha, thats hilarious. i have never once in my life been thought of as looking at all like claire danes. I guess that shows how different pics can represent you, I put a new avatar up... but hey, i wont argue claire danes looks great.

Do you know (or of) the Halls, and the Bishops? I knew them from school, but thats all. They both live in medford, went to phoenix high, and just graduated from OSU as well. But other than that, its my only medform connection. I went to donut haven there once.

skibunnie Sun, Sep-28-03 19:13

yes i know them! Brian hall? It is so sad sarah bishop past away, i went to school with them !

hidees13 Sun, Sep-28-03 19:16

Originally Posted by skibunnie
yes i know them! Brian hall? It is so sad sarah bishop past away, i went to school with them !

Yes i was good friends with John her brother in the middle of all that. It was a really sad time for him, but he is doing so good now. Him and my best friend are practically married (been together for 4 yrs now) and Brian got married this past June to Jenny. I dont have much connection with him anymore but i hear updates from John. Did you know the O'quins too? Brian Oquin, they are a funny group of guys. What a small world it is.

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