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Duck Fan Sun, Jun-01-03 22:41

Hello, I am a newbie to this whole process. :)
I just started today. I am starting out at 275 lbs.
My goal is to loose 70 lbs by the summer of 2004.
So here we go.... I am addicted to junk carbs so I hope I can do this. I've read a lot of note from everyone and you're so successful and very supportative.

I am an Oregon Duck Fan, I love football. So this is where my name comes from. I also love to quilt and garden.

This low carb diet is somewhat confusing :confused: starting out. I hope I can get information from all of you. What books do your recommend I read. Any help you can give this newbie is greatly appreciated.


digwig Sun, Jun-01-03 23:49

Hi DuckFan,

If you're following Atkins, then you need to be sure you've read Dr. Atkin's New Diet Revolution from cover to cover. There's also tons of helpful articles (for review) at

Another terrific book is Protein Power. If I could have just one low-carb book in my library, I would choose this one for its detailed explanations of the science of low-carbing. It cleared up many of my questions and was very easy to read.

Another great one is The Secret to Low Carb Success. It could take you months of reading in this forum to equal the information in this little book. I would say this is a must for anyone new to low-carbing. It's an excellent summary of tips, tricks, things to look out for and suggestions to help you avoid many missteps along the way.

Every low carb book I've ever read has taught me something new about this way of life. You might want to check out the plan comparison link at right under "Which low-carb plan is right for me?" to get a few more ideas of books that may interest you. The two I suggested above are a great place to get started.

Good luck, I think you'll be pleased at how wonderful and in control you will soon feel.

Cheers, Dig

Paleoanth Mon, Jun-02-03 05:16

Dig gave some wonderful advice!

Probably the only thing I can add is to learn how to use the search function of this site. There is a ton of information here-some of it buried in past posts. Click on the globe icon at the top of the page and just put in things you have questions about.


Duck Fan Mon, Jun-02-03 18:15

Hi Dig and Paleoanth:
Thanks for the information on good books.
I'm trying to find out if I can drink regular coffee?
If it's black is that okay?

Duck Fan :daze: I need my caffine

azdeb Mon, Jun-02-03 18:42

Hi Duckfan
According to The Akins plan which I have been on for one week, Caffeine is a no- no since it can play havoc with some peoples blood sugar. I was only doing half-caf anyway so coming down to decaf wasnt so bad. Since I cant have soy milk in my coffee yet I all of a sudden find myself craving decaf herbal teas! Anyway good luck! :roll: :roll:

Duck Fan Mon, Jun-02-03 21:25

Thanks, guess I'll have to decaf myself. I only drink two cups of coffee a day, but guess that's too much.

I have a sore back - small part - tonight not sure if it's the diet or what. Has anyone had this. I haven't been exercising. Maybe I need to.

Thanks everyone for helping me get started.

Duck Fan Fri, Jun-06-03 14:43

My husband wants to know if we can eat small amounts of fruit on the induction plan? I havent' been able to find anything that says anything about fruit. Can you tell me when we can have fruit?
Duck Fan :)

Paleoanth Fri, Jun-06-03 16:01

No fruit on induction. Once you get into OWL you can have mellon and strawberries in limited amounts.

BrewWa Sat, Jun-07-03 11:47

Hi Quacker Backer!
Welcome to LCing.

I HIGHLY recommend reading reading Dr Atkins New Diet Revelution (DANDR). I have read all of it twice and parts several times. It's a very small investment for your new lifestyle. It will answer most of your questions about LCing. It will also tell you WHY it works. Be well armed because you will run into the nay sayers.

Good Luck to you and your Hubby!



Duck Fan Sun, Jun-15-03 12:36

Third week
My husband and I are now heading into our third week. We are both loosing and have lost inches. Both of us have not reached our goal weight. We'd like to loose more. Do we stay on the induction or do we move into Phase II. We read in the little red book that came with our VHS tapes that you stay on induction until you loose all your weight. It that correct?

I feel great, fewer headaches, more energy. We are using splenda with half in half in our decaf coffee. That's a big goal accomplished for me, to become caffine free. I have also been using sugar free vanilla specialty flavoring syrup in my decaf. It is made with Splenda. Hope that's okay to drink. I am still in moderate ketoiss, almost into large. (getting close to large) so I assume it's okay to use the sugar fee vanilla in our coffee.

I am proud of us to make it through Fathers Day, BBQ without breaking down and eating something we shoudn't eat. That means we passed on the potato salad, watermelon, cake and ice cream. It was tough, but we had each other to keep us away from it.

Feeling good and loving it. :D

kallium Sun, Jun-15-03 12:50

I think that is so great that you are sticking to it! Congrats on the weight lost so far. I would stay on induction as long as you like, if you get bored is the only real reason to move on. Moving to OWL you can add some new foods to your menu like fruit and nuts.

I am helping my husband loose weight and know how great it is to have someone help you over the tough spots when you feel weak. Keep up the good work :D

Duck Fan Sun, Jun-15-03 23:18

My husband has been on Atkins for 3 weeks and said that he is still in small on the Ketone scale. I've move into Moderate on the Ketone scale. Is that because our bodies are different and burn the fat at a different rate? I've always read that Men loose faster than Women because of the layers of fat cells. With Atkins is it different than a normal diet? I have more weight to loose than he does, could that be a factor? He is loosing weight, but his Ketosis has leveled at small. Does this happens sometimes? What can he do to kick start the ketosis again? :q:

Duck Fan Sun, Jul-27-03 11:56

I've been on the Atkins, since 6-1-03 and have lost 25 lbs. My husband started with me and has lost 30 lbs. We are so happy! We finally made it through the sugar cravings and it seems to be pretty easy to stay on it now. :angel: My husband has been an angel about helping me stay on the diet. He's good about remembing what we can and can't have while grocery shopping. We just keep going and going!
Walked in the ACS Relay for Life to help raise money for Cancer. That was fun too.

Jannie Sun, Jul-27-03 15:10

Congrats on joining the ranks! You can do it--have faith in your ability to change, and just keep on doing it for awhile... They say it takes about 3 weeks to change a habit, so hang in there, it WILL get easier!

I think your goal is very realistic--go to it!!!

:wiggle: :wiggle: :wiggle: :wiggle: :wiggle: :wiggle:

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