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Lulita Tue, Mar-23-04 14:46

Little weight loss
Hi everybody,
I am a little discouraged, I have been on Atkins Ind. for 4 weeks and I lost only 6.5 pounds. Did any of you experienced this?
I have not chitted at all, I use decaf coffe, no fruits, little veggies.....could it be the cheese?
The Ketostix mark just traces, the funny thing is that I lost 5 pounds in 5 days at the beginning and I put on 1.5 after that and very slowly I lost the rest. I have spoken to some people that told me that it took them a couple of weeks but not this much time!!!!!
Please help....

dalejr8fan Tue, Mar-23-04 14:52

I'm on day 10 of induction. I've been gaining and losing the same few pounds. Today I'm up 3lbs from my beginning weight. It's so disappointing. I use the ketone strips and they show that I'm deep into ketosis. I don't cheat. I exercise. I drink alot of water. Yet, I can't seem to drop any weight! I started at 185lbs, dropped to 180lbs - where I hovered for a few days, now I'm up to 188lbs! I seem to be retaining a TON of water though.

Hang in there! I don't have any advice, but I wanted you to know you're not alone!

dalejr8fan ~

patricia52 Tue, Mar-23-04 14:52

I feel for you, Lulita. I lost 9 pounds during my two weeks of induction, and since then just 3 pounds in 6 weeks. Argh!
You can see I'm pretty new at this myself, but from what I've gathered from more experienced heads on this forum, sometimes the problem is that you're not eating enough fats, or even enough carbs.
Of course, that doesn't mean you can now dive head first into a pint of Haagen Daz ice cream, but you can make sure you're putting butter on your veg, and olive oil on your salad, mayonnaise on your tuna, etc.
And maybe bump up your carbs a bit, another cup of salad or vegetables won't hurt, and could push you into burning more fat.
Also, are you exercising? That's very important. Maybe walk around some of the hills around Port Moody!
Good luck! Perseverance is the key!

Lulita Tue, Mar-23-04 15:46

Thank you
Hi girls,
Well, is nice to know I am not alone. I have been drinking the wated but I haven't started the excercises, I was very tired at the beginning and I was scared I wouldn't loose. In Nov and Dec I was excercising with a trainer for 1 to 1 1/2 hrs a day 5 times a week and I didn't loose any weight so I thought I would see if the programs works first, now I am ready to shake my butt.
Lulita :yay:

Hilary M Tue, Mar-23-04 15:53

Most people lose a lot of weight in the first week or two, then stall for a while. I personally lost 15 pounds during the first two weeks of Induction, then NOTHING for 6 weeks after that! Yes, it was frustrating, but I stuck with it, and things eventually starting moving again on their own.

Make sure you're following the plan properly, which includes 3 cups of veggies per day, and just stick with it. Things will keep moving. Heck, I'd LOVE to lose 6 pounds in 4 weeks! Patricia's suggestion of more fat is a good one. Make sure you're eating a lot of butter, mayo, and olive oil (sounds counter-intuitive, I know). And try to hit close to 20 carbs a day — less than that is not healthy.

Stick with it, all of you! You're doing great.

lbiessen Tue, Mar-23-04 16:03

First of all are you drinking alot of water, water is very important to the weight loss. 2nd are you getting enough fat in your diet. And third make sure you calories aren't to low. You don't want your body to think its starving itself.

Its also very normal for the body to take breaks with weight loss. Its very common after induction for you body to take a week or so to adjust to what we've done to it. Just be patient and keep on track and you will keep seeing progress.

bcbeauty Tue, Mar-23-04 16:44

I am there with you ladies as well. I drink my water, eat all my foods , dont buy lc frankenfoods,Get enough fat(according to fit day), I guess some of us are just slower. I'm in my 5th week of induction. I can't move on to OWL because I am not losing so how do I judge my CCLL? Just keep eating till I start gaining? No thanks, thats how I got here in the first place.:(

Tazman Tue, Mar-23-04 19:25

I am the same as you, I`m at 210 and cannot seem to loose a bloody pound. This is day 10 for me also, got down to 207 one day and by the next day back up to 213 and holding steady there.Drink tons of water also and have been in deep ketosis for 6 days now. The only good thing I have started to notice is pants that didn`t fit before now fit, so thats encouraging. :thup: Just do not understand why no weight will come off. :mad:

Lulita Tue, Mar-23-04 19:32

Thank you all,
Did it happen to you that the stiks only showed traces? I haven't gotten even to dark pink.

djcarbno Tue, Mar-23-04 20:44

Don't worry about those sticks! Even a trace means you are in Ketosis - remember you are drinking ALL that water which flushes the bad crap out of you - water is very important during this diet - your kidneys will thank you for it. Take your measurements - when I had weeks with no loss in weight, I was losing inches!

bcbeauty Tue, Mar-23-04 20:56

If your stix says dark pink or purple that might mean you are dehydrated. It is good if it is light pink even a trace. Ketosis is happening.

teresamay Wed, Mar-24-04 06:51

I'm in this boat too - nothing in the last couple weeks, and it is discouraging - but from what I have been reading perfectly normal - so I am sticking with it, adn waiting out this "stall"...things will move again for you too - don't give up! :)

lovin'life Wed, Mar-24-04 07:17

I am coming upon the end of my second week of induction. The first week I lost 10 lbs, this week I have only lost one lb. That was very frustrating but I had started measuring as recommend by other users here and my measurments are going down daily (even though the scale isn't moving) and I feel GREAT! I wouldn't worry too mcuh about the scale and start measuring. That's really how to measure your weight loss since there are other factors with the scale like building muscle that weights more then fat, etc.

Stick to it! It will work....and start measuring if you are not already. That has been a lifesaver for me. I probably would have quit out of frustration if it weren't for the measurments!

Best of luck! :)

filmlass23 Wed, Mar-24-04 07:46

Just keep at it.

1) Eat your veggies!
2) Add fat!
3) Don't steal bites (like, "just a bite of his chowder/popcorn/pie/etc won't hurt me...")
4) Drink as much water as you can each day without making yourself feel sick...
5) Avoid frankenfoods... and LC "baked goods."
6) No alcohol!!

I always return to these 6 values when I'm feeling stuck.

Also, check the labels on your food. Sometimes, you'll be surprised to find things you didn't notice before (i.e. did you know dry roasted peanuts often have cornmeal/starch in the coating??)


YukonSun Wed, Mar-24-04 07:52

Originally Posted by Lulita
I have not chitted at all, I use decaf coffe, no fruits, little veggies.....could it be the cheese?

Make sure you're getting enough veggies, and water. =)

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