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Steveah Mon, Jan-12-04 05:54

What would you say to someone who says this?
The Atkins diet is utter bollocks.

Pound for pound, fat contains twice the calories of proteins or carbohydrates. FACT

The body converts energy it cannot use immediately as body fat. FACT

Therefore, consume more calories than the body uses and your body fat volume will increase. FACT

If you want to make your body use more energy, turn your heating system down. About 90% of the energy a mammal consumes is used to maintain a stable body temperature. That's the main reason why we're more obese as a nation now than fifty years ago - fifty years ago many people didn't have central heating or double glazing. Turn your heating down and make your body work harder to maintain that temperature. Use energy without effort!


Atkins is not only substantiated as extremely unhealthy but it gives false positives. The reason that you lose a lot of weight initially is becaus your body loses it`s ability for water retention and what you lose is all your excess water.
It`s dangerous and people should not be allowed public sector healthcare if they continue to abuse their bodies in this manner. There is no substitute for a balanced diet and a bit of hard work. Atkins is for lazy people who want a quick fix, but after the first two weeks when the water has gone then the weight stabilizes and the body then starts to digest muscle due to having no carbohydrate to feed on.
I love these people who say 'read the book, it`s amazing' well duh! It`s bound to be as it`s a commercial venture. Read the bible, that`s also amazing, but it`s full of unsubstantiated bollocks.

Steveah Mon, Jan-12-04 05:56

It's not true, but i have tried to write an explanation several times but i just cant word it correctly.

Fighting a one man battle against some doubters on another forum!!

xenavodka Mon, Jan-12-04 06:00

Morning, well I can't say whether or not it's true, I'm trying to believe in the Atkins and am currently starting the induction phase.
I am at my wits end of trying to shed a couple of stone so I will give this a go, being overweight is unhealthy, so any diet that works is mighty fine to me :)



Sinbad Mon, Jan-12-04 06:03

I've lost 40lbs of water? Shiiiiiiit.
Don't argue with them. Seriously... Their mind is made up, you will NOT be able to change it, and you're just getting yourself all stressed up over nothing. Are they really worth the aggro?

OHGal1415 Mon, Jan-12-04 06:13

"Saying that the key to weight loss is calorie control reveals an ignorance of the different effects on the metabolism from the different macronutrients. The key is the CARBS, not the calories.

Sure, calories do play a minor role, but macronutrient ratio plays a MAJOR role. That is why studies show that subjects on low carb/high fat diets can LOSE MORE and EAT MORE than those on lower fat/.high carb low calorie diets. Its called ENDOCRINOLOGY 101.

That is why people like me lose 60 pounds going from a 1100 calorie diet to a 2000 diet.

Saying that it is the "calories" is simply to parrot the same tired old, thoroughly disproven low fat philosophy." (stolen from another board ;))

yvonne326 Mon, Jan-12-04 06:15

Oh we go again.

Listen, if this "diet" which is not a diet but a way of eating...way of life for so friggen bad....then explain why most of us feel better, have better health results (cholestral, tryglycerides, thyroid function), look and feel more energetic, many health problems that we had before - acid reflux, sleep apnea, etc. - have either diminished completely or lessened in severety - why we look as good as we feel...

Oh cut the bull-sh*t. There are and always will be anti-low carbers out there...fine. Live your lifestyle but leave us alone.

I am a low carber and am proud of it!!!!

nursey15 Mon, Jan-12-04 06:23

if it's a one man battle, I say quit that forum and stay with this one where you get the support you need to follow your chosen WOE. For some people ignorance is bliss.

It`s dangerous and people should not be allowed public sector healthcare if they continue to abuse their bodies in this manner.

And my eating at McDonalds and fast food places was not abuse of my body? Eating 2-3x the amount of veggies than I did before and very little trans-fats is abuse to my body? I don't live where we get public sector healthcare, I pay dearly for my health insurance. IMHO Anything that gets weight off has got to be better for my general health than continuing to be over-weight, and that includes their diets of lowfat/low calorie. I just know from experience that I regain everything I try one of those. I would never be able to live the rest of my life eating like that. With LC I feel full and satisifed. I have many modifications I can use to battle cravings and more choices of food substitutions (not even including all the "produsts" out there) that I can use to replace what I'm not allowed to have. On low fat/low calorie is there a sub for chips, cakes, cookies, etc? No I don't eat the subs everyday, but they are there if I need them. Some people are regimented enough to stay low fat/low cal forever, but if you have ever had a true weight problem the way we eat is ingrained in us and most go right back to it when they stop (I did)

Most people seem to think we stay at induction level's of carbs, fat, protein forever. If they had a true understanding of the levels of the diet, and the amounts of weight loss I see everyday here...awww kicking a dead horse won't help here. People are tuned into what they have heard in the media and such. You won't change their minds if that is what they have been programmed to believe. Why even bother to waste you breath, or your fingers typing? If it feels right for you and it's working that's all that matters.

Steveah Mon, Jan-12-04 06:31

I suppose so, it just annoys me ever so slightly that just because people arent losing weight the 'right' (ie conventional) way it means that we must be lazy.

Far from it.

Sinbad Mon, Jan-12-04 06:33

I am lazy! I freely admit it!
Why the hell should I have to WORK HARD to achieve my goals when I can achieve them easily?
My motto has always been "Work smarter not harder".

Btw - looks like you're making great progress, Steve! :) Glad things finally got kickstarted for you

nursey15 Mon, Jan-12-04 06:37

lol Sinbad,
My motto has always been "Work smarter not harder".

that's my BF's motto too, I hear that all the time.

Steveah Mon, Jan-12-04 07:04

Originally Posted by Sinbad
I am lazy! I freely admit it!
Why the hell should I have to WORK HARD to achieve my goals when I can achieve them easily?
My motto has always been "Work smarter not harder".

Btw - looks like you're making great progress, Steve! :) Glad things finally got kickstarted for you

Oh i havent updated my stats for ages. Gimme a sec

Oh and apparantly my body currently thinks that it's dying (according to the anti atkins zealots)

NYorker Mon, Jan-12-04 08:07

I tell them Atkins is really just a low calorie diet in disguise. The point being that the more fat you eat, the less hungry you are (if you don't mix in carbs), so the less actual calories you eat.
People seem to be able to understand it better if you put it that way.

ItsTheWooo Mon, Jan-12-04 08:09

Originally Posted by Steveah
It's not true, but i have tried to write an explanation several times but i just cant word it correctly.

Fighting a one man battle against some doubters on another forum!!

Could I have a link to that forum, I would like to educate these people :)

orchidday Mon, Jan-12-04 08:58

I explain it in this simple way - Our bodies use sugar (most of which comes from complex carbs) as fuel. When we cut down on that available fuel, the body turns to fat to burn. First the fat we eat, and second the fat on our bodies. The body actually runs more efficiently on fat than on carbs.

Our ancestors (before agricultural - which is where most of the time has been spent) did not have access to complex carbs, and fruit was available only during the short time it was in season. Processed sugar was unknown. They existed on meat, preferring the fatty parts, and green type plants they found growing. The few carbs they did eat came from roots.

Our bodies have not evolved quickly enough to cope with the massive amounts of sugar we consume. Bread, pasta, potatoes, etc. are converted to sugar in the body. Because we are using sugar for fuel, the fat we consume becomes fat on our body. We need to change that and start burning fat as fuel as we were meant to by mother nature.

I do believe that the obsesity and diabetes epidemics are caused by sugar consumption - in all its forms. Unless we get back to basics - we will just keep getting fatter and sicker.

Good Luck - Orchid

AlluraD Mon, Jan-12-04 09:01

I have lost 145 lbs with Atkins........boy that's a lot of water~ *glub*
I just let what I have already done speak for itself~ Not scientific but the point remains the same~

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