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got4girls Thu, Jan-01-04 13:41

What are all the goals you have for 2004?
I thought it would be nice to see what everyone's goals are for 2004. Naturally, we all want to succeed at our new lifestyles and lose weight, but what are some other things you would love to accomplish for the year 2004? Listing the weight loss as well is perfectly fine! :p
Mine are:
1. Get my GPA up to an A average from a B and KEEP it there! lol
2. Get my 2 year old potty trained! :lol:
3. Stick with this wonderful low carb plan and have at least 75 lbs gone by the end of the year.
4. Buy some land.
5. Be able to wear that awesome "EAT MEAT NOT WHEAT" thong they are selling on here! LOL :roll: (Most importantly though: LOOK GOOD IN IT AT THE SAME TIME) :rolleyes:

Now how about you guys? :p

Jo-Ann 2 Thu, Jan-01-04 14:46

I couldn't resist popping in
A list, oh how I love a list. My dad taught me the value of a list. List the little things that will get you to your big goal and then as you accomplish one you are getting closer to the big goal and you don't get discouraged. Even a small step in the right direction is better than staying in the same spot or Lord forbid, going backwards.
So here goes

1. learn how to sew on my new machine, sewing a straight line will be the first thing for this goal.

2. paint atleast one room in the house each month this year. I can't stand it anymore.

3. learn how to use a table saw, I really want to do this. I can see carpentry in my future.

4. And of course stick to plan, no heartburn (wakes me up in the night and is so bad it hurts to move), more energy (not falling asleep after eating), less cranky (this one the men in my house will appreciate) and last but not least, fitting into clothes comfortabley.

I know I've jumped into this thread, but I hope you don't mind.
Jo-Ann 2

MisterE Thu, Jan-01-04 18:36

New Years 2004 Resolutions
Weight today: 394.5

1. Make a real attempt to continue and improve upon my exercise regieme. I know it is exercise that fires the fat burning furnace. Low carb may "fuel" the furnace but exercise fires the furnace up! It is a combination of both that will lead to my best health in 2004. I will truly make best effort to wisely improve my exercise habits.

2. Make best choices in my food program. Not always low carb...not always program...but always the best choice.

3. 299 by 12/31/04. A little less than 100 pounds to lose over 12 full months. That is an 8.33 pound loss each month or about 1.9 pounds a week. Tough but doable. And doable ONLY if I follow the above 2 resolutions.

4. Admire got4girls in her thong.

amdevelish Thu, Jan-01-04 18:45

My Goals.... Hmmm... lets see... :)

1. I want to keep my GPA at 4.0

2. I want to exercise more regularly and learn to enjoy it

3. I want to aquire a thirst for water instead of something 'flavored'

4. I want to work on raising my self-confidence

5. I want to lower my debts so as to not have so much financial stress

6. I want to make friends and enjoy my life

7. I want to wear lingerie and feel sexy again for my SO :eek:

8. I want to say goodbye to 2004 atleast 80 lbs thinner !

ncwingnut Thu, Jan-01-04 19:32

Let's see....

1. Lose about 15 more pounds by March 3...I am taking my son to his first rock concert (Linkin Park) and I bought a cute little shirt to wear and I want to fit in it and not look like a

2. Look good in a bathing suit by the summer so that my hubby will take us to the beach...he has promised that if I can stick to it, he would take us :yay:

3. Get into an exercise regime and stick to it....I always seem to slack off after about 2 weeks....maybe I am trying to do too much too soon....

4. Keep my GPA at least where it is (3.875) . That will be a task because I have math AND chemistry this semester....2 things I absolutely HATE!! :nono:

There will probably be more added later, but this is all for now :)

Jerry M Thu, Jan-01-04 21:44

1. Lose 19 lbs to hit goal by July 1
2. Change to a more balanced diet
3. After reaching goal, change priority from losing weight to building muscle
4. Lose one pants size between July 1 and Dec 31 while keeping the same weight (240).

got4girls Fri, Jan-02-04 12:04

Lynn and Amdevelish: Couldn't have said it any better girls. Exactly what I want.
Mister E: well said! You are doing wonderful on you plan! Regarding the thong: ;-) :lol: JK! You're a funny one!

Here's to our goals this year folks!!! :thup:

outdoormom Fri, Jan-02-04 20:59

Well my first goal was to get out of this state lol. I may get my wish, but am not holding my breath- may turn blue and faint in the process. Would love to get back home to Seattle but we'll see what mr detailer has planned for hubby.

My ultimate goal is to start losing this weight. I'm not going to set an amount just yet, but just to get started will be something in itself.

Get a piano- whether I have to rent one or we go even more broke buying one lol, I will have my stress relief and sanctuary back.

Did I mention getting out of this state? hehe, Anyone here in NJ? Cause that's where I am- may only be here till next month- praying really hard for that.

And to get my little one to use the potty to poop in so she can go to preschool like she wishes to do.

I never really set new years goals lol. I guess the losing weight thing is the big one. The rest are just small fries and I'm not too worried about them- well except getting out of this state lol.

want2bfit Fri, Jan-02-04 21:16

Here goes ....

1. Start a journal here

2. Exercise 4 times per week for 40 minutes each

3. Stay with lcing

4. Lose 40-50 lbs. this year

5. Be the best wife, mom and person that I could be

6. Live life to the fullest

7. Read the bible daily

8. Don't give up on my goals

hummelda Fri, Jan-02-04 21:53

1. Stay in touch better with friends (no problem with family - am in touch probably too often!:) )

2. Stop procrastinating. I even put off setting New Year's goals until January 2nd!

3. Exercise at least every other day for at least 30 minutes

4. Reach goal weight - 68.25 pounds to go

5. Get off high blood pressure medication.

Good luck to everyone else on making their goals come true!

CozyCorner Fri, Jan-02-04 22:12

Oh Boy- There is something about seeing your goals in writing!

Here are mine!

1. Stay on my eating plan.
2. Move, move, move and drink my water
3. Meet the 100 Cheat free days goals
4. Meet the 50 lbs in 2004 goal and hopefully more!
5. Organize our homeschool
6. Organize our finances
7. Organize my spiritual life
(are you seeing the pattern here?) :lol:
8.Read at least one book a week

Good luck and God Bless everyone! Happy New Year! :Party:

shtrdave Sat, Jan-03-04 20:01

I have taken a different course through life than most, as I refuse to set goals. I do the best at whatever it is I am doing at the time and take what comes and deal with it. This way the only way I can fail is if I truly don't try to be the best I can.

Failure is only an option and there is no need to choose that option.


Mossling Sat, Jan-03-04 20:38


1. Lose AT LEAST 50 pounds in 2004. To reach that goal, I have to:
a. stay on plan--for me, that means on induction or induction-level adapted choices
b. work out 3x/week at curves during the school year (no exceptions), and increase it to 4+x/week during vacations
c. drink all my water every day, even the weekends
2. Stop procrastinating and finish the 3 units I need to hit the "BA + 90" (no, not a masters) schedule in my school district
3. Get back to my singing lessons--and get there on time! (Long story)

See? They're all about me!

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