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NightowlRS Wed, Jan-14-15 12:45

I need burst energy for weight lifting on ketosis?
6 weeks ago I started a lifting routine at the gym.
I started to notice appearance results/muscle definition, and even increased how much I could lift.

I'm 30-40 lbs overweight and I lost maybe 1-2 lbs during those 6 weeks of cardio/lifting. I know some of it might be muscle gain. But I really felt like I need to focus more on fat burning until I'm considered fit. So a week ago I decided to go into Ketosis.

Well, I noticed that my cardio exercises like treadmill has actually improved, (I can literally go forever now.. lol) but my lifting on weights decreased drastically. I lift 20-50 lbs less than what I did a week ago...

I read an article that says eating 20-25g of carbs 30 mins before a workout will give me the burst energy I need, and still keep me in Ketosis - I am wondering has anyone lifted on a Ketogenic diet? What did you eat to keep your strength up?

Thanks in advance!

NightowlRS Thu, Jan-15-15 02:54

Update: I actually gained all my strength back. I had some coffee, and a snack before I went in. I actually lifted more than what I usually do. :) And lost 10 lbs this week. KETOSIS is crazy!!!!

Liz53 Thu, Jan-15-15 09:08

Good to hear things are better. I firmly believe the notion that carbs are needed for energy is a myth. I think lots of us here probably lift weights while on ketotic diets, though perhaps not to the extent that you do.

On occasion I've eaten 1 T of coconut oil (right off the spoon) before going to the gym. Nothing has ever given me more energy for a strong workout.

jessdamess Thu, Jan-15-15 09:21

I usually eat cheese or a handful of peanuts and pecans mixed. I have no trouble. You just needed fuel. :)
Keep up the hard work.

NightowlRS Thu, Jan-15-15 10:05

I had coffee, some pepperoni and a few peanuts, but I'm going to try coconut oil this time. And yeah, I'm going pretty extreme, few hours of cardio per day. Lifting every other day. That is how come I'm losing weight so fast. I feel like I lose a pound every time I leave the gym (and the scales say I do) No adverse side effects yet.

Whitecrane Mon, Jan-19-15 21:28

Guys I've read that on a ketogenic diet, we can burn fat by resistance training and resistance training alone, and the cardio isn't necessary (though still very healthy). What's the consensus on the forum?

jaywood Mon, Jan-19-15 22:18

Originally Posted by NightowlRS
6 weeks ago I started a lifting routine at the gym.
I started to notice appearance results/muscle definition, and even increased how much I could lift.

I'm 30-40 lbs overweight and I lost maybe 1-2 lbs during those 6 weeks of cardio/lifting. I know some of it might be muscle gain. But I really felt like I need to focus more on fat burning until I'm considered fit. So a week ago I decided to go into Ketosis.

Well, I noticed that my cardio exercises like treadmill has actually improved, (I can literally go forever now.. lol) but my lifting on weights decreased drastically. I lift 20-50 lbs less than what I did a week ago...

I read an article that says eating 20-25g of carbs 30 mins before a workout will give me the burst energy I need, and still keep me in Ketosis - I am wondering has anyone lifted on a Ketogenic diet? What did you eat to keep your strength up?

Thanks in advance!

One thing you dont tell us is how long you have been on the keto way of life for. This is quite important as it has an effect on the answers.

I lift 3 x a week, plus crossfit 3x a week. I can safely say that doing a targeted ketogenic diet is not necessary for someone in our position of trying to loose weight.

What I have found with this way of eating however, is that there is a significant delay in food eaten to performance. ie. I now eat essentially a day in advance. So I eat on sunday for my workouts on monday, and so on down the week. If I try to just eat on monday for monday's workouts it does not work.

You can get a good quick hit from something like coffee and cream or bullet proof coffee, both are stacked full of energy and a good caffine slug.

The reason I asked about legth of time on keto, is that it takes a good 6 weeks to become adapted to fats, this does not include starting a new regime which will also take time to adapt to.

You will find that if you stick to it you will have a good amount of energy and no suger crash so you can make you lifting sessions longer. At the start you may want slightly longer between sets to allow you muscles to regaine their energy.

jaywood Mon, Jan-19-15 22:19

Originally Posted by Whitecrane
Guys I've read that on a ketogenic diet, we can burn fat by resistance training and resistance training alone, and the cardio isn't necessary (though still very healthy). What's the consensus on the forum?

Yes you can, and that is the case regardless of the diet.

bkloots Wed, Jan-21-15 10:18

I'm a girl--and an old one at that. Ketogenic, if the stix are to be believed. I probably fuel my workouts with coffee and HWC! My workouts at present are mostly hi-rep, lower weights. But I have plenty of energy and increasing strength with no problems. Except dizziness. (Keep your head up, girl! Breathe!)

I believe it's the resistance training, not the cardio, that's giving me results. I do fast walking, step, or some other aerobic thing 30 minutes or so every other day.

For my money, low-carb plus resistance training is the key to physical and mental well-being.

CMCM Mon, Feb-02-15 21:41

I always eat eggs and several pieces of bacon for breakfast, plus a cappuccino with some whipped half and half. I go to the gym after that, and have plenty of energy. Today I did 30 minutes on the elliptical and 12 HIIT high intensity segments within that 30 minutes, so very strenuous. Then I did a 50 minute weight workout, and I do heavy weights, always working to increase my weights. I never feel like I lack energy, and don't feel hungry, and don't buy into the idea that I needed to eat some carbs before working out. I also ski in winter, and have done several hours of skiing on the same breakfast. I'm always in ketosis, I think, but it provides plenty of energy for whatever exercise I choose to do.

CMCM Mon, Feb-02-15 21:45

Originally Posted by Whitecrane
Guys I've read that on a ketogenic diet, we can burn fat by resistance training and resistance training alone, and the cardio isn't necessary (though still very healthy). What's the consensus on the forum?

I do moderate targeted cardio of a HIIT type routine, rarely more than 30 minutes (although I used to do more). I usually do elliptical because it doesn't hurt my feet or knees, but within the 30 minutes I do a high intensity segment (30 seconds of all-out right now, although occasionally I do one-minute segments) every minute and a half. I love cardio for the cardiovascular/endurance benefits—I have much better energy for skiing when I'm doing cardio a few times a week. So that's why I do cardio, although I've lately come to believe that perhaps it isn't the magic key to more weight loss. I truly don't know if it helps (much) or not.

Then I spend most of my time in the gym lifting weights (from 30 to 50 minutes, usually 3x per week), and I love the benefits of that too. If I had a choice to do only one, I'd choose the weights. As we get older we lose muscle, that slows our metabolism, we look flabby, weight piles on easier due to decreased metabolism due to loss of muscle, all that. I love having strong muscles.

I WILL say this: I am certain FOR ME that I lose better when I'm doing at least three gym sessions per week. I don't think I need to do more, but when I get lazy and don't go to the gym at all for awhile, I absolutely do not lose weight as easily, and I tend to hang at a weight for ages even if all my eating is spot on.

On top of everything else, working out with weights feels so fantastic mentally, that alone makes it worth it.

teaser Tue, Feb-03-15 08:38

You only need glycogen for that short burst--so much of the glucose broken down during exercise isn't entirely oxidized, just broken down so far as pyruvic and lactic acids, which can then be used to replenish glycogen stores through gluconeogenesis--so short of insane, bootcamp/Biggest Loser levels of intensity, glucose requirements with training don't go up nearly as far as you'd expect them to. I have no trouble sustaining high volume/high intensity training, in fact I feel better when doing it.

I did a three-day water fast last fall. I've done water fasts before, and taken advice to be sedentary, rested. Always felt like crap. But if I sit on my butt for three days straight, when I'm not on a fast, I end up feeling like crap anyways. This time I did my usual workout (I do full body, every day, same workout). My workouts got better every day, rather than worse. It was also the best-tolerated water fast I've ever done.

Faker II Fri, Feb-13-15 09:59

I can only speak for how ketosis effected me personally. I could not lift as much when I was carb cycling. So I lost some muscle mass and strength during that period. But I was able to build it back up pretty quickly once I was no longer carb cycling.

After carb cycling was done I switched to carb backloading. I only ate carbs with dinner and ate like I was on phase 1-2 Atkins for breakfast and lunch. I ate a slightly higher amount of carbs with dinner on the days I lifted. I found this to be the best way for my body to maintain a healthy weight. I had enough energy to lift. I could see increase in muscle mass without increase in flab.

Nancy LC Fri, Feb-13-15 10:01

Originally Posted by Whitecrane
Guys I've read that on a ketogenic diet, we can burn fat by resistance training and resistance training alone, and the cardio isn't necessary (though still very healthy). What's the consensus on the forum?

Not sure I believe that, but I do think cardio is overdone by many people. It can actually slow your metabolism (in some people).

I do a short session of cardio before my lifting. 5-6 minutes and 3x sprints of 20-30 seconds of 90% max heart rate. At least, that's the goal!

This time I did my usual workout (I do full body, every day, same workout). My workouts got better every day, rather than worse. It was also the best-tolerated water fast I've ever done.

Wow! Good to know. I'd like to do a 3-day fast every year to reset my immune system. The worst part is I feel hyper and my concentration is the pits. I suppose that is the instinct to go look for food. It also makes my sleep miserable.

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