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Kristine Fri, Dec-27-02 17:43

The Holidays: How Did You Do?
So: the holidays are wrapping up (no pun intended. ;) ) Did you have a 'game plan' for handling the holidays, and were you able to stick to it? Or did you say, 'to heck with it?'

I was in the 'to heck with it' category. I went back to visit my parents for Christmas. It's more than just the temptation of the ubiquitous junk food: there's something about going 'home' that makes me forget my current adult state and revert to being a teenager. :( That old feeling that I had when I was a kid - the feeling that I should just bury myself in food - comes back. I didn't bother fighting it, since I was only there for 72 hours, anyway. Food was always an interesting family issue, and Christmas doesn't seem like the right time to get into a food fight. I said, 'to heck with it.' I'm back on track now.

Natrushka Fri, Dec-27-02 18:03

I love polls! I wanted to answer this one but there's no right answer for me :( !!

Did I eat things I wouldn't regularly?

Did I workout?

Did I gain any nasty water weight?
Nope - actually lost about 3 lbs of it and had it take a new friend with it.

Do I consider the past week 'sticking to plan'? I guess so. I think it's time to change the Hodge Podge Plan to "Maintenance" - Thanks, Kristine :D


SueJ Fri, Dec-27-02 20:04

I'd like to tell myself that I was staying pretty close to plan, and did stay on plan 2/3's of each day, but in reality I totally tossed it out.

I drank, ate and had a good time. I did minimize, and maybe that's some consolation, I could have been much worse.

However, I'm really ready to start tomorrow as a new day, on induction again. No more parties to go to and I'm staying home on New Years.

I'm actually looking forward to no temptation.

Kristine Fri, Dec-27-02 21:57

Nat: Congrats on sweeping away a few pounds! :thup: By 'sticking to plan', I meant however someone planned on handling the holidays, not necessarily their LC plan. I just went back and edited my post, but I can't edit the question. *shrug* Oh well.

Natrushka Sat, Dec-28-02 10:41

... and I can't help you with the editing anymore ! :lol: But I can answer the poll now! :thup:


jedigddss Sat, Dec-28-02 10:47

I baked an Atkin's banana bread loaf with the best of intentions.... too bad I ate about 1/3 of the loaf (kinda negates the reason for eating lo-carb bread, huh!?!?) and.. I ate 6 m&m's. Not TOO bad??? ;)

Kristine Sat, Dec-28-02 11:00

>>"... and I can't help you with the editing anymore ! :lol: "

I know, I asked you, then deleted it. :lol: I forgot.

*sigh* I'm still paying for that Xmas junk food. How is it that the human intestinal canal is capable of turning just two days worth of flour and sugar into solid rock? :( I better pick up more psyllium at the store today. :rolleyes: :blush:

Lisa N Sat, Dec-28-02 18:05

Overall I did well except for one meal where low carb pretty much went out the window from appetizers to dessert (Christmas dinner at my dad's). I'm back on track but still dealing with the carb cravings my indescretion caused. Drinking plenty of water, taking chromium and staying the course.
At least I won't have to deal with the temptations at work with the "please eat all my goodies that I don't want" treats brought in after the holdays as I'm on medical leave yet for a little over 2 weeks.

DWRolfe Mon, Dec-30-02 12:56

I lost....
I weighed in this morning and am happy to report that I lost another 2 pounds...OVER CHRISTMAS!

Pardon me for bragging, but I'm in uncharted waters here. I've always gained weight through the holidays, so this is good stuff for me.

I also got my cholesterol numbers from my doctor over the weekend, and mine is 159. My "bad" cholesterol is 105, which he referred to as phenominal.

It's all good.

Donald :wave:

alibubble Thu, Jan-02-03 05:51

I was in the "to heck with it" categorie. The Xmas season for me started at the beginning of December, right through to New Years Eve. Parties & get2gethers with friends every weekend before the big day and the usual foods during Xmas itself.
I weighed in this morning and I've gained 7lbs !!!!!!!!!!
Serves me own fault...just like the hangover I'm still suffering from since New Year .....'s back to work today and back to lc'ing also.
A new year a new start.
Good luck everyone and HNY !

pre3teach Thu, Jan-02-03 21:01

I did horribly. I haven't had my lc support...and have been having trouble since Oct. I did make attempts. I made a l.c. dessert for Christmas and for a party I was going to. Ate lc at the party only to come home later and eat the bread my mom had baked and left at our house. I was getting along fine without bread for so long. I have my own lc version but hadn't made any for some time. I have had terrible cravings. I did perfect yesterday but had some trouble today. I have put one everything I had lost.
I am only 5ft so it really shows. I will keep working on it!!!

Why is it that it only takes a month or so to put the weight on but a year to get and keep it off???

a.j Fri, Jan-03-03 20:20

almost made it
Yup, I caved. I made it all the way to the 29th and had a full carb relapse. Freinds who just got married the day before gifted us with carrot cake and cheesecake leftovers. Saying as they handed over the loot, "Oh well it's ok to give this stuff to your house cause you don't touch the stuff so you're safe" HAH!!!.....SIGH!!!!! I gave in and for the last 5 days have been way out of control.

Why do carbs make me so hungry. It really is an addiction. If I stay away it's ok. But the second I cheat just a bit..... WHAM!!, I lose it.

Well, as Scarlett said "Tomorrow is another day" I will start fresh and stick to it. Just knowing I'm not the only one to give in is a consolation.

Thanks everyone for being there.


AJ :wave:

Breecita Mon, Jan-06-03 10:19

Oooh, I did SO BAD!

In fact, New Years Day is what firmed up my resolution. I'm not a drinker, usually... it's expensive, and I come from a family of alcoholics, so I like to be careful.

But I was up in ol' Minnesota introducing my fiance to all of my High School friends, and had a swinging New Years Eve party. Everyone brought drinks... and I had too many.

Daquaris. Pure sugar and carbs, there. I had so many, and the next morning--it wasn't the hangover that got me. It was my blood-sugar levels. They were so out of wack that I literally thought I was going to die.

I suppose, in a way, it was good, though. I'd been doing worse and worse, and that was rock bottom. The thought of sugar right now makes me slightly queasy. It's certainly helping me stay on track...

So far so good...

saramun Mon, Jan-06-03 11:47

Disaster Strikes!
I thought I did okay over the vacation until I came back from my in-laws house and weighed myself. I've gained between 4 to 5 pounds! I was devastated for a few days, but I'm getting over it.

It's so depressing to have a month's worth of hard work obliterated. I didn't drink sodas, or eat bread or cereal. I had some sweets, but it was nothing like my carbing days. I guess it all adds up, though.

Jaden313 Thu, Jan-09-03 23:11

I had manicotti (without shell), burrittos 4 times (Los Reyes in Atlanta, best mexican on the planet) homemade fries, a TON of beer, wine & champagne & still lost a pound, don't know if LC is working anymore, doesn't seem to make much difference. Kinda weird that I still lost eating all that crap. :confused:

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