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DebDaCajun Sat, Jun-09-01 16:48

Why did you choose low-carb?
Inquiring minds wanna know :D And I am just wondering how many other diabetics there are here.

ironlung Sat, Jun-09-01 17:00

Well, i voted, but i'll explain also. I'm going to embark on a low carb diet to;
  • Drop a few pounds
  • Find a way to controll my carb cravings
  • Help maintain my weight for the rest of my life

DebDaCajun Sat, Jun-09-01 17:08

Sounds like good reasons to me -- and I agree with them too!

numberonewendy Sat, Jun-09-01 19:31

Hi there, don't really know you....or remember you...LOL

Why did choose this wol? Oh my....well I wasn't even looking for this type of thing at the time. I got into a sewing forum which is similar to this forum. I got thinking....gee the support for sewing online and learning is terrific, wonder if there is somewhere for folks to go when feeling down about their weight? I have dieted many of times and was fed up with it, and knew dieting was not for me way was I going on a diet.....for no one..not even for me.....and I'm 43 yrs old....not happy with myself..but ain't dieting ever again!!!!

Someone led me to this site....or there abouts....but I found this. I began I never knew about carbs.....shoot..all I knew about was low fat....low fat this...low fat that...Dr. Bernstein..taking shots..not sure about the Americans talking about a Dr. Bernstein...but the guy I knew was into shots....and a diet...that killed!!!

I spent two days reading the posts here..and the information and thought my.....this isn't a diet...this is just cutting out the bad stuff....yet I feared as I also read about kidney problems and saw folks posting about gall bladder problems etc......I expressed my concern on these matters and got answers that satisfied me.....

I'm low carbing...cause I can....I don't suffer like I have when on diets....with low carbing I don't feel like I am on a diet..and thats a big plus for me......If I want something real bad....I feel I can have it.....not like I am going to put on the twenty three pounds that I lost...heck no....I eat it...then say...ok thats got what you continue eating the way you should....healthy eating all...thats all it is....

I like feeling the way I feel......happy....energetic....a bit thinner..and sometimes on some days man I feel real thin....sort of like a hair day..some days..oh pooh...I suck....other I'm beautiful....look out world here I come...hehehehe...all in the attitude I do don't talk to me when I am another story....hehehehe...working on it though....

Love you guys :)

DebDaCajun Sat, Jun-09-01 19:36

Hi Wendy!
Yeah, I'm pretty new here, just found this cool place this week. My mom gave me the book Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution so that's how I came to be a low-carber. I have more about myself in the introduction section and in my profile. Thanks for writing so much about yourself and voting in my poll too! :D

sherrybee Sat, Jun-09-01 19:53

did the low fat thing for over 10 years..worked for a while then BLAMMO!!!!!!!!!.....i started gaining weight...i didn't know what the heck was going on......then the "revolution" that i learned through the news and studies is that carbs if not burned can turn into with that, HERE I AM!!!!!

doreen T Sat, Jun-09-01 21:47

Not diabetic here (yet), but strong family legacy of ALL the Syndrome X problems. So yes, I want to lose weight, but I also do want to prevent the tragedies that have happened in my family from happening to me... type2 diabetes, heart disease and atherosclerosis, obesity, strokes ....

The original Atkins was the first diet I ever went on, back in the 70s. I was 16 at the time, lost 25 or 30 lbs over the summer. I cut my hair too, and when I went back in the fall, nobody recognised me. It was great (class Nerd here .:)). I maintained for a few years by continuing to lowcarb, until college and nursing school, where the fear of FAT was drilled into my brain.

Oh ya, I did Scarsdale, and Wt. Watchers, Diet Center, Wt.Loss Clinic, tried McDougall (mega lowFAT) and even went vegan for almost a year. I have other chronic health problems too, and medication.... in recent years, I was told about Protein Power by my acupuncturist, herself a vegetarian, but she recognises and respects that we're not all the same, and some people NEED to eat meat. I've been lowcarbing faithfully for over a year; the weight loss is slow, not steady, but it is loss nonetheless, after a decade of GAINING on lowfat, high-grain diets. (I wasn't even a big candy and junk eater). And my cholesterol and triglycerides have improved, and blood pressure is down.

Just ask me if I plan to go back to the old lowfat, highCARB way of eating. No way!


r.mines Sat, Jun-09-01 22:42

Hi, Deb!
I voted 'to avoid diabetes,' but there's a bit more to it than that!

Originally I started this diet to lose weight; a few years ago middle age spread hit with a vengeance!

But the more I read and learned, the more I realized that this way of eating is the only way I can avoid the family legacy of obesity, diabetes, and heart problems that I'm in line for (I'm with you, Doreen!). My grandfather died of diabetes (30 years ago, when treatment was far worse than it is now); my mother has diabetes, my sister's pre-diabetic, my father died of complications from atherosclerosis, my younger (!) brother has high cholesterol .... yikes! So yes, I wanna be skinny and gorgeous, but more importantly, I wanna be healthy.

If eating yummy food, losing weight, and looking and feeling better is what it takes to be healthy .... well .... sometimes we just gotta pay the price, ya know? Gosh darn it all anyway! :D


rainny Mon, Jun-11-01 13:02

Don't have diabetes..but figured that was where I was headed!! My health and not being able to really enjoy playing with my kids was a big issue!! And theweight was the reason for both! I've also tried every thing esle...this is the only thing that REALLY WORKS!!

grondike Wed, Jun-13-01 17:22

I have been an avid weight lifter, snowboarder, rollerblader, etc, etc for years. I seemed to maintain a high level of bodyfat no matter how hard I would train. I heard the science behind low carbs and decided to give it a try. After 6 weeks on an induction level diet, I had lost 20lbs with a bullet. I kept my muscle because I actually got stronger in the gym.

I like the level of bodyfat I have now, so my new diet is this. Under 30 grams of carbs Monday - Thursday. Friday - Sunday I eat as many carbs as I like. I gain about 3 lbs over the weekend and they are gone by Wednesday. I don't have to turn down social drinking or pizza on this diet. I don't go crazy with it, but I can enjoy the naughty foods and still keep the weight off. Sorry to go on and on, but wanted to mention my zig zag diet here.

tamarian Wed, Jun-13-01 17:28

Originally posted by grondike
Sorry to go on and on, but wanted to mention my zig zag diet here.

Actually, this zig-zag now has a name, the Cyclical Ketogenic Diet (CKD). It's very useful for active (or those willing to get active) in weight lifting/bodybuilding. Some of our mebers have acheived great results (Fern comes to mind) and we have just started a seperate forum for it. :)


fern2340 Wed, Jun-13-01 18:20

Without reading your post I was going to respond to groundike and say, hey, that's the CKD!!! Then I saw your post.... :) you're too quick!

tamarian Wed, Jun-13-01 18:32

Originally posted by fern2340
Without reading your post I was going to respond to groundike and say, hey, that's the CKD!!! Then I saw your post.... :) you're too quick!

Awwh, I'll take that as a compliment ;)


grondike Wed, Jun-13-01 19:24

Thanks Gang! Excuse the rookie mistake. CKD is a great name for it and I will cruise that forum too now. ;0)

Ruth Mon, Jun-18-01 11:17

Re: Hi, Deb!
Deb, Yup, I'm a diabetic. I found Dr B's Diabetes Solution on the web, went out 3 days later to buy my own copy along with Dr A's New Diet Revolution. Dr A explains the low carb WOE much better IMHO, but Diabetes Solution is invaluable in understanding diabetes & related health issues. :( Diabetes abounds on the paternal side of my family.

In Dec 2000 I faced head-on the fact that I'm morbidly obese, diabetic, have shortened life expectancy, multiple health problems, etc. This was hugely difficult. (Pun intended, bad I know). Some tough soul searching: Do I carry on as I am, getting bigger than the proverbial barn and forget about buying RRSP's because I won't live long enough to need them? Or find a way to lose weight, get healthy & enjoy my life? I've dieted B4 (haven't we all) and the old WW model/exchange diets didn't work too well in the short term. Long term, regain of lost weight, plus more was depressing.

Why even bother? Being hungry ALL the time just isn't an option for me... the sense of deprivation & urge to eat & binge is too strong. I began to seriously investigate various weight loss surgery options and started a dialog with my GP about WLS, which she doesn't recommend. For 2 months I believed that WLS was my only hope to achieve a healthy weight.

In the course of my investigations, I stumbled upon Dr B's site & here I am, a big loser of 31 lbs! Thank God I found Dr Bernstein's book. (I mean that sincerely). WLS is so drastic and I'm glad I found an alternative that works for me.
My blood glucose levels are the same now as before LC, when I took 5mg glyburide daily. No more glyburide for me!

Ruth, a happy low carber

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