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Debra Thu, Nov-09-00 06:08

Hi all,

Great forum! I am the person who has followed the Stillman Diet for 2 weeks with greta success! The diet can be found at

It is not that bad, it does work and you can have seafood. I have lost 12 pounds in 2 weeks. This is very good considering I only had about 25 pounds to lose in total, so I am half way there!

I am now following the Atkins induction and have continued to lose.

Ihighly recommend it to braek a stall or for a jump start (which is why I used it).

Good Luck,

r.mines Thu, Nov-09-00 10:19

Gee, Debra, maybe I should try it (Stillman). I only got back on Atkins after about a 6-month 'holiday,' finished Induction 10 days ago, and the scale hasn't budged since. I went out and bought keto-sticks and they're purple, I'm counting carbs religiously, keeping track of calories to make sure I'm not pigging out (I'm not - average 1500 cals/day), and still nothing gives. OK, 10 days isn't very long, patience is a virtue, this is a lifetime plan, otherwise I feel fine . . . but it would be nice to drop an ounce or two. Waah! Well, maybe I'll give it another 2 weeks and then try Stillman for a while. It sounds so boring though!


doreen T Thu, Nov-09-00 11:01

Debra, Goddess of Willpower
Hi Deb,

Wow, 2 whole weeks. I bow before you in humble admiration. I tried Stillman's back in the summer, but I only lasted 4 days. Partly the boring thing, but actually, I was really experiencing the appetite-supressing effects. I had to FORCE myself to eat and a couple times I was aware that I had gone all day and not eaten since breakfast. And I wasn't hungry, but then, that's what "fasting" is all about.

I didn't find LowCarb Canada, or any support group for that matter, until September. When I did Stillman's before, I was totally on my own, nothing but negative feedback from friends and family. I think I just might have a little more success if I give it another go, knowing that there's such tremendous support here for me. You folks are so terrific, and your encouragement to each other and hints and words of experience really do make a difference. I've never met any of you, but I feel like you're all my friends.

A GREAT BIG THANKYOU to everybody; consider yourselves HUGGED!:)

from Doreen, in Ontario
202/I'm not saying/145

tamarian Thu, Nov-09-00 11:09

I'm tepted to try it myself, I've done the fat fast a few times, this may actually be easier!


Debra Thu, Nov-09-00 12:56

Goddess of willpower, I like that. My husband calls it pure stubborness (after all I am a Taurus).

tamarian Thu, Nov-09-00 13:13

I liked Low-Carb Retreat, the site that has the Stillman page above. I just aded them to our links page. They also have interesting research summaries page (by Josh Yelon).

Thanks for the link!


Georgina Thu, Nov-09-00 19:58

What the heck!
I am going to give the Stillman Diet a shot starting on Monday. I have been doing fairly week on the Insulin Control Diet but have found myself sliding the past couple of weeks. Today was a complete carb write-off!

Do you have any hints/tricks that worked for you when you did this diet? Does no oil, etc. mean that you can't even use PAM to spray in your pan? Just asking! What about diet soft drinks - did you drink them? Or sparkling (flavoured) water?

Can a person eat scallops cold with cocktail sauce like you do shrimp? I have just discovered them but don't know how to eat them!

Thanks for any insights! I will post next week on how I am doing!

doreen T Thu, Nov-09-00 20:10

Hi Georgina,

Here are two links to details about Dr. Stillman's Quick Weight Loss Diet : or

Basically, it is lean protein only. The two sites above are the exact program to follow, if the food isn't on the list, you don't eat it AT ALL. It's not easy to stick to, from a boredom point of view, but a high-protein "fast" like this would have a good levelling effect on blood sugar and insulin swings.

I'm gearing myself up to give it a try soon too. I tried it once before and could only last 4 days, I craved broccoli, of all things :p

I will look into the fine details further because I'd like to also know about taking vitamin & mineral supplements, or using the zero-carb whey protein shakes as a meal replacer. I promise to post here again what I find out.

'bye, from Doreen

[Edited by doreen T on 09-11-00 at 21:12]

Debra Thu, Nov-09-00 20:32

Hi Georgina,
What worked for me was to eat mini meals throughout the day. I also learned to pay attention to when I was hungry and not just eating because it was lunch time, etc.

Drink lots and lots of water. I do not drink soft drinks, but I have herbal tea, in addition to the water ... not in place of it.

After the first few days, it is really quite easy to stick to.

I have never cooked scallops. I did buy some and they are still in the freezer awaiting some brainwave to hit me on what to do with them!

I cooked a turkey, roasted chickens, lobster tails and steak, or shrimp and steak, eggs for breakfast, roast beef, and anything else that would leave me leftovers to nibble during the day.
Hope this helps, let me know hoe you do.

Georgina Sun, Nov-12-00 10:32

Here I Go!!!
I stocked up on lean meats, poultry, fish, and seafood yesterday. I started the Stillman diet this morning. So far, so good - but it's not quite noon yet! :)

One of the girls at work is going to do this with me (at least we are going to try!) She is starting tomorrow.

I'll keep you posted on how I am doing!

Thanks for the info everyone!


doreen T Fri, Nov-17-00 10:57

Hi Georgina,

How are you doing with Stillman?? Are you hanging in there? I'd really love to hear if you have any tricks or ideas to keep it workable, other than cast-iron willpower. I'm going to attempt at least a week, the only problem I can foresee is NOT eating when the appetitie gets turned off, which should happen around Day 3.

Hope you're doing well, :)


[Edited by doreen T on 17-11-00 at 21:36]

r.mines Tue, Dec-05-00 20:03

So how are you Stillmanites doing? Any whooshes?


Georgina Tue, Dec-05-00 20:28

I did the Stillman's plan for 4 days and ended up gaining a pound, so needless to say I did not follow it for 2 weeks. I imagine that it works well for some people but unfortunately I am not one of them.

Good luck to others who try!


doreen T Tue, Dec-05-00 20:51

Hi Georgina,

I lasted a whole week on Stillman, lost 3 lbs and got rid of my puffy ankles. However, I binged on cheese and dairy for the week after, I really craved cheese. Gained the weight back even though I still kept my total carbs at 10 per day. I think there is something to the idea of food sensitivity or intolerance. Dr.Atkins touches on it in his book, but there's not a whole lot on the subjet on the web, at least not from a lowcarb perspective. I have several good books on the the subject of food allergies, I will post my findings here, later this week when I get the time. I also am wondering about the additives in food, like the hormones and antibiotics fed to beef and dairy animals. This might be a reason for some stalls, even with doing everything else right.


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