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Sherrielee Sun, Oct-19-03 21:26

My TRIP to the ENDO
Well, for those of you that remember me, I am the woman who accidently bought the Diastix, whilst on Atkins diet, and discovered my BG to be very high. I purchased a Freestyle Meter (on my own) and began testing as per Dr B's program. In March of this year, my average BG was about 200 per day....for one week..dropped to about 150 in 2 weeks (diet and exercise), only).

When I went to my Ob-Gyn for my scheduled visit in May, we checked (with my meter...and got 170). He referred me to what he believed to be the BEST Endo group in Atlanta. He gave me a script for 500mg of Metformin per day (split....lowered BG too fast). I believed him (about the Endo), because it took me 4 months to get an appt. Meanwhile, I was exercising, doing Bernstein diet to a T, and trying to control the stressors in my life.

Well, Oct 8th (Appt day) has come and gone. Here are the results!

FBG 89
A1c 5.3
Trig 69
HDL 83
LDL 70
BP 115/80

I was not on any drugs at the time of the tests, except xanax, because I was so "freaked out". She tested my feet with the tuning fork thing, listened to my heart, took a little blood...and a urine sample. I told her that I did not know how long I had had elevated BG, as I had found it out by accident. And my Father died of Diabetes complications at the age of 63...I am 56! She asked me if I had ever been diagnosed with Type II. I said NO, but I have been testing 5-10 times per day for months and have had elevated readings...

She said I was FINE. I said, well...don't I need a R-R study, a treadmill test..etc? She actually said, "DON'T GO PSYCHO ON ME"? I swear to "whoever"...she said that! Plus, she said that saturated FAT was bad for everyone, but Lo-Carb diet was good.

Well, I went into a mental tailspin. That's why you guys haven't heard from me. That's my story for now. I know I am a Type II, my Ob-Gyn says he will have the appropriate tests performed.....can you believe this shit?

Oh, she did compliment me on my weight loss, but then added that only 3% of people that lose weight keep it off! BTW, this is supposed to be the best Diabetes group in the Southeast!

Thanks for listening! Oh, ALSO....she told me with my great BG's I could have pizza and popcorn, I tried it....BG went to 200 and stayed there for 3 days....sigh...almost all the way back down now! <sigh>

eevee Mon, Oct-20-03 04:18

Hi Sherrilee...sure I remember you. I have been wondering how the endo visit went. What an experience ..!!
Because the FBS A1c & b/p are the only results given in the measurements I understand, I can't comment on your trig HDL LDL (search the internet for the 'normal' range).. but.. the three I do know are excellent...especially the A1c if you are doing this on diet/exercise alone. That test is the one most doctors use to judge your control over the past three months, and it indicates that you are not staying elevated for very long at all. Your FBS backs this result up really because both that and the A1c indicate the same sort of figures...between 90-100 most of the time. When do you test..before, or 2.5 hrs after meals, or both..?
Your b/p looks pretty good too. Thank heavens Mz Endo appreciated your weight loss, and now you have an opportunity to prove her wrong in your case .
You are quite right to be concerned about diabetes, but I believe you are on the right track.
Just one other thing !! Have you had your meter calibrated (checked against a 'test' solution ) lately. This can be done at a diabetes clinic or some pharmacies ..check with the makers/distributors for where to go...the meter could be a little bit 'out' ..the A1c is considered very accurate.
Keep up the good work, and keep posting .........Eve

pepsi max Mon, Oct-20-03 06:32

hi sherry,those results are awsome :cheer:
bet you,re over the moon.
I was wondering what happened to you.pleased to see you back.keep up the good work and keep away from the pizza,its dynamite!

c6h6o3 Mon, Oct-20-03 08:39

Originally Posted by Sherrielee
Trig 69
HDL 83
LDL 70

My God what fabulous numbers! Your total cholesterol, BTW is 167.

Sherrielee Mon, Oct-20-03 08:46

Hi Guys - Yes, I brought my meter in and tested same time as the tech. Freestyle read 93, their meter said 89.
So, the meter was correct.

The reason I am so concerned is ... that had those tests been performed in March, I am sure my H1c would have been around 10 (based on my meter reading). She would have then ordered all the tests I needed!

I feel happy that I have come this far with a tiny bit of help from Metformin, but really am concerned about damage. Thank God, my Ob-Gyn is going to get some thyroid tests, kidney, treadmill, etc.

She did give me some interesting opinions. She told me to keep the Freestyle meter cause the Precision is a piece of crap.
She told in that in her opinion, total beta cell burn-out is not inevitable...if you are very persistant (like we are).
Someone finally explained to me why I had to eat SOME (she was fine with 30) carbs per day.
She told me I could lose my belly fat and the rest of my weight quickly, if I did cardio 2 x per day for 30 minutes (at 80% target Heartrate)
She was quite complimentary about my results of the past 6 months, but still clung to the saturated fat thing. She said eat nuts, avacados, coconut oil, olive oil, basically all the oils, but to limit dairy fat and meat fat. She said that even though my lipid profile looked great, the BAD fats were damaging me in a long-term way. I told her that no studies had ever proven that. She said, yes...but there will be.

So, I am having scrambled eggs with bacon for breakfast, an avacodo salad for lunch, and a bunless hamburger for dinner!

Oh, she also said a little alcohol helped lower insulin resistance. Gotta like that part. She even agreed about the Hot Toddy at bed. Her only concern was that alcohol increases the risk of periferal Neuropathy.

So......that's about it. Felt better after I told you guys. My family thinks I should just go on my merry little way and not worry anymore. But, I am not letting "that tiger" out again!

nopie Mon, Oct-20-03 13:52

I think what threw the endo for a loop was your fantastic numbers. She couldn't believe you were actually diabetic with those numbers. I guess the endos only see people who are in lousy shape, with blood sugars totally out of control from following the usual ADA high carb diet. Whatever you are doing works! Too bad you can't charge $250-$500 an hour for your advice.
I can't get rid of the belly so will do what your endo suggested - twice a day on the treadmill.
I hope you are as proud of yourself as you deserve to be! Your hard work has paid off.

Lisa N Mon, Oct-20-03 14:38

She was quite complimentary about my results of the past 6 months, but still clung to the saturated fat thing. She said eat nuts, avacados, coconut oil, olive oil, basically all the oils, but to limit dairy fat and meat fat. She said that even though my lipid profile looked great, the BAD fats were damaging me in a long-term way. I told her that no studies had ever proven that. She said, yes...but there will be.

Since when are doctors giving nutritional advice based on what they think might be proven sometime in the not defined future? Oh, wait....they've been doing that for a couple of decades already with the fat/heart disease hypothesis. :lol:

Seriously, Sherri...those are some awesome numbers and you should be proud of yourself for what you've achieved in the past 6 months! :thup:
Unfortunately, the endo has to base her opinion on what she's seeing the day you see her unless you happened to keep blood sugar logs that you could bring with you to the visit, something I do with my own least the past few weeks' worth, including what I ate and what my blood sugar readings were in response. The first time I did that, he was WAY impressed, now he expects it. :)
I'm glad to hear that your OB/GYN is taking you seriously and is ordering the tests that you need. Keep up the good work! :thup:

Sherrielee Mon, Oct-20-03 15:08

Lisa - I gave her graphs...of EVERY BG reading I had taking....every single one!

Lisa N Mon, Oct-20-03 15:17

Originally Posted by Sherrielee
Lisa - I gave her graphs...of EVERY BG reading I had taking....every single one!

And she STILL couldn't see it??? I'd ask for a refund! :rolleyes:

c6h6o3 Mon, Oct-20-03 16:00

Originally Posted by Sherrielee
She said that even though my lipid profile looked great, the BAD fats were damaging me in a long-term way.

How? And what fats are BAD fats to this person? To me the only BAD fats are trans fats.

Sherrielee Tue, Oct-21-03 13:18

Let me add one more item. I asked her if she had ever heard of Dr Bernstein. I wanted to give him the credit for my diet and exercise advice. She said she is either a liar, or has dismissed him as a quack!

I will not be seeing her again. She wanted me to come back in 6 months, but personally..I don't think she has anything to offer me at this time. I am thinking of just educating my PCP. He is a real sweetie and very open to new ideas.

Nopie - IMO, every Diabetic should own a treadmill. It's easy, can be used in all weather, all times of day. I am trying to do (2) 30 min sessions at 3mph. It always drops my BG down to 80-90 (even after a meal).

Good Luck and thank you all for the GREAT support!

grannycraf Mon, Nov-03-03 17:06

Hi Sherrie!

Just wanted to say how wonderful you are doing. I agree about the treadmill. I wish I had the room for one. I "walk" to a walking tape. That sounds weird I know but it does work. Keep up the good work!

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