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daysrsunni Tue, Oct-29-02 17:23

Looking for a Friend
Well, I have been on the Atkins Diet for 3 weeks now. I have found it to be alot easier this time around (I did it a few months ago for a short time). I guess the last time I didn't want it bad enough. I just discovered this site last week when I was desperate for some guidance and needing some encouragement. I felt my weight loss was stalled. I got alot of really great tips from people on here and put them into effect over the weekend and saw results by Monday. It was pretty exciting. There are a few things I can't get into yet for some reason......exercising and kicking the caffeine habit. I guess it's one thing at a time. I've lost six pounds so far, must be doing something right! Well, I bet my boss would appreciate it if I actually worked right now, so I had better go. :roll:

swissmom Wed, Oct-30-02 01:49

Hi Sunnie :wave:
Welcome to the club!
I was a circus performer and now I hate to exercise!(because I had to all the time)
I don't need to loose to much and I found out without a little exercise it just doesn't work so I put my stationary bike in front of the TV and bike for 45 min (sometimes 1hrs) with my favorite shows (murder mysteries) the one playing in Vegas,(I think it's called CSU?) and of course nash bridges!:daze: I tape it the night before so I can forward on the commercials, it's worth a try, now the time flies and I don't feel like I'm working out. I also have the tapes from Tammilee Webb abbs of steel which has 3, 10min workouts which you can do all by yourself in front of the TV - I should be doing them as well t... years ago I did them everyday at the beginning only one segment and after a while the whole tape 30min and it works I had a flat belly - now I don't yieks! But it's wintertime here know and I have other (tons) of excuses! LoL :lol:
I hope you will stick with us and WOL it works
see ya Connie
ps. I drink my 5 cup's of tea and it still work's maybe slower but so what!

daysrsunni Wed, Oct-30-02 10:10

Hi Swissmom,
Thanks for replying! Wow, you are in Switzerland. That is amazing. I don't think I've ever spoken to anyone from that far away. You watch CSI? I love that show, I watch it religiously! They also have a new CSI set in Miami, Florida now. I haven't gotten a chance to watch that one though. Well, it looks like your weight loss is going really well! Congrats! Good job on your exercise regimen. I really have to start one. The sad thing is that I have a gym I can go to anytime for free and I don't even attempt to go. I think I am just lazy. My husband is in the Air Force here and so I get the free gym priveleges. It is just so hard to go in the mornings because I am always running late and then I have to fight my little daughter to put her clothes on so she can go to daycare. Then when I get home after an hour drive home from work I just want to collapse until the next morning. I know other people have much better excuses for not exercising, I need to just find the time. I have a couple of TaeBo tapes and some Denise Austin tapes, maybe I can start fitting those in somewhere in the day. Hope to talk to you again soon!!!!

daysrsunni Thu, Oct-31-02 11:36

Well, I survived my husband's Airman Leadership Graduation Banquet last night. They had a buffet with lasagna, scalloped potatoes, rolls, etc. and I managed to stick with baked chicken and vegetables and not eat the chocolate cake put in front of me. I was pretty happy with myself. I also had to suffer through unsweetened tea because they didn't have Splenda. AGGHH!! Oh well, overall I had a good time and still managed to stick to Induction. Now I am just sitting here at work being tremendously tired. I am gonna go now. Just wanted to update my journal with the events of last night.

swissmom Fri, Nov-01-02 02:35

Hi Sunnie
Hi Sunnie ;)
Great. I look forward to see the new shows from Miami! I used to live in Sarasota (Gulf of Mexico) for 21 years.My daughter (27)is still there and I visit every year for a month. I miss it and her terribly. When I retire I will return, until then I stay here and make the bucks! :p
By the way this is not your journal, you have to start one under your username check this out:
this is the know how to your journal. ;)
Hey but listen it is great that you could hold back on that buffet !
Good for you, as for aspartame I drink it with my tea and my whipped cream, I think they mean you should not over do it, but I'm not a specialist. (yet).(And congratulations to your hb. did he graduate?)
I don't like gyms all the folks,and you have to go there, it easier at home and I like to be alone and sufer by myself! I do abbs of steel by tammilee webb (I'm far from it) :( I only do 10min a day, and the bike. I don't know your guy, but when I'm in the states I'll check it out. Okay see ya around I have to work, greetings from Zurich Connie

intanzania Fri, Nov-01-02 04:56

Hi Sunny,

We actually have much in common. I've also been doing atkins since 3 weeks, and also want to loose about 20 or so pounds. I'm down 8/9 already, and cant wait to get rid of the rest!

Also cant kick the caffine (having 3+ cups/ day), and havnt exercised in many months!!!!

Hope we can kick off together!!!

daysrsunni Fri, Nov-01-02 10:29

Oh, I am silly!!! I was confused about the journal thing. I already have a personal journal, I just forget to write in it. Anyway, my husband did graduate from Airman Leadership School, it was alot of fun. I got to dress up and I rarely ever get to do that.
Well Swissmom, I have to give you credit for at least doing 10 minutes of exercise per day. I haven't even done that, although I think that I got some good exercise last night carrying my daughter around to Trick Or Treat (she didn't want to walk). She went as a fairy princess, she was pretty cute and she insisted on wearing her sunglasses the whole time, even though it was dark.
I got on the scales again this morning and I haven't lost any weight this week.... :mad: But, I have had a busy week and I ended up skipping breakfast a few times and all of that. I didn't cheat though, so that is a plus. Maybe by the end of next week something more will happen. We'll see!!! Gotta go now, just got into work. Talk to you later!!

daysrsunni Fri, Nov-01-02 10:36

Hi InTanzania,
How are you today? Thanks for your reply! Congrats on your weight loss!! Looks like you are doing a great job!! Mine on the other hand has been stuck for a week now!!!
The caffeine thing is such a pain. I have to have it or I just feel like dirt all day. I am actually having a yummy Diet Coke as we speak........ :D I would not be complete without it.
I am so happy it is Friday. Not only is it Friday, but it's payday Friday!! Yeah!! It's time to go replenish my fridge with Atkins friendly goodies!
Well, I have to get back to work! Talk to you later.

intanzania Mon, Nov-04-02 07:06

Hi Sunnie

The days are sunny indeed! Temperature today is hitting the roof, and the AC's in the office are dehydrating me if that makes any sense!

The weekend was good, but i was a bit naughty... i dont know if you've seen me whinning about the lack of sugar free jell'o in tanzania, but there is! So, i kindda had a few bites of some ice cream to satisfy the craving... The weekend is my weekness.

Havn't weighed in this week, but will do it tomorrow AM.

Happy Monday :wave:

daysrsunni Mon, Nov-04-02 10:27

Happy Monday to you too!
It's hot in Tanzania?? LUCKY!! It is cold here today and it took forever for the heat in my car to kick in. I almost miss the 100 degree weather here.
Don't feel so bad about the icecream, I don't think a few bites could do too much damage. You guys don't even have the premade Sugarfree Jello cups? I live on those things!! I made that jello cheesecake this weekend. It was pretty good. I probably ate too much of it, but oh well. I forget where on this website I got the recipe. My husband and daughter even liked it, which was amazing.
How's your weight loss going? I don't know how mine is going because I got water all over my digital scale and now it won't work. Maybe it will dry out eventually and start working again, but I don't know if it will be accurate.
I had better get back to work now. Talk to you soon!

intanzania Tue, Nov-05-02 00:38

Hi Sunnie,

Its Raining!!! Ugh, I jinxed my good luck complaining about the Sun yesterday. Now its nasty and muggy, and I always get hungry in bad weather!

The weight loss is stalled, but i havnt exactly been very "good" lately. No big cheats, but I think the ice cream threw me off. Back on today, and will stay strict till thanksgiving... see no cheat till thanksgiving thread. Way to rub it in about the jell-o!! We get most everything here, but there's no demand for sugar free jell-o we only get the bro's coming back today from South Africa, so hopefully he mercifully brought some back with him.

I'm thinking of doing a lemonade fast. Sounds drastic, but it really is good, and i do it 2x a year. I loose a couple pounds, but they're not permanent. It's more for a total health thing. I'm gonna start a thread to see if anyone else in the forum has heard of it. keep your eyes open!

:) bye for now

daysrsunni Tue, Nov-05-02 10:21

Don't worry, my weight loss is stalled too! Sorry to rub in the jello, that was such a mean, hateful thing to do ;) I got a sudden case of a cold yesterday and I am really feeling like dirt. I didn't even want to eat this morning, but I knew that I had to. I am hoping the cold and a couple of extra pounds will be gone by the end of the week. I guess we will see. I have never heard of the lemonade fast. I don't think I could do it or I would be scarfing anything and everything. Well, I hope your brother brings you some Sugar-Free Jello. That would be so nice huh? I am gonna go now and do some work. Talk to you soon!


intanzania Tue, Nov-05-02 23:49


Morning Sunnie,

I got my Jell-o I got my Jell-o and some new clothes!!!

My brother rocks! He came back from his trip and I nearly jumped down his throat for the Jell-o... and then Voila, out it comes... should last us about 1 month, and by then my sister is coming from Canada, so we'll get her to stock up!

He bought me this beautiful corderoy jacket which I tried on ontop of my PJ's (that's what I was wearing when he gave it to me) and it was sooo tight. But then I went to my room, and tried it on without my PJ's and it FIT... and it fit nicely too! Also brought me some pants and a really sexy shirt (like a finely knitted lacey type Black with beige and white flowers, button down long sleeve!) Havn't tried that on yet, or the pants, but maybe I should...

Sorry to hear you're sick... vit C and lay of the dairy... it'll get you all mucousy... and the coffee will dry out your throat... but i'm sure you know all this... Maybe that's why you're stalled, bodies get sick before symptoms appear, maybe the stall is a protection mechanism?

Trying to get out of my stall. I've cut the cheese out of my diet, and the coffee! 1 day without caffeine... I hope this gets me out of the stall. Still havnt started exercising, but i want to save it for the last couple pounds... does that make any sense?? I'm really just lazy making excuses I guess... anyway, enjoy your day!

Tata for now :wave:

daysrsunni Wed, Nov-06-02 15:55

I am so glad you got your Jello, now I don't have to feel bad talking about it!!! So you got some new clothes?? Sounds like pretty cool stuff. I went shopping last night and was pretty excited to find out that I can officially fit in size 9 clothing now. That is a definite pick-me-up. Also, I got on the scales this morning and discovered I had lost half a pound..whoohoo!! Not much, but every little bit counts. Well, go make yourself some Jello...finally. I am gonna get some work done, I took the morning off and I have to be productive at some point today. Have a good day and I will talk to you soon! :spin:

intanzania Thu, Nov-07-02 06:57

Hi Sunnie,

Great news on the 1/2 pound! I've stopped weighing... the electric scale is in my bro's room, and he's still sleeping when i go to work in the morning, so no weighing until the weekend! Good thing i think... the up and down was really frustrating me!

Otherwise, i'm ok. I'm getting tired of eating the same thing all the time though... my menu needs a face lift... eggs, chicken, fish, seafood, mayo, salad! And of course the Jell-o! What else is there?

Any fun food items i can add to this monotony?

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