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Diana D Mon, Sep-08-03 10:58

Hello to everyone!
Hello everyone.

I have been a member for a few weeks, and just decided to begin posting. All the forums offer such wonderful people with lots of good advice. I am looking forward to being a part of this community.

For starters, I am 29 years old (30 in November.. ) and have been struggling with my weight all of my life. I have had an abusive home life, and issues at school and with my relationships because of the simple fact that I wasn't 'thin enough'. These problems, among others led to my further destruction, and at my highest weight (June 24th of 2002) I weighed in at 322.5 pounds.

I had decided enough was enough - I needed to do something about it, and since I was getting married that October, I had incentive. I joined a program called 'Herbal Magic' in Winnipeg, MB CDA (where I live) - which is also a low-carb eating plan - and although I had a few LOOOOOONNNNNNG stalls, I now weigh 245 pounds. However, I felt recently that I needed the support from others who are walking the same path. Granted, the girls that I get my support from at Herbal Magic *used* to be at least 40 pounds heavier at some point (a few were as heavy/heavier than *I* was!!) I think sometimes they 'forget' what it's like to carry around all this excess weight - and most never carried an extra 200 pounds like I did.

So, here I am. I don't feel the need to post all my menus (YET), because I am required to manually keep track of them to bring into the counsellors, but I WILL post if I cheat, or if I find myself stalling due to cheating. I also have an eating disorder, and I find it easy to talk myself into believing I'm eating properly when I am not. Hey, a few extra calories *DO* make a huge difference if it's done every day!! I must hold myself accountable for my own progress!! So, I am pumped, and would be open to any responses.

Looking forward to finishing my journey in your company,


P.S.: I am at work with limited time, so I copied the first post from my journal as a hello post :nono: - hope you don't mind!

liz175 Mon, Sep-08-03 11:21

Hi Diana,

Welcome to the forum and congratulations on your success so far!

I've never heard of Herbal Magic, but it looks like it has worked for you. Perhaps you can tell us all more about it some time.

hatetocook Mon, Sep-08-03 11:25


I love your quote on 'falling'-- it is so true so true!! It sounds like you've been doing a great job with low carb-- keep it up!

Diana D Mon, Sep-08-03 11:33

Hi Liz!
Well, Herbal Magic is a one-on-one support group (client and counsellor, no other clients) that requires its clients to take herbal supplements for weight loss (mainly to reduce water retention, have more muscle retention, some appetite control, and general health/well being supplements. However, I beleve the support is worth more than the supplements. It is a bit pricey, so not everyone can go, however. It was an extremely high priority to me to lose weight, so I would have paid anything when at my highest weight (322.5).

It has worked for me, unlike WW, where all the members can openly critisize/chastise you on gaining, or stare at you and point fingers because most of the women there (at least in my case) were only 130-160 pounds, and at the time I was over 200. Or weight Loss Clinic, where I was forced to go on a starvation diet under 900 calories a day, and lost 100 pounds in 6 months and almost DIED... I have been sick of the weight loss industry until I found my niche.

So, while it may be expensive, I have opted to stay at least until I am comfortably below the 200 pound mark (ie: 195 and no chance of it getting higher again) before I decide whether to stay the course with them, or change over to Atkins at that point. I'm keeping my options open, because NOTHING has ever worked for me before, and I am hesitant to 'quit' from fear of packing the weight back on due to my eating disorder. We'll see how it goes after the New year, I suppose.

For more info, Herbal magic is a starch-restricted and somewhat carb restricted (although maybe not as much as Atkins) diet, that allows heathy fats, and promotes higher fiber and less starchy fruits, veggies and grains. Actually similar to Atkins, though I don't count carbs. :) Jeez, I've typed into my lunch hour! LOL! Thanks for the response, Liz. Hope to talk to you again! :)

Diana D Mon, Sep-08-03 11:36

Thanks hatetocook - I love it too. I thought of it one day when I remembered my mom's favorite nickname "Calamity Jane" I was ALWAYS falling, and I ALWAYS had the bruises to prove it, LOL! When I started losing weight, I would cheat, and in a way, that was a 'fall' as well.

So there it be. Glad you enjoyed it!


tgill32177 Mon, Sep-08-03 12:47

Welcome to TDC!

Congratulations on your progress so far!
I hope that you find the support you need and a few laughs along the way. This is a great group of folks!

Have you taken measurements? Just curious. I didn't take measurements when I started. The great thing about LC'ing is that you can lose inches and not lose a pound. Looking back I wish I had a starting measurement.
I love watching the inches melt away.

It was nice to meet you and I look forward to sharing our journey towards health.

Be blessed,

Diana D Mon, Sep-08-03 13:08

Hi Tanya!! :)
Thanks for the congrats, and the welcome! :) I can tell already after lurking here for a few weeks the calibur of people here, and am honoured to be here. :yay:

As for your question: You bet! I have starting measurements, and I have measurements taken every Monday at Herbal Magic. Not counting the fact that they only measure ONE of each of the following, rather than the two (which makes more sense to me, and I have to get the actual numbers lost from each so it's more accurate): Thigh, knee, calf, ankle and upper arm, I have lost *85* inches!!!! I am sure it is more along the lines of *130* when you double up the inches lost on the 5 places above!! I know I am virtually melting! It's not all about the pounds lost, as I have fouind. Some weks I'll actually be up a pound or two, but I will have lost 4-5 inches!

Once again, thanks! Nice to meet you too, and hope to see you around TDC! :wiggle:

Vel Mon, Sep-08-03 13:50

Hi Diana,
Welcome to TDC!

I live in Canada too and have heard of Herbal Magic. I know second hand of people who have done well on that program too. You have had wonderful success with it!

I think you will enjoy the forums, there is a lot of great advice and support here.

Take care,

tulips Mon, Sep-08-03 14:32

Welcome to TDC!!!!!!

diemde Mon, Sep-08-03 16:24

Welcome Diana! Congratulations on your success! The folks here are great. And you are right that it is so nice to chat with folks who've been where we are! It makes a big difference.

Good luck in your continued weight loss. :agree:

tammy39 Tue, Sep-09-03 04:58

welcome to TDC diana :) congrates on your weight loss so far and i wish you continued success,the people here are great!!very very supportive. i look forward to getting to know you and watch as you get too goal Tammy

Diana D Tue, Sep-09-03 08:15

Hello everyone.
Thanks for all the welcomes, and congrats. :) And at last, someone has heard of my program, LOL! ;)

Well, I weighed in last night, and I am up a half pound.. :cry:

As I mentioned in my journal, there are a few reasons: going out to dinner on Saturday - although I took care of the portions, and watched carefully, I cannot control the sauces/salts that they may have put on my food. I cannot have salt on my diet, and usually only have 300 mg a day or less, and the average person has 2000-4000 mg a day (even though they should have less than 2000 mg, ;) )

And, I work out (cardio & strength training) and on the same day, cleaned the whole house top to bottom, and cariied our heavy vaccuum up and down the stairs while I vaccuumed them. I tore some muscles, and I have been told that doing that causes retention, but it still doesn't change how discouraged I get when I see the #'s stay the same, or creep up a little. :( I was 243.5 on the 30th, and can't seem top stop obsessing that I was lower then, and beating myself up about it now. :( I know different, so WTH?? This sucks, having an eating disorder, and having my deceased abusive father in my head telling me I am worthless and should just give up and stuff myself until I show the world that it's true...

Yikes, I didn't know that I felt that bad until I typed it all out... Sorry for the downer., guys. :(

I guess that's why I'm here. The girls at Herbal Magic wouldn't understand this, and maybe think I was crazy if I said that to them. I hope you guys don't. Sorry again.


Ellen-mom Tue, Sep-09-03 09:05

Welcome! Don’t feel bad about a minor gain, when you have been doing so well in the long run. The long run is what really matters. You can do this and don’t let ANYONE (even the voices in your head) tell you that you can’t!! We are here for support and if you need to vent, you can always do so.

Marchstart Tue, Sep-09-03 13:53

Welcome and way to go on your continued weight loss....IM from Ontario and I too have heard of Herbal Magic. My girlfriend was doing that for 5 months lost 50 lbs...she did great on it and too added that the people that work there really make you feel as though you are a person not just a fat person.

Good luck.....On your weight loss journey!!!!!

DWRolfe Tue, Sep-09-03 14:05

Welcome to the forum and to the Triple Digits Club!

I'm sure you have much to share with us regarding your success.

Good luck and good health to you!


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