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tilt Sat, Mar-06-04 09:37

No loss at all :(
Day 6 of induction, have not lost even one pound of weight or one inch off anywhere! Looks like I have been eating right except for one day when my fat intake was a little low (53%).

Also, I do not know if I am in ketosis at all or not. My breath does not smell bad (my wife vouches for that), I do not suffer from the withdrawals that some others seem to go through, in fact I feel absolutely no different from the way I felt before starting Atkins, except I go to the toilet less often and fart less often.

What is happening to me? I take no medications other than one multivitamin, one B Complex, one Calcium and 100 mg of vit.C. I drink around 3 litres of water a day, one cup of green tea a day, I even gave up on my favourite - single-malt scotch (that is the only alcohol I like drinking).

I have three more weeks to show my doctor that I can lose weight and reduce my cholesterol and sugar level before he puts me on Diabetes medication or pronounces me dead and washes his hands off me.


teresamay Sat, Mar-06-04 09:39

CAn you post a menu?

shortstuff Sat, Mar-06-04 10:09

Tilt - list your menu and include every single last bite that goes into your mouth including measurements. Like how much salad, how much other veggies, how much meat, how much cheese.

There are lots of folks here who have been doing low carb for a very long time who will look at what you are doing and make some suggestions on how to tweak your daily menu.

BTW, if you're eating any of those breakfast bars, shakes or other goodies that are not part of the written Atkins diet as put forth by the Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution, that can be part of your problem. A lot of folks have found out that those things along with the sugar alcohols in candies and so forth can stop them from losing weight faster than a plate of pasta.


tilt Sat, Mar-06-04 18:48

Here is a link to my FitDay. You may check all I ate for the last 6 days.

I have split the food I ate into its ingredients separately because Fitday does not permit me to do things like remove croutons from Caesar Salads etc.


tilt Sat, Mar-06-04 18:49

And no, I have not eaten a morsel that is not listed in my FitDay :) So, no Atkins bars or anything like that, just good clean food!


Marieshops Sat, Mar-06-04 19:05

Your menu looks good. One thing to check is your tea - does it have caffeine? You might have to cut back or cut out your cheese at least during induction. You only are allowed 3 to 4 ounces of cheese a day max on induction and all cheese has some carb content. I saw you were having a couple of servings of string cheese a day showing 0 carbs. Those were the only things that jumped out at me. Just keep your carbs at 20 and remember "hidden" carbs. Often products will round down as in if something has .9 carb they list 0. Good luck and hang in there. You can do it!

Dodger Sat, Mar-06-04 19:56


Your body seems to like holding onto its carbs. Do you do any exercise? The body will burn carbs during walking/running/cycling. As the carbs are burned, the water associated with them are released and results in the rapid intial weight loss usually seen.

pre3teach Sat, Mar-06-04 19:58

Could you be metabolically resistant as written about in Atkins book? He says the first two weeks of induction will give you an idea...and those who didn't lose or lose well should maybe try the fat fast...IF they are metabolically resistant. That might be my guess since your menus look good etc.
WTG on eating so well!!!

LadyBelle Sun, Mar-07-04 02:17

Read the lables on your foods as well to be sure there ar eno hidden carbs. Does your cesear dressing contain 2 or less carbs per serving? Some can have 4-5.

You might also try cuttin gdown or out the cheese for a few days to see if that is something you are sensative to. For me dairy can be a huge problem.

If your doing everything right, and nothing is happening, then maybe it's time to see a doctor. Get your thyriod checked and also look through the chapter on yeast and see if it sounds like you have candidia symtoms. If you do have candidia then you'll have to switch to mozzarella only cheese and cut out the mushrooms.

tilt Mon, Mar-08-04 12:25

Thank you everybody.

Marieshops, I drink Green Tea and it has 1 carb, but I can cut that out with no problem at all. I shall try that. I can also cut out the cheesestrings, no problem.

Dodger, no I don't exercise. Can't walk for long or run, fallen arches. Can't do stomach stuff, or light weights or swimming, back problems (lower and upper), can't lift anything much, RSI and CTS in both arms. Food is the only way and Atkins seemed to be the Holy Grail :) But I understand what you are saying.

I also wondered if my body was holding desperately to carbs but I wondered how it could do that when I eat only around 20 carbs a day! Maybe I should go to zero carbs a day for a couple of weeks. What are the problems if I did that? Any idea?

Pre3teach, thanks. How do I find out if my body is metabolically resistant? Is it just that if I go two weeks with no loss then I am resistant or are there tests for this? And I need to find out more about Fat Fast. Is that a diet or a variation by Atkins himself or what?

Ladybelle, I had my thyroid checked last week, it is fine. I do not know about the yeast or Candidia. Does that also affect men? I need to do some reading on that. Cutting cheese out is not a problem at all, would that solve the yeast or the Candidia problem or should I do something more with a doctor? By the way, my doctor is very against Atkins.


LadyBelle Mon, Mar-08-04 13:48

Yes yeast can effect men as well. Read through the yeast forum on this site to see if you have the symptoms. Seeing a doctor would be up to you. Following the candidia restricted diet, taking probiotics, and some of the other things would probably allow you to take care of it on your own though.

I know one sign is athletes foot problems in men.

As for the 20g carbs, some people actully lose better on 30g or 40g a day instead of 20. If cutting carbs more doesn't help, you might try moving on to OWL and even raising them a bit.

Moonwalker Mon, Mar-08-04 13:57

I think you might be eating too much, i am on maintenance and i eat about 2000 calories a day and i maintain where im at. Most people eat about 1500 calories a day i think on this WOE. Also, when i tried to take calcium supplements they kicked out of ketosis.. might want to try and stop taking them for a while.

tilt Tue, Mar-09-04 12:24

OK, plan of action: cut out Calcium supplements, read about yeast and candidia, reduce calories and then I shall post info on my progress :)

Thanks everyone and cheers

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