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Soon2BSlim Wed, Dec-31-03 12:22

Single LC'ers Valentine's Day Challenge!!!
Welcome to the Single LC'ers Valentine's Day Challenge!!!
This challenge will run from January 1st - February 14th.

Essentially, you set your overall goal, and then work on mini-weekly goals as well to get to your main goal. We'll check in at least every Friday (and Saturday the 14th for the final check in) - but feel free to check in as often as you would like. If there's anything we all learned from the first challenge, it's to make sure that you're realistic with your goals, and that even if you don't reach your overall goal, you've definitely worked hard to better yourself.

(Make sure to include your beginning weight and/or inches - whichever you're hoping to focus on - so that we can see the progress over time.)

Good luck everyone...we can do it together!!!

nowonder Wed, Dec-31-03 15:53

Count me in!

Since I had such success on my first challenge, I'm pushing the envelope here. So in 45 days I want to be 16lbs lighter. In this time frame I have to deal with the Eagles going to the playoffs (WooHoo!) and working out of a different office (an hour further away) are going to be my big challenges.

So I'm 256 now, I want to be 240. I also want to find someone to share Valentines Day with... but that is a bit beyond my control. :)


Zora Wed, Dec-31-03 18:45

I'm in - definately!! I blew the New Year's Eve challenge the past few days, so I need a new one. I want to be 199 by Valentine's Day. I'm not weighing until tomorrow morning, so I have the full damage, so I'll post my starting weight then.

We can do this together!!!!!!!!!!!!

rishamoon Wed, Dec-31-03 23:28

Well I'm in... I did good last time till the past week or so... and I really don't know what happened (I'm blaming starting the pill again... couldn't have been the mac and cheese..... LOL!)

I'm not going to set a weight or inches goal, but rather set a goal of drinking more water. I'm really getting bad about getting enough water. I will post my starting stats, weight and I think inches this time since it has been a while since I did that. Maybe I will be happy when I take measurements, my last set are from October....

Zora Thu, Jan-01-04 10:20

Weighed in and I'm 224!! Please tell me how one person can gain 12 lbs in 4 days of cheating?? Some of it must be water weight. Well anyway, that's the damage. I want to be 199 by Valentine's Day. That's 25 lbs in 6 weeks?.... hmmmm... probably .. no definately *not* possible but let's see how close I can get.

Good luck everyone and happy new year!!!!!

GypsyAngel Thu, Jan-01-04 11:16

:dazzle: :Party: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! :Party: :dazzle:

You know I'm in for this, even if I do hate Valentines Day!!!! Thanks for starting the thread Soon!
I am at 202 this morning - but I refuse to change my stats because I WAS in ONEderland 2 weeks ago so I know it exists!!!!
My big weight goal is 190. 12 lbs loss.
Mini goals this week - increase water to 80 oz/day. 4 exercise days... Curves - Sat & Mon, and treadmill Sunday, and Wed before work.

:cheer: GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!!!!!!! :cheer:

Gypsy :roll:

amtuamor22 Thu, Jan-01-04 13:04

I'm in
I'm in. Goal is to reach 115lbs and have have flat abs. :lol:

My rules:

Drink at least 64 oz water a day.
No low carb treats.
No Alcohol
Diet Sodas/Diet drinks-No more then one a day
No Aspartame
No more then 4 oz cheese a day
Aim for 80-90% FAT intake daily
Weigh in every Friday and report the week's progress.

Exercise at least 5 days a week.
and.........NO CHEATING!!!!! :agree:

Soon2BSlim Thu, Jan-01-04 13:58

Ok - weighed in this morning at 217 - I will take my measurements tomorrow. I would really love to make it to 199 - Let's see - 6 weeks for 18 lbs. (3 lbs. a week) - I think I can do that! :) If not, I would like to get as close as possible. wooo hooo!!!

I'm so glad everyone's joining!!!!

Nowonder - you did an amazing job last challenge - I'll bet you can do the 16 lbs!!!! :D Our goals are close, we'll have to keep eachother going. hee hee

Zora - honey, I'm sure the 12 lbs. is almost all water weight. When I came off the diet last time, I gained like 10 lbs. of water in a few days - if you start up on induction again, it'll fly off - hee hee! We're going for the same number (199) - woooo hoooo...let's do it!!!!! *hugs*

Risha - sounds like a good idea to set a goal to drink more water. I've been slacking on my water lately too - hee hee - I think I'll join you in that goal! :)

Gypsy!!! :D Woooo hooooo - you can do it! Oh man, wouldn't 190 be soooo exciting?! (Don't worry about not changing your stats - they'll be acurate in no time). :D Are you going back on induction? Has work calmed down a bit? (I hope so!!! *hugs*)

amtuamor22 - welcome to the challenge - you've joined a great group - everyone here is so supportive! :) Good luck on the challenge - and I'm with you on the no low carb treats - those will be the death of me. hee hee

On a different note - I'll work on a new banner probably tomorrow (I'm going to be partying all day today - wooo hooo) - and then I've got a couple of days off before the Winter semester starts. :D

Rachelle Thu, Jan-01-04 15:13

Hey Guys... I'm In...
I would like to be down to 128lbs..... I keep floating around 134 for the last 2-3 weeks... i know that it's got to budge sooner or later..... :lol:

I also want to drink more water... i hate it.. but i know that's not a good enough reason not to drink it....

And Cut down my "drinking" days... hahaha ... maybe only drinking on the weekends..instead of finding reasons to go out and party w/ friends during the week...

Good Luck All....

Rachelle Start Weight............. 134lb. 1/1/04

GypsyAngel Fri, Jan-02-04 00:18

Hi Everyone. Made it through a fourth day of induction with no cheats. YAY! I even passed by the peanutbutter cookies at work! I think my mouth was watering but I didn't cave!!! They were PB cookies with a PB cup in the middle. Tough to walk away!!!!

nowonder I agree with Soon. You rocked on the last challenge - bet you can kick those 16 lbs. And congrats to your Eagles....... my poor Giants - they're just terrible!!!! :cry:

Zora I bet it's all water. Up your water intake and stick with induction for a while - bet it disappears real quick. :)

Risha Cheers to the water. <clink> :cool:

amtuamor22 Welcome!!! Enjoy the challenge..... this is a great supportive group.

Soon I'm glad your back from vacation! Missed you around here! I am inductioning again for a couple weeks. Need to get back to ONEderland. I know you'll be there with me before you know it. What a great feeling it is to look at the scale and not see 2__!!! You go girly!!!!
Work is a little better I think, thanks for asking. Less pediatrics but still crazy busy! It's just too small a hospital for the amount of people it covers.

RachelleYAAAAY!!!! Good to see you! Good luck with the water thing. I drink fruit20. I know some people think that doesn't count as "real" water but that is all I can handle! I just don't like water! Cutting back on the drinking days???? YIKES!!!! Well, we'll always have drunk-girl-friday. Don't give that up!

Have a great Friday! :wiggle:

Gypsy :roll:

CarbsBeGon Fri, Jan-02-04 10:24

Okay, despite my lack of success in the last 2 challenges :rolleyes:, I'm persistent. I'd really like to get down to 250 by Valentines day - that's only 10 pounds - it's time for me to get serious again!

My plan: I've decided to cut out all but maybe a couple a week of the low-carb candy as I'm now almost certain it was making me stall. I'm also going to quit drinking coffee (ouch :() and be more strict in staying around induction-level carb consumption. Hopefully those few things, along with my continued 6-10 mile-a-day mountain bike rides, will get me where I hope to be.

As always, good luck to everyone beginning this challenge! Hopefully this Valentine's day will feature another massacre - of weight...

Zora Fri, Jan-02-04 11:21

Soon and Gypsy - Thanks for the encouragement. I'm down 4 lbs already, so YES, it must have been a lot of water weight. Hopefully it will KEEP going down! :)

Carbs - Nice to see you again! It's been awhile :wave:

Hi to everyone else!! I'm looking forward to this challenge and being successful this time!

amtuamor22 Fri, Jan-02-04 12:49

Ok, its Friday, Jan. 2nd. Here are my stats.

120lbs on one scale
123lbs. on the other scale.

So not sure which one is right, but i guess i'll go with the higher number so there are no mistakes.

So, 123lbs. After all the bingeing over the holiday I would have thought I would have gained quite a bit, so this is a pleasant surprise. But I guess the support I really need from you guys, is two things. I need help to stop overeating late at night, whether it be low carb or not, and to stop cheating (cookies, etc). I need you guys to tell me not to do that stuff. :lol: :nono:


nowonder Fri, Jan-02-04 13:11

Doh! It is friday, isn't it. I kinda lose track of time with the holidays.

Soon2b and Gypsy, thanks for the support! Gypsy... sorry to hear you are a Giants fan. Now you are living in PA, I think you should convert.

Anyway... on to the nasty business of checking in. I found myself 2lbs HEAVIER this morning. Actually, I found the scale that way yesterday... and it persisted till today. I was hoping it was just water from the NYE alcohol, but since it hung on I guess it's real. I think the Belgium Ale I had may have knocked me out of ketosis. I was having wild carb cravings last night... So I'm back to induction level carbs for a few days to get back on track.

Oh, I'm not changing my stats to reflect the current 258 since it's not going to be here long.


Soon2BSlim Fri, Jan-02-04 22:49

hee hee - those Friday's sneak up on you!!!!

Well - I'm EXHAUSTED from the New Year's celebrations - let's just say I got very little sleep, and I didn't get home until 12:00pm on the 2nd - sheesh!!! :)

So I weighed in this morning - I'm up about 1/2 pound (217.5) - but I'm sure that's just being bloated - I didn't get nearly as much water as I needed this weekend, and I splurged and had a couple of Vodka tonics - so I'm sure I'm dehydrated and retaining water and all that good stuff. I'm starting back on hardcore induction tomorrow - I had a scrambler this morning with mushrooms, avacado, onion, ham and cheese - and then I also had a salad - which is more carbs than I like to consider for induction - so, tomorrow I start up HARDCORE!!! wooo hooo Hopefully this mad cow stuff clears up quickly - hee hee - oh well, I've heard steak is ok, and that's all I really tend to eat anyways. :)

Rachelle - YAYAYAYAY - I'm so glad you're joining the challenge again - you can do it honey!!! :) *huge hugs*

Gypsy - congrats on the 4 days of induction sweetie - especially with the temptations you have around you - you're awesome. I'm glad to hear that work is getting a little better - hopefully you'll get to relax soon!!! :)

Carbs - *huge hug* - so glad you joined us - you know, they say 3rd time is the charm - I think this is going to be your successful challenge!!! If you go onto this induction and cut out those candies, I think you'll be amazed at how quickly you drop the lbs.!!!! You can do it!!! :D

Zora - wow - 4 lbs. already - you go girl. hee hee - it's amazing how you can gain so much in water weight!!! :D

Andrea - We'll try to keep you in line - hee hee - you can do it! Sometimes the only thing that has kept me away from those Atkins S'mores bars is the thought that I can come on here tomorrow and announce that I was able to control my will - and have everyone commend me - it's seriously helpful and exciting. :) So make sure that you tell us when you do "good", and not only the "bad" - because the support on the good stuff is just as, if not better, than the support for the bad stuff. :)

Nowonder - like I said to Zora - I'm sure the 2 lbs. is water weight - it can stay around a couple days - so I wouldn't worry too much about it. :)

Ok everyone - Happy New Year and all that good stuff!!!

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