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jess188 Sun, Mar-24-02 09:25

Feel like a failure...
I had just begun Atkins about a week ago doing well until today. Not only did I slip up, I slipped up big time. I had eggs w/cheese for breakfast, then some pumpkin w/splenda...then I went and ate ice creme. You see I used to have an eating disorder and this has been my first relapse in a loonnggg time. Not only is it a relapse, but it makes me feel like such a failure with this plan. Can't I do anything right?? I suppose that means I have to start induction , all over tomorrow. :-(

Marlaine Sun, Mar-24-02 10:00

Hi Jess.....

Learning to eat properly is definately a learning experience. I think that you are being too hard on yourself. You can't be a failure until you quit trying and I don't think you've decided to quit yet, have you? Be kind to yourself. What would you be saying to a cherished friend who'd had the experience you've described? Learn from what has happened and put it behind you and carry on.


JaimeLynn Sun, Mar-24-02 10:19

Awww..I know how you feel, went on a little skid row of slides last week that popped me back up 5lbs after a month of struggling to lose it. The good news is 24hrs after getting it together again back down 2lbs. We all have weak moments and get bucked down now and then. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and take all these outstretched hands to get back on. No failure here, just a booboo thats easily correctable. Just dont give up you'll hit yourstride and be whooshing along in no time.

deltamike Mon, Mar-25-02 14:04

Many many moons ago I was in the Army (plan on going back here soon). Any way why I was in Basic training I messed up on an inspection we had. Needless to say aside from that fact I new I was going to get reamed by my Drill instructor I felt like a failure. I mean I knew, flat out KNEW I was better than that. I slipped up, took a rout that seemed easy to me and didn’t do things the way I should have.
My Drill Sgt. how ever did not really tear into me. I am sure he could see I felt like I was a looser by messing up. He stuck that big hat of death brim on my forehead and half-yelled. “DON’T SAY YOUR SORRY TO ME!!!! DO IT RIGHT AND DRIVE ON!!!” Needles to say he did make me do a LOT of pushups after that but the point was well made and stuck.
Try not to feel bad and beat your self up. You slipped, you know it. Learn, remember and drive on, no harm no foul :)
Not to sure if that helps but I know it pops into my head now and again when I mess up and it seems to help me some.
Drive on, no one is 100% all the time

Lisa N Mon, Mar-25-02 15:58


Don't beat yourself up. We all have slips now and then. Like Marlaine aren't a failure until you give up and quit trying. Forgive yourself, get back on track and keep going. Wisdom comes when we learn from experience. Experience is what we get when we mess up. :D

DietDancer Mon, Mar-25-02 18:54

Its ok to be human
Its ok to be human and have bad days where you slip up! We are not perfect :) Just start with tomorrow and get back on track....never ever give up!! Chrissy :) :wave:

wbahn Mon, Mar-25-02 19:12

O.K., you made a mistake.

Everyone does. Everyone MUST - it's how we learn most of life's really important lessons (assuming we survive the experience).

So ask yourself what you have learned and how you think you can apply that knowledge in the future. Then move on.

I know you are probably really reluctant to go back and "start Induction all over". I've got some really good news for you. You are past the hard part. All you have to do is pick up right where you were and keep going. You won't (or at least shouldn't) have to deal with the same miserable symptoms that you probably went through before. Those are behind you until you fall off the wagon for a few days and get your body all loaded up again with insulin and glucose.

Keep the Faith! You can do it and we know you can do it.

jojoagogo Mon, Mar-25-02 20:07

i feel like a failure sometimes too!!
Hi Jess,

Believe me when i say i can truly relate to that failure feeling. it is just so darn hard to change your thinking and your woe and everything else that goes along with it. Sometimes i wish i could just erase all of the garbage i have in my head about dieting and food and self image and start over with a clean slate. Like from childbirth!lol!

i know from experience that you have to start over right away. Don't give up. Just keep trying Jess and i'll be right there with you trying until i learn how to keep this wol.

I am sorry you had an eating disorder. but i think that our minds are stronger than our emotions. We just have to learn to control them. i am an emotional bad habit eater.
But don't give up. if it's any consolation to you you are not alone.
There are many of us out there and i am certain there are many of us who have been successful.
Hang in there!!

Soinwi Mon, Mar-25-02 21:02


Hugs for you tomorrow is another day and you get to start fresh no mistakes, clean slate. You can do it...just believe in yourself and you can do anything!!!

Sonja :wave:

lcon109 Mon, Mar-25-02 22:49

I'm not sure if you're doing CAD or Atkins, since you spoke of induction, but you're not alone!

I've been doing CAD/CALP for about 2 months now. I was sailing along beautifully and then one day... WHAM... I had a few fig newtons at work and then some oatmeal cookies, that lead to potato chips in bed topped off with a pb&j soon afterward. I couldn't stop myself.. and I KNEW I couldn't stop myself even though my conscious thought was telling me I was screwing up big time.

I spent a few days licking my wounds but decided that jumping back on track was definitely better than gaining back the 15 pounds I had lost.

You are NOT a failure.


fiona Tue, Mar-26-02 00:39

Feel the fear, but do it anyway
Jess :wave:

Jess: ...... begun Atkins about a week ago doing well ....

That is the bit you want to focus on. You did really well for a whole week. That is SEVEN big :cheer: . All is not lost.

If you start again you will be back where you left off in 2-3 days YMMV. Just take it one day at a time and for each day give yourself a pat :clap:

Like me, I know you are a .... what are you ? ....a WINNER.

Take care.
:rheart: :bhug:

jess188 Tue, Mar-26-02 04:33

Thank You
Thank you all for your replies. I know I want this to work. I went out and bought the grocieries and everything. I know I have trigger foods that if I eat one almost surefire starts a binge. Ice cream is that food. I would personnally keep it out of the house, but I can't tell my husband to give it up. Thank you for your words of encouragement. I am starting once again today. I want this to work. I think I have gained the 2 pounds back from eating badly the last 2 days. I am going to try this again and it starts today. My plan is to hopefully lose the weight by August, then I will have to see what my carb intake should be on a regular basis. But your support is very helpful. I just hope I can do this. :( :rolleyes:

Elihnig Tue, Mar-26-02 10:01

I make my husband buy ice cream flavors that I don't like! That way I didn't have a problem refusing to even look at it.

Flavors I don't like--black raspberry, raspberry swirl, mocha, coffee, french vanilla.

Some people may like these flavors but I find it's not as interesting if it doesn't have chocolate in it. I've always hated coffee, even ice cream.


ronnie Sat, Mar-30-02 16:36


Please don't feel like a failure. I have slipped several times during
my three months so far. However I have lost 35 lbs and still working on more. I know how difficult it seems but you can do it. Just don't give up and think that you can't do it because you can. I have a real hard time at work every morning they have doughnuts and breakfast burritos and unfortunately I am not allowed.

I just try and remember my goal and how I want to look and feel. Trust me when I say that I know what you are going through.

I have thought many times of giving up because I fell off of the wagon but I then think about how I looked 35 pounds ago and what I will look like when I reach my goal.

If you feel like a failure again. Just let me know and I will be happy to try and encourage you to keep you going. Just let me know.

Have a great Easter


Bands Sun, Apr-07-02 07:27

Well i have fallen of the LC's since easter and i am having a real hard time getting back into it BUT i am going to get back on LC's starting at breaky tommorrow and i will do it...
Reading all the replies really helped me tonight to know that i am not a failure.
Thanks Guys.

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