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BawdyWench Tue, Feb-10-04 05:07

Protein Power Pals: Tuesday, February 10
Good morning!

Back in a flash!

BawdyWench Tue, Feb-10-04 05:38

Ellie, I'm so sorry to hear about your stepmom. What a shock. You just take care of yourself and give yourself time to grieve. Sometimes women are so busy taking care of others that they forget to take care of themselves.

I've attached the pic of Ellie with the new "do." She didn't actually say she got this style, but it was the one she liked best. I think she's cute as a button!

Dawn, here are the numbers I came up with for the Parmesan Ranch chicken. The recipe actually called for double the amounts of the ingredients I posted, and I estimated I used about half, so these are the numbers for one serving (one 6-ounce breast):
Calories: 435
Fat: 18 grams
Carbs: 2 carbs (no fiber)
Protein: 62 grams
The protein is so high because the breast was 6 ounces, after all, but the Parmesan adds quite a bit of protein as well.

About the weight-training routine. You might want to get a book (there are tons out there) and photocopy one of their routines. One book I think is great for starting out is called "Getting Stronger" by Bill Pearl. It's an oversized paperback and I've seen it in tons of bookstores. It explains things and has routines to do for general conditioning, bulking up, toning up, and also for specific sports such as hiking, tennis, running, golf, etc. The nice thing about it is that it has usually a one-page summary that shows a picture of every exercise you should do. All you would have to do is copy that one page and then take that to the gym. Keep it to the side with your towel and water bottle, and refer to it as needed.

Now for me. I've finally broken 166. Officially down to 165 today, right on the dot.

My Bowflex workout on Sunday went well. Short, but effective. I'm not nearly as tight as I was before. I also rearranged the workout room. There's only two of us, and we have 3 bedrooms (ours, DH's home office, and guest) and then there's a 12x18 room off our bedroom that we've turned into a workout room. In it we have two home gyms, the Total Gym, the Bowflex, an ab machine, a free weight bench, a stationary bike, and a slant board. We also have a Nordic Trak that overflowed into our bedroom. Gee, you'd think that with all this equipment, we'd be buff!

Mostly we use the Bowflex, weight bench, and slant board. DH likes the Nordic Trak better than I do, but neither of us use it much. I use the bike more than he does, but not often lately.

Like all good habits, working out is hard to keep up. Why are bad habits so easy to fall into? I love the way I feel when I work out. I love the way I look when I work out (or at least I would if I worked out enough to actually love the way I look!). I get benefits out of it. Why is it so hard to keep up? I'm not really expecting an answer. It's one of those "rhetoricals"!

Have a good day, all! Catch you later!

ewinpa Tue, Feb-10-04 07:05

Ellie, {{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}, sorry to hear about your stepmom.

Bawdy, I repeat-your house would be an ideal B&B;it even has a workout room. :) she sighed....

Way to go on the pound, hopefully it will not find a home with any of us :lol:
I am still doing my little weight training/stretching routine before breakfast. In my pajamas. You guys aren't missing anything :lol: Today I did bent over flyes and shoulder raises and situps on the stability ball.

I am amazed at the growth of our group, this is so cool. :yay:

Orang Tue, Feb-10-04 08:30

:tears:...... :there:...... :tears:...... :there:

My condolences in the sudden lost of your step-mom. Prayers for you, your Dad and the rest of the family.

:tears:...... :there:...... :tears:...... :there:

My menu yesterday was an attempt to get me over Sunday's debauchery - it is pretty much low-fat Atkins induction - calories and fat were very low. It worked - I'm back in light ketosis this AM. Had to get up to pee seven times last night - weight is back at 176 lbs. Will measure tomorrow if soreness is gone from calves and thighs.

Still watching my calorie per pound intake to try to drop another 5 lbs or so by about March 15. Calories per pound 1188 / 176 = 6.75 (aiming for around 9 to 10)

Total calories: 1188
Fat: 46 gms 414 cal 37%
Sat: 16 gms 144 cal 13%
Poly: 9 gms 84 cal 7%
Mono: 13 gms 114 cal 10%
Carbs: 32 gms 83 cal 7% ECC: 20 gms
Fiber: 12 gms 0 cal 0%
Protein: 157 gms 630 cal 56%

4 egg beater omelet with 2 ozs lean ham, 1 ozs cheddar
Breakfast drink - 8 ozs water, 1 envelope sf gelatine, 1 scoop sf orange citrucel
30 ozs coffee (regular, brewed)

1.5 cups lettuce with 1 T shreeded Parmesan cheese and 1 t vinegar & 1/2 t olive oil
6 oz chicken breast - roasted

6 ozs chicken breast - cooked in chicken gravy covered in oven - gravy dripped off before eating
1.5 cup turnip greens
1 cup LC mixed veggies with 2 oz Velveeta and .5 oz half & half

About 105 ozs water & 30 ozs coffee

We had a interesting time last night - a 1 AM visit from the six carloads of policemen.
Not going to put the details on the bulletin board – regulars on the board who want to know the details can PM me.

Charran Tue, Feb-10-04 08:46

Gm all!

Bawdy- Wow...your exercise room sounds fabulous! I've often wondered why I can't get addicted to exercise the way I can get addicted to everything else! I did have a great work -out yesterday at the gym. Did some light walking ( so as not to disturb my ankle anymore) and my weights! WTG on that pound down! Always nice to see that scale move! :cheer:

Ewinpa- I admire anyone who can do something with one of those balls! I think I must lack co-ordination or something because just the thought of it scares me!

Orang- I too am watching the calories as I really think I'm just one of those people who need to do that in order to lose. When I stepped on the scale yesterday at the gym, it showed I had lost 3 pounds! We'll see if my theory remains correct and I continue to lose. The key is trying to find the balance here where I'm not too low and not too high! Sry to hear about your late night incident and hope it wasn't too stressful!

Kristine Tue, Feb-10-04 09:09

Ellie... :there: My condolences. Your poor dad. Much peace and comfort to your family.

Bawdy, I envy thy house. :D I found a picture of you in the garden:

acipenser Tue, Feb-10-04 09:28

good morning everyone!! well i am at work today for my long haul (4-10hr days in a row).

simplydawn--let me know how the coco&cream turns out, i have been interested in trying it, but have not yet. also..i know it is a little intimadating whith all the bmen in the gym, what i do is keep a small notepad. i note the machine, what numbers the seat and everything is on, how much weight i do, and the reps. if you do that for a while, you have a nice log where you can look back and see what you have done. i think about what muscle i want to work out and look back to see what machine (or bench,or barbell, or whatever) i want to use, go right up to the machine and know where you want it set, and fumbling around feeling silly. it may take a few times before you get a good log going, but that is what i use to help me. (it is also a good way to see how much stronger you are getting when you see the weights increasing.

chamellie--i am so sorry to hear of your loss. my thoughts will be with you. and cute hair do..... i like it!!

bawdy--yea, i signed up on the PP-board, but so far it was only to read the posts and see what it was about. i did notice that it was not that busy. do you go by the same name over there?

i like the idea of a little spoonful of jam on top of the muffins before they bake, i might try that next time. i also picked up some bannana syrup yesterday (along with about 6 other flavors-mostly for coffee-at the cash and carry ($3.65 per bottle) and will also give the bannana nut version a try. (the bf's parents have wallnut trees in the front yard so endless supply of wallnuts!!)

lissette-- i have been thinking about looking into getting a treadmill. i usually only make it to the gym 2-3times a week and wonder if the treadmill was in front of the tv, would i use it??

ok, better get to work

ohyea---i also tried the ranch parma chicken last night. it was a hit with the family. i was thinking the cheese coating would be like a crust though, and mine didn't get crispy or anything. but it was a good flavor. i used only 1cup of cheese and made 5 large breasts cut in 1/2. did i not put enough coating on?? or is it not ment to get crispy??

BawdyWench Tue, Feb-10-04 10:16

About those balance balls . . . when I was in Dallas a couple years ago visiting my 78-year-old uncle who is in better shape than I am and who goes to the gym every single day and plays tennis and is just such an inspiration, he took me to his gym. There was a woman there who could sit on her knees (and butt on her ankles) on top of the ball and do bicep curls while bouncing on the ball. Amazing!

Kristine, that is one of my favorite pictures of me!

Michele, I don't post there much, but my user name over there is Gradycat (in honor of my first cat who lived almost to 21 years old).

And about the chicken recipe. The original recipe said it was supposed to get crispy. Mine didn't either. Maybe you could broil it for a couple minutes at the end. And actually I think less Parm coating would be better than more.

And yes, you can make the Dobie muffins with banana extract. Very tasty. I've also made them with orange extract to give just a hint of flavor.

By the way, the "Free Radicals" (the kittens) both have slight colds. Little sneezles, big sneezles. Merry sneezed a huge sneeze on DH's face and beard last night and had to take a shower because he felt so yucky! :lol:

Orang Tue, Feb-10-04 10:26

Elaine: Clear your Inbox :lol:

Bawdy:Way To Go
re: loss.

When can I get a reservation for Bawdy's B & B? :D

Thanks for posting a link to Ellie's pic. How is your new hairstyle doing?

I'm "Formerly FatLady" on the PP board - it does contain a wealth of information. I have learned a great deal there. Several LC researchers are active on that board and will comment from time-to-time on on-going or recently released research.

:lol: at Bawdy's garden photo - must have been before she cut her hair.

So glad you are able to work around the injured ankle and exercise. Also thrilled you are losing well now - I know it is hard when we seem to stall... I seem to lose in spurts while LCing.

simplydawn Tue, Feb-10-04 10:42

Bawdy: :yay: :wiggle: I am so glad you dropped that stubborn pound.. hopefully its breakthru time!! YAY... Thanks for all your imput and suggestions. I *DO* appreciate you. I am planning on going over to the library, maybe today since my client canceled on me, and he was the only one today.. so I have a FREE day.. (that i SHOULD be working on my taxes..groans...) Love the pic of you in the garden.. teee heeee.....

I made the low carb HIGH calorie french toast recipe this morning, and it was a really yummy treat for me. I say treat because of the HIGH calories.. dang!!!

Michelle: Thanks for the log suggestion, I think I WILL do that.. cause I seem to be working very well with journaling..its made such a difference.

My chick didnt get really crispy either, but it was still yum.

Orang-you look like you did really well with your menu yesterday..keep up the good work! I love the word debauchery! : chuckles fiendishly :

Char-how 'is' your ankle doing?
Well, dang, its already 10 of noon, and I havent washed up or dressed.. been gloating over my yummy french toast.. now I wont make it to the gym in time to see the girls there.. but I *am* going to go tho!

Talk later!

katlynweb Tue, Feb-10-04 10:56

Hi everybody!
Renee: I left you a PM (you are having entirely too much excitement over there! :nono: !)
Ellie: So sorry for your loss! I will be thinking about you!
I also think that hairdo would be great for you. Let us know if you choose it.
Bawdy: I think there is something about the 165-170 weight range that seems to be a real "sticking place". I have not been able to break the 165 mark for over a year!! :roll:
Hope everyone has a good day!

acipenser Tue, Feb-10-04 12:32

what is the french toast recipe?? is that the pork rind one??

Charran Tue, Feb-10-04 13:14

The whoosh fairy paid me another visit today. Down another 2 pounds! YIPPPPEEEE!
Anyone want to borrow her for awhile???? Had a great work-out at the gym and the ankle isn't suffering too much!

BawdyWench Tue, Feb-10-04 13:37

:yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay:

:yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay:

Charran Tue, Feb-10-04 14:14

Whooshing the fairy over to Bawdy's house!

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