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TeriDoodle Wed, Oct-23-02 21:24

Anyone up for a visualization/meditation experiment?
You know, it's time that I practice what I believe in. And I believe that the mind has incredible power over our bodies...that we CREATE reality with our thoughts.

Have you been creating a body that is resistant to weight loss by self-limiting and defeating thoughts such as, "I'll never be thin" or "I just can't do this" or "I'll be fat forever"?

How many times a day do you hear yourself say things like that?

It's time to turn those thoughts around.

Would anyone like to join me in a commitment to a meditative experiment? Commit to a 20-30 minute meditation every day or several smaller mediations where you quiet your mind and focus on loving your body and giving it permission to let go of the fat?

If you don't have any experience in meditation, it's not a problem at all.... it's easy with a little practice. The biggest challenge for most people is finding the 20-30 mins. of quiet time. It's best done in the morning, but anytime....even 5 minutes....of positive reinforcement and visualization is better than nothing.

If you're not up to this task, at least do this favor for yourself: Pay attention to your thoughts every day. LISTEN to how many times you say negative things about yourself to yourself. When you catch those thoughts...turn them around IMMEDIATELY and make a negative statement into a positive one. Such as:
"I'll never lose this weight"...changes into "I WILL succeed in attaining a healthy weight". "I just can't do this"....changes into "Low-carb eating is effortless, natural and healthy"

Anyway............who's in?

suze_c Wed, Oct-23-02 22:23

Me! Me~ Me~!!!
:wave: That's not a wave this time.... that is a I'm-holding-up-my-hand-so-count-me-in thing! :lol: Teri, you know I am into metaphysics, and this sort of thing is what intrigues me... altho I truly doubt I will be able to find a 30 minute block free... I can "mini-meditate" so to speak~ Another thing that I might interject here, is that your idea of using the positive feedback is great.They are also called affirmations and they can be repeated throughout the day, also in meditations, it is basically stating what it is that you want to accomplish in positive terms... They are definitely a helper in changing those negative mind tapes... Too bad we all couldn't get together for this meditation at the same time... focus not only on our own journey and it's success, but for the success of others joining in as well..... wow... think of how powerful that would be!!!!~

Sandylee Thu, Oct-24-02 01:51

I'm interested. Count me in!!! I find myself sometimes being very negative in general, and sure could use a good dose of Positive Mental Attitude.

Thanks, Teri, great idea :)

TeriDoodle Thu, Oct-24-02 04:45

ha!! Suze, I knew you'd be the first one here!! LOL

Sandy, I'm glad you're on board, too!!! :D

Ok, over the next couple of days I'll get some instrux on "how to meditate and visualize" and a list of affirmations. Suze, please feel free to gather some together, too. Watch this thread for further developments!

DarkLotus Thu, Oct-24-02 05:37

Count me in too. I try to think positive while I'm on my treadmill, instead of zoning out to help the time pass, I envision how I am changing myself and how my life is getting better because of it. I even visualize getting in good enough shape to get the courage to do kickboxing! :D

Tips and techniques to make positive thinking/affirmations more effective would be great. It amazes me how much mind set affects how you feel in this WOL as well as everything in general. I'm learning the hard way that changing your attitude towards things makes them so much easier and attainable.

suze_c Thu, Oct-24-02 09:24

Metaphysical Affirmations and meditation
Teri, I will work on some affirmations, and get out my materials on meditation... This happens to be my forte as a metaphysical counselor... to help ppl to work on their affirmations, and change the negative self talk into positive talk... What many do not realize, is that like attracts like... i.e., positive=positive, negative-negative... by changing the self talk to a positive thing, you are not only benefitting your way of eating, but also are succeeding in "drawing in" more positiveness into your life!~ Teri... we must be on the same wavelength on this... because I was thinking something along similiar lines... you just beat me to it :) Let me get out my meta-journals though... and check out some stuff on meditations... there are various kinds that can be implemented, depending on time factors.. so I will get something wrote up, and put in my two cents worth on it~ Ciao for now~ :wave:

DDMariana Thu, Oct-24-02 09:42

Hi Teri and Suze...

Yes, I would like to be in on the positive affirmation part, and will try to do some "mini-meditating" throughout the day. Yes, it's the quiet time for myself that's the hardest - like most people.

I am curious to see more that you guys have to write about...will tune in again.

Hey, I was two pounds down today --- just thought I'd throw that in.


Lessara Thu, Oct-24-02 10:56

Hi Teri!
Nice seeing you again :)

I would like to try this experiement as well. I'm learning to do meditate for help against my anxiety and now I have a new mantra to use. "I believe in myself, and I believe I can lose my extra weight"
Great Idea :thup:

scorpio Thu, Oct-24-02 13:09

Hi all

I've not been around for a while but have decided to get back into this WOE (I think) maybe going to ask for a little advice about which plan.
However your thread really struck a chord as I realise my weight has increased dramatically over the past few months - and during this time I have been surrounded by negativity and have not taken time out for myself, for meditation or yoga. I am or try to be a positive person - I believe strongly in the power of positive thinking but I'm aware that being surrounded by negativity drains me emotionally and physically.
Sorry to go on - Bit I'm really interested in joining you all - coincidently on the drive home from work I was thinking about finding a course on meditation - so that I would at least have a class to go to so I would have to commit - but if we keep in touch and check with each other - that would be great !!! Hopefully we can offer inspiration and support and if not lose weight then at least have a more positive perspection on it.

Hope to hear from you all

Scorpio :wave:

TeriDoodle Thu, Oct-24-02 13:11

Hi All!!
I'd suggest that we all "subscribe" to this thread as I'm sure in the coming days we'll be posting some great affirmations, meditations, suggestions, websites, etc. I can't wait to get started!! :D

suze_c Thu, Oct-24-02 16:53

Join our *Vision Quest*
I have located my materials on meditations, and will be working on an article in WORD on it... depending on how it goes around here, i.e., with the kids & hubby,household stuff yadda yadda yadda... I anticipate posting the article by tomorrow (Friday) evening... I will also work on various affirmations, and also some information about how to do your own affirmations, for those who might want something more personalized. I would have worked on it this afternoon, but I got caught up in researching the differences between ketosis and ketoacidosis! :lol: I also am looking forward to this thread moving on, and hope that more join us on our *vision quest*

TeriDoodle Thu, Oct-24-02 17:04

That's great Suze!!! I appreciate all that work!! I'll do some research on the web for some good sites, too.... ok? :thup:

suze_c Thu, Oct-24-02 17:19

A good idea Teri!
That's a good idea, because the article that I am going to be doing is from the materials that I have at hand, and the affirmations written in the style that I learned, and have written in for others who wanted affirmations. There are also soooooo many ways to do meditations, and what doesn't work for one, might work for another. As far as doing the affirmations, and the meditation,it is an easy thing to do... so no one get scared off thinking it is all mumbo-jumbo... It has to do with the thought processes and also what we say... there is great power in our thoughts and words, and people do not often realize how much strength they give to negativity by what they say and how they think. We are going to change that tho~ by letting you in on how all of it works~ hope y'all join us~ :thup: oh just a thought to add here... There are some who do not think it is "Christian" to do this... and I submit this to ponder... isn't the act of prayer an affirmation? And also a form of meditation?

TriciaW Thu, Oct-24-02 17:41

Great idea! Traditionally, I am so hard on myself. A concerted effort towards positive meditation can only help. This directly works towards my latest self-improvement focus which is improving my love of self. I wince as I type this because it sounds corny, but self-love has been lacking my whole life. I will stay tuned.....

melissa07 Thu, Oct-24-02 18:01

I definitely believe in the power of the mind over the body, so I'd love to hear more! I have never meditated and I have found that I have been a little hard on myself lately, so would love to try for a more positive outlook.

Great idea! :D

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