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thin2be Tue, Oct-30-01 14:21

Thin2Be's Log
1 week so far at the gym.
3 Days of Cardio: 20 minutes on treadmill at 3.5 incline, 3.3 - 3.5 speed. 20 minutes on bike at 10 speed (burned 300 calories total).
Doing weight training 2 x's / week with focus on upper body toning and lower body reduction.
Abs are killing me - YAY! Using Excercise ball...didn't realize what a workout that would do...intimidating cuz I feel I look like an idiot, but will keep it up!

lisaf Tue, Oct-30-01 14:35

So amazing!
What a great start! How do you feel? I find such a huge sense of accomplishment after I work out.

I agree about the exercise balls - they really rev up an ab workout!


thin2be Tue, Oct-30-01 15:11

Thanks Lisa!

Yes it feels great!
The part I'm having a hard time with is my legs. They have always had alot of muscle. It's definitely my strong area (other than the flab around them!), but I've noticed that after 45 minutes of cardio, they are rock hard! And I don't mean pumped up - I mean stiff and hard! I thought I was going to fall down when I got off the treadmill the other day- LOL! Thankfully, last night it seemed to work through it by the time I was done with my workout. I actually made a big boo boo and didn't stretch enough afterwards, and had a HUGE muscle cramp in my calf when I tried to push in the clutch in my car! Live and learn i suppose.


tamarian Tue, Oct-30-01 15:16

Hi Lisa,

You've been missed. I'm sure many members are still wondering what the cat's doing. ;)


thin2be Tue, Oct-30-01 15:27

How funny!
And thank you!
I have been taking some time off to travel a little bit...much needed break, and probably the unfortunate reason for my gain :(

I thought the kitty shot was appropriate...He's has a penchant for ice cream, and doesn't mind sharing right out of your mouth! I was laughing so hard at his effort that he managed to finagle his way in! Thought it was a great pic, since I shouldn't have been eating the ice cream! My saviour!

Glad to be back!


Natrushka Thu, Nov-01-01 08:08

Originally posted by thin2be
The part I'm having a hard time with is my legs.

Hiyah Lisa. When I started the strength part of my workout a few months ago I noticed a change in how my legs took to it. Like you, I have very muscular legs from working out for years. Usually when I go back to the resistance training I have a few days of afterworkout pain ;) this time I didnt. Turns out that flaxseed oil has a nice side effect:

Flax Seed Oil
Flax Seed Oil shortens recovery time for fatigued muscles after exertion and increases the body’s production of energy and also increases stamina. It stimulates brown fat cells and increases the metabolic rate making it easier to burn off fat. The dietary essential fatty acids common to Flax Seed Oil are converted by the body to Prostaglandin's (a hormone like substance) which are important for regulating the following: Steroid Production & hormone synthesis.

Just thought I'd share, It might help you out. Also, are you eating anything after your workouts? Protein w/in 45 minutes of a workout is a good idea, either a protein shake or a hard boiled egg.


thin2be Thu, Nov-01-01 08:14

Hey Nat!
Thanks SO much for the info on flax seed Oil....believe it or not, I just bought some as I'd heard alot of references to it on these boards. I was going to post a question about it, when lo and behold the 'puter wouldn't connect. ESP???? Or excellent timing? Either way, thanks!
Yes, I do wait to eat after a workout, and since I'm so close to the gym, I can usually manage within a 1/2 hour. For some reason, my legs aren't hurting to badly after the strenght training yet (arms more so), but it's the stiffness and tightness I feel while I'm doing cardio. I'm already noticing that lessening though.

thin2be Thu, Nov-01-01 09:28

Back to the gym tonight...I am soooo sore! YAY! My arms got a great workout on Tuesday, and they are really hurtin' still - 2 days later.

I followed the schedule (minus 1 little excercise that I couldn't remember) that my personal trainer has me on.

MUST remember to stretch afterwards!

Concentration on butt, thighs, arms. Legs seem to build up quickly no matter what :)

Goal: Increase from 4 days to 5, adding an extra day of cardio for fat loss

thin2be Tue, Nov-06-01 08:20

Happy girl :wiggle: Did over 6 miles on the bike and kept my heart rate at 155-159 nearly the entire time. Without breathing heavy!!!
Weights tonight...

thin2be Tue, Nov-13-01 15:10

Did a quick workout on Friday (had to meet up w/ the BF), but it was great! 30 minutes on the bike doing the circuit mode. I burned an awesome 300 + calories! Kept my heart rate around 163 (hit 172 by accident!) and felt great.

For some stupid reason that's the last time I hit the gym.

Tonight, however, is weights. :)

I have purchased a stability ball and have been using it for abs at home (look like an idiot in the gym), and oh how it burns, I love it! Under all this flab I feel the tightening effects.

thin2be Fri, Aug-27-04 13:20

3 years nearly since last post. Good grief!

I am back into the eliptical trainer, pilates and weights. Feel the burn! My energy level is up higher than it's ever been (possible effect of hyperthyroidism???) and i'm feeling great!

highsteaks Fri, Feb-24-06 09:12

hi Lisa!
Thanks for the encouragement...the elliptical really does kill me, but I like the way I can work out my arms too.

What kind of stuff do you do with the stability ball? I used to have one, but it got too close to a heater and melted. It's not so effective in puddle form!

Anyway, I want to get a new one, so I'm wondering if you have any tips for good workouts.


thin2be Mon, Feb-27-06 22:34

Joined a gym again. Been 3 years! So much better this time around, tho. I get in 4-5 day a week, cardio all days and weights 3x/week. No loss yet, but I'm hopeful. Been reading Fitness for Dummies, and it has loads of awesome info which has helped me workout smarter and more effectively. I'm going to buy the Weight Training for Dummies to read on the plane Wed......going home to Florida to visit the fam.

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