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ytteb6 Sun, May-12-02 23:26

ive gained not lost whats wrong
I've been doing the atkins inductions for five days now and have gained two pounds. Am I doing something wrong?

Karen Mon, May-13-02 00:03

Can you tell us what your menu has been and how much water you have been drinking?

Have you been a yo-yo dieter? Coming to low-carb from a low calorie diet? On any medications?


ytteb6 Mon, May-13-02 08:34

I drink tons of water, but I think maybe its to much food i"m eating. Are you suppose to be counting your calories too? I don't remember that part being in the book of dr atkins!

Karen Mon, May-13-02 09:21

One of the "side effects" of low-carbing is appetite supression.

New low-carbers have a tendency to equate lack of hunger as being a good thing, especially if they are used to calorie restricted diets. What happens is that your body will go into "starvation mode" and hang on to fat, thinking there's not enough food coming to keep alive. Your body is very smart!

So, we encourage people who are having trouble at first to make sure that they are eating enough calories.

This is a link to a few things that people have found to hinder their weight loss efforts:

So, You Think You're a Turtle?


kodi10 Mon, May-13-02 19:24

I have the same problem. Been on the Induction phase since Monday and have gained 2.5 pounds. This does not make any sense to me and if it wasn't me, I would think the person was lying. Anyway, I started on Monday, weighed on Thursday...was a little dissapointed because only lost one pound.

Then on Monday I weighed again and had gained not only the pound back, but 1.5 more!

Each time I weighed it was at the doctors, same scale. I looked over your list of things which could prevent loss, but don't see how I could gain.

Is water retention a problem (it is the only think I can imagine). I wouldn't think I was retaining because I pee about every 2 hrs since on the plan.

I am in ketosis and have been since Saturday. (Moderate to low ketosis).

I have ranged between 18-31 grms of carbs daily. I did start taking a Naprosin since Thursday. Could that be the cause of the weight gain?

ytteb6 Tue, May-14-02 10:08

I read your turtle message it has some very interesting ideas. I drink about 8 glasses of water a day so i'll up that and take out dairy but other than that I eat the proper amount of food and stay in the range of carbs (20) that i'm aloted. Is there anything else you might think that will help me , for its a real discouraging thing to gain and not loose. I now that this is a life time change but some weight loss would make a world of good to my self estem to keep going. :daze:

ytteb6 Tue, May-14-02 10:14

I forgot to ask what is Naprosin? Am I suppose to be taking other suppliments other than the multivitamin, calcium, vitamin c I've always taken? :confused:

Natrushka Tue, May-14-02 10:30

Originally posted by kodi10
I did start taking a Naprosin since Thursday. Could that be the cause of the weight gain?

Most definitely. The last time I was prescribed this drug the leaflette that came with it warned me that weight gain was a likely side effect. I'm pretty sure that weight gain is a possible side effect of all NSAIDs (Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs ) (Doreen, can you confirm?).

What did you start taking Naproxen for? Because it's an anti-inflammaroty your weight gain seems logical - inflammed tissue retains water (just as when you lift weights you will retain water because muscle tissue is inflammed and torn).

Keep in mind Kodi, that unless you ate upward of an extra 5000 calories it isnt possible to gain 1.5 lbs of fat overnight :)


kodi10 Tue, May-14-02 18:59

Thanks for your response. It wasn't overnight. It was from Thursday to Monday (almost as bad and almost as impossible). I realize this doesn't make sense, so before I give this up, I want to find the solution.

Actually, the hardest thing I could do is give up, but what a blow. I am taking (or was --- trying now to do without), for a pain in my left arm. Don't know the cause, and it has been almost unbearable and the naprosin worked incredibly on it. However, I can hold down the dosage. It works so well I know twice a day will not be necessary.

Also, I was not drinking any water at all. Just some tea and sugar free Kool-Aid, but no water by itself. Thought it was not necessary because I was peeing about every three hrs. Today I drank 67 oz and was peeing every 20 min! Almost didn't make it home from work today without an accident (and I don't mean the car type).

Does not drinking water cause water retention? I have been eating things with salt, and although it is not typical for me to retain water, I suppose it could happen.

Natrushka Tue, May-14-02 19:38

Originally posted by kodi10
Does not drinking water cause water retention? I have been eating things with salt, and although it is not typical for me to retain water, I suppose it could happen.

Yes, it does. And the naproxen will encourage this. If your body is short on water it will hold onto what it has. You fight water retention by drinking more water. The salt can't be helping things.

Aim for 1/2 your body weight in ouces a day and you'll do fine. If nothing more get the minimum 64 oz / 8 glasses in. It really does make that much of a difference.


kodi10 Tue, May-14-02 22:25

I can't thank you enough for responding. I don't feel so all alone. When I talk to my highcarb friends, they just look at me like, "well, what do you can't possibly really believe you would loose weight on that diet, did you?"

Gotta admit, I feel a little foolish right now and am more determined than ever to not only loose weight, but prove them wrong too. :bash:

I will give the water a real try, but don't want that horrible experience to happen again that I had happen today. I really thought I was not going to make it to a bathroom and I was horrified. Its a new car! :(

kodi10 Wed, May-15-02 06:46

Oh my gosh! I worked!!!

I lost 3.5 pounds of (no doubt) water last night. I feel absolutely wonderful. :cheer:

I guess that peeing every 20 minutes did the trick. Now I have show a weight loss of 2 pounds. I am thrilled, elated, relieved, joyful, overwhelmed, and grateful. :Party:

Water is my friend! Hey, I have a new tag line to add to my profile. :)

Natrushka Wed, May-15-02 07:06

WTG Kodi :) A day spent in the washroom when you've not increased water intake is usually a sign of a whooosh coming your way. It's those fat cells letting go of the water they've been hoarding. Keep the water intake up and you'll do just fine.


mbschlgr Wed, May-15-02 07:13

Congrats!! Water is the key. I was never a water drinker and when my intake is low, my weight is either up or doesn't move. I also find that I crave carbs when I don't drink enough water. Also I read that fatigue can be caused by not drinkign enough water!!!

Another thing I am trying to learn is to take in more oxygen while I am sitting still, I am trying to conciously inhale deeply! I've been doing this for a few days and my mind feels better.

So, water and oxygen! Makes sense...

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