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resha Thu, Aug-14-03 06:14

Did Anyone Watch 60 Min. II last night?
Did anyone happen to catch 60 min. II last night?? It was kinda disturbing. There was a segment on weight loss. Basically it said everyones body is set to a certain weight and the body does not normally fluctuate more than 5-10% from that weight without going into a sort of panic. The doctor said that that is why people will lose weight and then put it back on. There was a lady who is a lifetime dieter and has lost a lot of weight on every program and gains it back. She has been on a strict 700 calorie diet on her last attempt and lost alot of weight but she is gaining it back without going off of the 700 calories a day. Kinda makes you think it makes sence. The story was to do with a hormone I guess in the stomach they have found that travels through our body to make us hungry and they are trying to come up with a pill to block it?? Just wondered what everyone elses thoughts on this is??

monster66 Thu, Aug-14-03 06:25

I didnt see the whole thing but I think I caught the gist of it. IMHO, it doesnt apply to all people. I know I have never felt better than I have doing Atkins and know that it is something that I will stick with for the rest of my life because of that. I think different things apply to different people.


NoSunNoFun Thu, Aug-14-03 06:56

I agree Donnie-


yvonne326 Thu, Aug-14-03 07:07

I think for people who eat a low-fat/low-cal diet this is probably true for for us LCers...that is not. Or at least I hope not :)

fairchild Thu, Aug-14-03 07:32

Sorry I missed it!
Thats a load of crap though, I have been researching weight loss for a number of months now, and there is no way everyones body is 'set' at a certain weight and that it goes back to it. Whoever said that should have their licence taken away.
If that were true then we wouldnt have an epedemic of obesity that has been rising at a rapid pace especially in the past 10 years. Now here in NYC more than 50% of folks are overweight or obese. In poor communities the rate is double the rate in rich ones. This is not everyones 'normal' body weight, all you have to do is look at the charts and you will see the dramatic rise. In the 1950s women were half as likely to be overweight then they are today. Those are the same genes that are in each one of us. What has changed most since the 50's is the lack of physical activity. The same NYC study included the level of activity of NYers and around 30% had no activity in the past month. Not even a brisk 20 Minute walk. We eat more than ever and move less than ever, and because of that folks have grown so large it is the greatest health crisis we face as a nation. It is in no way natural that one third of the children born in 2000 will have diabetes from being obese. People overeat for a variety of emotional reasons, not because their genes tell them too. Models arent that size because it is natural, they are that size because they starve themselves. Same with actresses-they work out everyday with a trainer to get that way, again no genetics, when it comes to their lower body weight all of it is very mental or emotional. Sure some people seem to be able to eat whatever they want and stay thin, and there is no doubt a genetic factor, but for most folks weight is a lot more than genetics, the genes may set a plate but we decide what to put on it.
Maybe 60 min. a website I can go bash!

gaijingal Thu, Aug-14-03 07:49

Ohhhhhhhhhhh, getting my conspiracy theories going again. Why why why would they try to sell us this garbage? Basically they're telling us if we're fat, it's not our fault, and there's nothing we can do about it. Oh, no, don't take responsibility for your eating, it's all genetic. GAH!!!!!! Liars. :nono:

The increase in obesity is not just due to less excercise, as we all know, but to the increased sugar and other processed carbs in our food. Ie, the food industry poisoning us. Oh wait, who pays for commercials on TV. Kraft, General Mills, McDonald's, et al. Wouldn't it be nice for them if we all ate more and more of their poison?

To make you smile, here's a little reminder that in the seventies, even Weight Watchers was LC...nasty, but LC. You have to see these recipe cards! :roll: :roll: :roll:

LCalamari Thu, Aug-14-03 08:06

I really hate it when these people have these documentaries and they have no idea on what they are talking about! Good thing I never watched it...LOL We have nothing to worry about, atkins is not a diet it is a way of life/eating...

hippygal Thu, Aug-14-03 08:16

They just want us to keep supersizing our food. There is no way that crap is right! The food industry is behind that!

black57 Thu, Aug-14-03 08:32

Well, what about people who struggle to gain weight. What about those who purge themselves for the sake of weight loss and had to be forced fed. I can easily think of experiences that disagree with this doctor's findings. We know that if you give the body the idea that you are starving it, it will gain. The lady eating only 700 calories which shifted the body into starvation mode. Of course it will desperataley hang onto any calorie that it can get. What about people who get their stomachs stapled? How have they managed to keep the weight off? Asians tend to be thin, however, many who come to this country tend to put on weight. Does that mean that this hormone is in our water? our air?That hormone that makes us hungry is insulin, Mr Doctor.

I believe that the body responds to what you put into it. They need to concentrate on that.


Ms.Kidy Thu, Aug-14-03 08:52

This makes me think of this book I got from the library before I went LC. It was called "weight loss for dummies." Let me tell you, after reading that I wanted to cry, and did a little bit. Made it sound like there was no hope for people overweight unless they worked out for an hour everyday and ate so many calories, etc. And if you did lose the weight and stopped exercising you would gain the weight back so fast it would make your head spin. I truly got depressed after reading that garbage. Like, "what's the point of even trying, then?" you would have to have no life whatso ever outside of a gym.

resha Thu, Aug-14-03 09:02

One of the doctors did state that he hates the idea of coming up with a weight loss pill...He did say diet and excersize is the key but people just dont listen he did say we have a pill for everything these days blood pressure cholesteral ect. He wishes people would just listen and do the diet and excersize. The study they did to discover this hormone was done on a very few people that had had their stomachs stapled. And also there is a disease that people will eat themselves to death if given the chance and have to be closly monortored 24/7 locking up food and such (there is a name for it cant remember it) But they also tested extreamly high for this hormone.

resha Thu, Aug-14-03 09:07

Hope this works here is the link to the article about the show.

onebigman Thu, Aug-14-03 09:58

I dont think so... If thats the case then why are people so skinny in Ethiopia. If that story was true there would be a population that was overweight regardless of the low calorie consumption.

gawdess Thu, Aug-14-03 10:01

In other words just keep eating according to the pyramid...Its out of your hands and dieting makes it worse...bullsh*t!

Bon Thu, Aug-14-03 10:22

I saw part of that story... I do think it's wonderful that there may be a pill out there some day for people that have no self-control regarding their eating habits, BUT, for emotional eaters, will that pill really work?? I can't count how many times I shoved more food in my mouth even though I was full, feeling guilty about doing it, but doing it anyway.

I agree that the food industry and even our own government is still trying to hang on to that pyramid, but so many of us are much more educated about our food choices thanks to Dr. Atkins.

And no, I am not predisposed to be this fat... even though I seesawed with weight most of my life. It's up to ME what I put in my mouth -- I take full responsibility. My body will not put the weight lost back on all by itself.

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