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fridayeyes Sun, May-19-02 00:00

Which measure is best?
Hi, folks!

I've been doing CKD with weight training and an ECA stack for about 3 weeks now and I'm very happy with it. I have a few questions, however, so if someone can help me out, I'd be a happy camper. :)

First off, here's the quick background: I'm a 35 F, 5'7' 216 lbs, down from 240 since January.

1) I've had a couple of different bodyfat tests, and I'm getting a huge variation, so I'm a bit mystified about what my bodyfat percentage really is. A four-site caliper test at the gym gave a 40% result, my Tanita scale set on "Adult" says anywhere from 47% to 39% depending on the time of day, and my brother's Tanita set on "Athelete" said 39% on the only reading I ever did.

My Tanita scale can vary by 2-4% in just 8 hours. In other words, I measure before bed and get 42%, then do it again when I get up and get 46%. What's up with that? The only difference would be hydration (lower hydration = higher electrolytic concentration = better conductivity = higher percent??). I would like to believe my brother's scale, of course, as it's the lowest reading and consistent with the caliper test. It also jives with the fact that the weights I'm doing seem to be a LOT higher than most of the women and some of the men at my gym. (Leg press ~120 (lbs), bench 80, back ext 140, abs 100)

Anyone want to hazard a guess as to what my true percentage is likely to be? :)

2) Leaving aside what the percentage actually is, I seem to have lost 3-4 % in three weeks with only 4 lbs of weight change. Is that reasonable, or is my scale out of whack? Doesn't that mean I've put on quite a bit of muscle in those 3 weeks? The jeans tests says yes, btw. My concern here is that while I like the way my clothes are fitting, this can't keep going forever, and I really would like to be dropping that number on the scale a little faster. What words of wisdom has anyone got in this department?

3) Ugh! I simply can NOT eat as much fat and protein as I'm supposed to on this diet. Giving up the carbs is no prob, and I love fish (salmon, esp), steak and chicken, but I'm looking at needing around 130 grams a day and even hitting 100 is hard for me. And to fill out the calories to 2000 with fat?? It would have me literally eating a brick of cream cheese. Who's got some suggestions here? I know I need the protein to save the muscle, but what would happen if I was eating only 60-80 grams instead of 130, and not as much fat?

4) My workout: I work out 4 times a week after work. My gym offers childcare, but even tho I give my son a snack before we go in, my time is limited to 45 mins to an hour max as we have to get home for dinner and bedtime. I'd like to be doing 30 mins of cardio and then 30-40 mins of weights, but with my schedule what gets cut is the cardio. I typically do about 10-15 minutes, just enough to hit my target heart rate and get a good sweat going, then I hit the weights. Is short-changing the cardio going to come back and bite me in the arse?


Thanks, bunches!


fridayeyes Sun, May-19-02 09:27

Add'l info: I started the 3 weeks at 220 lbs, with 40% BF as per caliper test, 47% as per Tanita. At the end of the 3 weeks, I was at 216, and 42% at per Tanita. The math looks like this: 220 lbs x .47 = 103.4 lbs fat, 116.6 lbs lean. After 3 weeks CKD plus ECA stack: 216 lbs x .42 = 90.7 lbs fat, 125.3 lbs lean. That looks good on paper, but if my BF readings are unreliable, it means nothing. :)

The BF question also makes goal setting difficult. At 220 and 40%, I have 132 lbs lean mass, which would put me around 160 lbs at 20% BF, which seems high for 5'7". (Even thin, I am "buxom", full hips, busty, small waist.) If I start the numbers with 220 lbs, 47%, I get 116 lbs lean mass and a goal of about 140-145 at 20% BF.

I've been reading about empty-stomach cardio, and since my day already starts at 5:30 and includes getting a toddler to daycare and clocking in by 7, it's only an option if I add a cardio day on Saturday. I can , however, switch what little cardio I do to after my weight training.

One more tidbit: I used to do basal body temp charts for birth control purposes, so I know my bbt is usually a full degree lower than 'normal'. Several years ago, I also had a thyroid check as part of a full blood workup. If it had been one point lower, it would have dropped out of the 'normal' range. I asked the doc about possible sub-clinical low thyroid and he said it was a non-issue. I'm taking guggulsterones with my ECA now, but I haven't re-run the bbt charts yet.

LOL, yes, I'm long-winded. :)



fridayeyes Tue, Jun-04-02 12:00


Anyone?? :)


itsjoyful Tue, Jun-04-02 13:42

no expert
Hi ya Karen!

Sorry nobody responded, but maybe they will since you bumped this up. I'm going to just give you some of my experience for what it's worth.

regarding bf%: find an easy method for you and just use that one. if weighing yourself on your scale every morning gives you a consistant reading, then just use that. all measurements are going to vary regardless, so i suggest just finding ONE that works for you and use it. i am currently using this formula. It may be high or low but it dosen't matter to me because it shows the loss.

Yes, it is possible to lose 4% body fat and only lose 4 pounds. the scale is not your friend. the only reason i weigh myself is to do the calculations for the body fat. I do not care what it says as long as everyday i'm happier with what i see in the mirror. It may sound perverse, but looking at yourself naked (or partically dressed) in the mirror is a much better indicator of what's going on.

eating: invest in some protein powder and/or ready made drinks. you can get 30 grams of protein in one drink. I don't recommend the bars due to "hidden" stuff, but the drinks work great. here's a little info. you can also use the search function in this forum to find more information. Fat is super easy to add (the good kind) a little more olive oil on a salad is one way.

I'm doing BFL, not CKD, so i'm just not that up on what the program is for you. working out on an empty stomach just gives you more bang for the buck. if you can work it in, great. If not, do what works for you. don't stress on perfection. I really don't think that short changing your cardio is going to do noticable harm. besides, what's your option.

goal setting is someting that will come in time. I still don't know what I really want the end result to be except to feel comfortable in my own skin. I know i'll get there and by doing the BFL i'll get there sooner than i thought i would, but i will get there. i'll tell you this though... the scale to read a certain number is NOT my goal.
hope this helps!

fridayeyes Tue, Jun-04-02 14:12

Woo hoo! Thank you Brenda! :)

I just figured I had swamped the board with too many questions, or everyone was out on vacation.

I remain pretty happy with my workout, have lost 2 more lbs, and am getting comments from my husband such as "Oh my God! Look at that. You have a bicep!" LOL

I never had a single side-effect from the ECA stack. I started at half a dose and upped it to full after one week.

The BF question continues to plague me, but I've decided just to use my Tanita readings, wonky tho they may be, and to cross-ref with a caliper test every 4-6 weeks. I also took a set of measurements so I can keep track that way, too.

I'm tinkering a bit with the duration of my carb-up and my calorie level and I'll report back on that after a few more weeks.



itsjoyful Tue, Jun-04-02 20:40

glad i could help. good luck to you and your journey :)

Trainerdan Wed, Jun-05-02 05:06

will be back ...

When I get back from work/gym tonight I will give you my point-of-view on your post ... Sorry it has taken me so long to get here, but I have been busy ...

Nike Thu, Jun-06-02 11:59

just my 2c
I have wanted to get the Tanita scales myself as well. From everything I've learnt, it seems that they always show a higher reading than you would get from a caliper test for example. A good friend of mine has the scales and I was really happy with my reading of a high fat percentage since it meant that theoretically I could lose more.

But like the good advice already given concentrate not on the actual number but the change over time. Use one method and stick to it - it will show progress.

As for calculating lean mass, how much you can lose to be at 20% etc - I know all about that :D , it drove me nuts :daze:

The truth is everything is usually an approximation - every body is totally unique and has its own set of rules and will never follow the standards to the T. So don't worry about that calculation - first of all, when you lose weight, you will also lose some lean mass - that's unavoidable - it will never be 100% totally and purely fat. As long as its mostly fat you are losing, you will be in good shape and find that you can go down well beyond 160lbs and have a reading of 20% or more.

Secondly, the best way to really judge how much fat you stand to lose is taking a good critical look at yourself in the mirror and taking your measurements with a tape measure! You say you've always been buxom (having full hips etc) - so have I! I know all about that - and the plain truth is I carry a lot of fat in that area. I will know that I am in good shape and have attained my goal weight when my butt is not all over the place and I feel good about not having to hide it under over-sized T shirts. What weight will that be at? Who cares! :D Weight is just a guide-line afterall. You will KNOW it when your body looks great and fit and that's when you know you've reached goal.

As a side note, beware of becoming too critical as well. After months of eating healthy, exercising and assessing ourselves in the mirror its easy to forget to pat oursleves on the back for a good job done and become too focused on a certain weight or a certain "look" we want in the mirror. Best advice is keep in mind how far you've come and don't forget to thank yourself everday that you are giving your body a new and healthy life :)

Best of luck!

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