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kenkobiz Mon, Mar-15-04 12:34

Good Day All!

After reading through the excellent thread that Meltinaway started about public ridicule, I thought that I might start this thread for two reasons – one is to help you understand affirmations, why they are important, and how to write one, and the second reason is for people that already use affirmations to share them with the group as examples, and what has changed since you started affirmations.
An affirmation is simply a way to change the programmed thinking – the standard responses that we experience in different situations and encounters. Affirmations are powerful. Thoughts, spoken words, and written statements are acts of creation. It is important that our words be in alignment with our desires. In order to live the life we want, we must affirm what we want, not what we do not want.

Each person has a resonance or vibration or frequency; each affirmation has a resonance or vibration or frequency. So, too, a desire to change resonates. Affirmations that are in proper resonance with the person thinking or saying or writing them can positively impact the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects and other invisible layers in the energy field.

To write out an affirmation, you must first decide what it is you want to change. Obviously we are all here to change our weight, but there are probably other behaviors, responses to situations, etc. that you may want to change also. Write down all these things. For example:
  • I want to lose xxx pounds
  • I won’t let people control how I feel by their insensitivity
  • I am a person that people like
  • I fit in
  • etc.
You then take these things and turn them into positive, present tense phrases. For example:
  • I am so excited that I weight xxx pounds. I feel and look incredible
  • I deserve this and I am in control of my life and my destiny. People treat me with the respect that everyone deserves
  • I am a caring and compassionate person that attracts good people and friends
  • I make a difference in the people I am around, and they enjoy spending time in my company
  • etc.
The key is to make everything positive – don’t put what you don’t want, put what you do want. You don’t want to say “I am excited that I weigh xxx pounds because people don’t tease me about being fat anymore”. That has a negative in it.

Write your affirmations down multiples times, and alternate using both hands. When you read them – do it out loud, do it multiple times a day, and do it with feeling – the feeling you will have when you have accomplished everything on the list, and do it believing 100% that it will happen. I will start by posting my Affirmation in the next post

I hope this helps!!

kenkobiz Mon, Mar-15-04 12:37

Here is mine
So - to start - here are my affirmations:

Today is the beginning of a new day
God has given me this day to use as I will
I will use it for good
Because what I do today is important
As I am exchanging a day of my life for it
Therefore I will have:
Goodness in all I do
Success abounding all around me
Gain in every area of my life
Unconditional love for and from everyone
Because everything I do
Is in harmony with my beliefs
Thank you God for your unfailing and super-abundant providence

Everything always happens in Your time

I, Jim, am successful

I am a caring, compassionate, persistent, consistent, magnetic, effective, efficient, duplicatable, balanced, healthy leader and I attract caring, compassionate, persistent, consistent, magnetic, effective, efficient, duplicatible, balanced, healthy leaders into my life
I help others regain balance in their lives
I lead others by serving them
I am blessed to look and feel wonderful since I am fit and in shape
I trust divine providence to show me how to balance myself, my health, my wealth, my wife, my son, my home and my business

rosey1 Mon, Mar-15-04 20:47

good one Jim, i will have to think about this 4 a few and will post back later. this is a good one for getting in touch with our true goals and self image.

lizwhip Tue, Mar-16-04 12:36

Hey Jim, I just want to use yours! Liz

rosey1 Tue, Mar-16-04 13:15

i agree, Jim has said it all.

teresamay Tue, Mar-16-04 13:17

I LOVE that!!!! Jim, you really are inspiring...I enjoyed reading your affirmations, and am going to do my own now!

kenkobiz Wed, Mar-17-04 08:43

Thank you for your comments - I appreciate it.

Feel free to use my affirmation - just make sure you say it with the feeling and belief as if you had written it yourself. Change words or phrases that aren't exactly like you would talk, etc.

You are AWESOME!

itsgottago Wed, Mar-17-04 10:17

I truly believe in affirmations and I am so glad you brought this up! :yay: I am a little afraid of success because of all the things I've piled up to do when I'm thin, but I will start with a good affirmation and start doing the things I can now! I want to scuba dive, ride horses again, go paragliding, snow skiing, go to Disneyland etc! All that is at a big heap at the other end of losing weight but there is no bridge to it. I will make an affirmation that will take me from here to there and I will be successful!! :dazzle: Thanks, Ken, I needed this post!

Lessara Wed, Mar-17-04 11:26

Ken that is absolutely great! I personally respond to affirmation very much so. I'll think about mine as well.

pixy_nixy Wed, Mar-17-04 19:26

Hey Jim! Yours is wonderful. But don't you find that having so many lessen there intensity?
Anyway I've had two since I was 9 (my mom taught me how to do this) :
I'm happy and successful in everything I do.
I'm alert, awake and feeling great.

I tend to sing them when I'm feeling rundown and unhappy. It makes you feel much better.

kenkobiz Thu, Mar-18-04 22:10


Singing the affirmations is a great idea! What a great way to solidfy it.

I have not found that it lessens the intensity to have more than just one or two. One of the important things about affirmations like this is that they need to be specific. Make them as specific as possible. That way, they are working on exactly the things you want them to.

I love your affirmations, they are excellent! My only response to your question is that sometimes you need to work on specific things in order to attract the right solution to yourself. General type affirmation - broad sweeping like yours - are needed for sure, to help us with the big picture. But when you are working on something like weight, it helps to have an affirmation that deals with that specific area of your life.

I hope this makes sense :)

pixy_nixy Fri, Mar-19-04 11:33

Hi Jim!
Thnx for the reply!!
You're right, the ones I have are not goal specific. They're generally for improving overall mood and instilling confidence. But then I use affirmations to deal with emotional areas, rather that physical tangible goals. However if your eating is triggered emotionally, I figure its best deal first with that.

Rosie Real Fri, Mar-19-04 11:41

This is such a great thread :)

I think it's a great idea to always be reminding ourselves of the good instead of stressing over some things that may not be so good. Not easy to do, but the support around here is amazing.

lizwhip Fri, Mar-19-04 12:41

So where are people's affirmations?? Am I the only one who can't come up with any? Does it mean I have low self esteem, or just no creativity, or what?

Lets see: I am lighter than I used to be and that pleases me.

Then I want to type in "But........... and could go on and on!


Ellen-mom Fri, Mar-19-04 14:47

I, Ellen, am a beautiful person, worthy of the successes in my life. I like who I am, and who I am becoming.

That is one I have been doing for a few weeks now....

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