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Miami120 Sat, Sep-28-02 14:12

Haven't lost one lb
Hi, I started Atkins 2 weeks ago ( almost) and I haven't lost one pound. I also quit smoking on the same day. And I quit caffeine.

I tried the sticks and I am not in ketosis, once a trace showed. I am now eating below 10 carbs a day and still nothing. My daily eating habits ,
decaf coffee with cream and splenda.
can of tuna with mayo for lunch and a piece of chicken or turkey
same for dinner either turkey hamburger or salmon grilled with olive oil salt and pepper.
Am I eating too much meat/fish?
an atkins breakfast bar and another decaf coffee.

Some days I don't have decaff at all or the bars. I used to eat a ceasar salad for lunch or tomatoes or zucchini but I stopped all that. ...
Did my metabolism slow down so much from quitting smoking that atkins is just keeping me even ( weight wise) ?
I have been really strict, should I take a metabolism booster? I am pretty desperate, my boyfriend started on the same day and lost 10lbs, we are both eating the same thing give or take

thank you !

agonycat Sat, Sep-28-02 14:32

Try cutting the bars completely out, and up your intake of veggies. You should be getting 20 carbs a day from 3 cups of salad, OR 2 cups of salad and 1 cup of cooked veggies. Yes you should eat veggies EVERY day its part of induction and OWL.

You have put your body under tremendous strain by quiting smoking AND giving up caffiene AND changing it's primary fuel source. Be patient with it.

If you changed jobs, and your new boss expected you to do the job of 4 other people what would you do? Sit there in shock with your mouth gaping open? Man I would ;) Probably exactly what your body is doing. :eek:

Since you just did all these life style changes give your body at least 2 months to adapt to these new changes you have created for it.

Miami120 Sun, Sep-29-02 08:15

fast fat
Thank are right. My body is a little in shock. The good part is that is all for a good reason.

I was going to do the other version of Atkins fast fat...where you can only eat meat and fish and 2 eggs a day. mayo and butter, no decaf, no carbs ...for 2 or 3 days. Do you know anything about it? and is that the right way to do it?

I also forgot to mention before that I exercise every day. but that I did before the atkins plan.

and last but not least ...xenadrine ( the one without ephedrine) ,

Than you again

agonycat Sun, Sep-29-02 08:31

Are you in ketosis?

If you read that chapter carefully you will notice the good Dr Atkin's explain in detail that the FAT FAST is NOT for losing fat faster. It is however ment for the metobolically resistant people that can not reach ketosis by induction to get there.

If in fact you are already reaching ketosis, doing the FAT FAST can put you at a health risk which he does discuss in his book.

Please do not rush your system. It is already in shock as it is and throwing one more thing at it's already stressed system could cause you damage. Give your system time to adapt.

jude Sun, Sep-29-02 09:02

Hi Miami,

Are you recording at Fitday? It's a great way to keep track of your fat/protein/carb ratio (s/b about 70/25/5%) and calories. Believe it or not, it could be that you're not eating enough. Remember, this is not a low fat, low cal "diet". Several people on this site have broken stalls by eating more.

Hang in there, it does work.


Paleoanth Sun, Sep-29-02 09:17

This is totally anecdotal, but my mom and brother both didn't show anything on the scales for three weeks. They did show changes in how their clothes fit, however.

I know that I want instant results! I lost three pounds the first week and nothing in the second. But I must remember this is a long term committment and patience is required.

I actually just put my scale away. I have been obsessively weighing each day and that is not good for me mentally. :thdown:

Just keep going. Eat right and you will see results.


TeriDoodle Mon, Sep-30-02 08:49

It's also quite possible that at 5'7" and 135 lbs. your body is quite content at it's present weight (which is also a very HEALTHY weight) and will resist going any lower. It has many mechanisms for keeping your weight stable and it could be rather difficult for you to get much lower.

It's pointless and frustrating to compare your weight loss with that of your boyfriend. Men have a great deal more muscle mass and higher metabolisms....they will naturally lose MUCh faster than we will ever hope to! :rolleyes:

Have a great day!

Miami120 Mon, Sep-30-02 09:36

no, I am not in ketosis, that it why I thought that fast fat would force me into it. and then as soon as i was in would go to regular induction. Does that make sense? and would ketosis hold from fast fat to induction in a few days instead of 4 or 5 days ( that might be too much for me weight wise)

I don't want to loose weight rapidly I just want to loose some.

Yes, I also think my body likes it here at 133-136. I will be happy if I loose 5 lbs.

can you have decaf during fast fat?

Shasta Mon, Sep-30-02 21:31

I think you are referring to the "Meat Fast". Lots of low carbers have good success using the Meat Fast for a couple of days.

Check out this link to a bunch of posts about the Meat Fast

Meat Fast Posts

Hope this helps! :wave:

Shasta Mon, Sep-30-02 21:34

Oops, it didn't take you to the results of the search.

Go to that link and put in the words Meat Fast.
Check "Exact Phrase" and "All Forums".
Search "Subject Only", "Any Date" and "All Members.
Set the limit to 0. You will come up with tons of Meat Fast posts.

suze_c Mon, Sep-30-02 21:43

meat fast hmmm
I done a diet many a year ago, where all I was allowed was meat,skim milk cheeses,cottage cheese and eggs,diet pop, lots of water, and that was it... no veggies in any way,shape or form. That was my first experience with a LC diet, and I lost 26# rather quickly.
I agree with the others here, that is a helluvalot of changes for your body to get use to all at once.The body goes through detoxes enough with Induction on Aktins,... whew your body is probably needing all the strength it can muster to detox from all the changes at once!
Hang in there~ don't compare your bf's success to yours... men have a different fat storage system than women do, as women's bodies have extra for the preparation of childbirth... and men are more likely to have more lean muscle mass than a woman... This may not be true in all cases, but it does apply in the good majority.
Know that you can come here for support, the LC folks are great~

Miami120 Wed, Oct-02-02 20:18


I am in Ketosis!!!! ok, now I would like to know if I can get out of the fast fat tomorrow...I did it yesterday and today.
If I do...will ketosis stay? Is there anything I can do to stay on it? Why is it so exciting to show color in the strips? it is almost like a pregnancy test !

So now that I am...what should I do to keep it? I am ready to eat something good!

TeriDoodle Wed, Oct-02-02 20:50

You should be able to stay in ketosis by keeping your carbs to 20-25 grams/day! That simple!

Miami120 Wed, Oct-02-02 20:55

thank you for all the support, you all answer so quick. '

I am ready for some decaf in the morning!!

thank you !!!!

Kemss Thu, Oct-17-02 13:35

Hi Miami - I am in the same boat... I have been on the Atkins for a couple of weeks now... and NOTHING. My sister started about the same time and has lost 7 pounds. I was like you, I was eating the Atkins bars for a meal supplements - sometimes 2 or 3 times a day. Well, after reading this forum I learned those are no-nos :) with so many hidden carbs.... boy, did I feel tricked.

I was also "cheating" with sugarless candy that a friend got me (no info given, they were the bulk kind).... I have recently learned that those carry many carbs too! About 15 carbs for 4 small candies!

So, I have cut the bars out and the candies... I am really trying... but still nothing. I am so frustrated, but determined to make this work. (I usually eat a mock danish for breakfast, snack on bacon strips, tuna w/ lettuce & avocado w/ a few pork rinds for lunch, ground beef with cheese or a steak for dinner... and then of course some of that sugarless jello... oh, and lots and lots of water.)

Do you have any suggestions on what helped you? I would love any help.... I really would like to see some results from this effort (oh, this might play a part in it.. I have been a yo yo dieter in the past - up and down for years...I'm 5'3")

Thanks, KarenS

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