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EmOhyousee Sun, Jul-07-02 09:05

Psoriasis anyone
I am overweight and suffer from psoriasis. Just wondering what are your collective thoughts, and will this wol and weight loss possibly help. I started getting it about 6 years ago. Thanks

Jinkster Mon, Jul-08-02 04:45

Hi there!

I don't have psoriasis, but I do have it's cousin, eczema. I've been on the Atkins' diet for 8 weeks now and have seen no appreciable difference - it still flares up around my period, and I think it has more to do with my hormones than my food intake. Nonetheless, I'd be interested in hearing success stories!


-Jinkster :wave:

Meadow Mon, Jul-08-02 16:07

I've had psoriasis for 27 years. I've never noticed any change in it due to changes in eating habits. :( Psoriasis is a result of our skin cells rushing through their life cycle at an accelorated speed. It is widely believed that this is a auto-immune condition. I also have a nasty form of arthritis that some people with psoriasis develope. It's called psoriatic arthritis. My eating habbits have never caused a change in either of these condtions, one way or the other. I wish I could tell you different.

Eating low carb is wonderful for many other health issues though, so hang in there and keep up the good work. :)

Sephy Tue, Jul-09-02 02:01

Unfortunately, eating really doesn't help psoriasis. As a result of being overweight, I developed a yeast infection near a skinfold with my psoriasis. Thankfully as I lost some it went away.

EmOhyousee Tue, Jul-09-02 06:12

Just wondering for those that have lost a significant amount of weight. Psoriasis is now also thought to be a disorder involving the intestines, and a possible link to canida and malabsorption is indicated. Just wondering if anyone has had it remit with this wol
Thanks, Kim

Meadow Tue, Jul-09-02 08:56

With some people, internal yeast infection can cause psoriasis to be flared. It is NOT the cause of psoriasis, but more a complication of the condition. I was given oral tablets to control the growth of yeast in my intestines for several months. It did absolutly nothing at all. I have also lost considerable weight in the past.... 126 pounds to be exact. It had no bearing on my psoriasis. However, that was not on a low carb WOE so I can't speak for that. You can get psoriasis on any part of you body...even in the mouth. There are also different forms of psoriasis... however, all are cause by the overgrowth of the skin cells. When the posriasis is extrememly itchy....expecially on the scalp or folds of skin, inner ears, etc... then sometimes a doctor will prescribe oral yeast medication to see if it will help. In my case... it never has.
I'm sorry to be so discouraging Kim, but you know... so much in medical science is unknown. I say anything is possible. IF this WOE does end up seeming to help, then please post it here for others to know, and I will certainly do the same. Another factor that can make psoriasis worse is stress. So anything we can do to live a healthier life is certainly going to help the condition. The good news is that psoriasis can go into remission. The bad news is that it always comes back.

Keep the faith!

raharris Thu, Aug-15-02 23:20

psoriatic arthritis
Hi Meadow --

Out of curiosity I ran a search on "psoriatic" and came across your post. I am a big-time PAer since the mid 1980s. Feet, ankles, hands, wrists and SPINE -- my back is the worst. The spine is dissolving and causes a great deal of pain throughout my body.

Hence the need to lose weight, and lose if now. All the extra weight is making me hurt more, for one thing. For another, the neurosurgeon has been talking about a series of operations for more than a year now, but they can't operate until I lose weight.

My psoriasis is minimal compared to the PA. I have some on my scalp and bad patches near the ankles.

If you are interested in a good online resource for PA information try the PA listserv that I help edit -- . I also edit the list homepage, and host it at the university for which I work --

Feel free to write me any time --
RA Harris --

Kaki Mon, Sep-02-02 05:52

I have suffered from psoriasis since I was 20 years old, I am now 38. It mostly occurs on my hands and my legs with small patches here and there. Last winter both my legs were completely covered from knee to ankle. Duing the summer I have less problems with it, the scaling goes down but still left with the redness. I started Atkins in July and to date I have lost 23 pounds. Yesterday while in the shower I noticed that both my legs are clean, no scales and no redness. Is it due to diet, I don't know. The real test is when winter comes. This is the most change I have ever made to my diet. I have read different things about diet and psoriasis. Right now I am a happy camper!!

I still try and keep my carbs around 20-25 g a day and I eat very little processed foods (lunch meat, processed cheese etc.). Maybe our bodies are reacting to all the chemicals we put in them. Like I said, winter time for me is always the worst and I will check back in then and let you know how my skin is doing. I was hoping I would find a bunch of others with the same results.


Chas. Shar Tue, Sep-03-02 06:47

Hi I'm originally from Missouri too. I've had psoriasis for many years. The only thing I'v found that really helps is the Oceans water and Rx from the doctor. I haven't really noticed a change from this woe.( Anyone else noticed how negative these initials are??) Keep it up though because You'll see big differences elsewhere. Sorry I don't have a magic formula for us. Hang in there.

Shari :wave:

ahwest Wed, Sep-25-02 13:08

I've had psoriasis for about 15 yrs. Started LCing a couple months ago, and did not get worse. Actually, my psoriasis may have improved, though I earlier made a change that also may have helped - I started really avoiding spices and especially peppers. I think that may have helped the most.

I use Dovonex ointment (prescription) and that helps me a lot. Normally, sunshine helps a lot too, but I've been too busy to get as much as I'd like this summer. I need to get some sun before winter comes.

So if anything, LC helps rather than hurts psoriasis, for me. But spicy food is bad for my skin. I can eat Indian curry and within hours start itching.

Josiemk Wed, Oct-02-02 13:05

Are You Still having Psoriasis
I don't have Psoriasis but I often get seborrheic dermatisis on chin, around mouth, nose & eyes. This is a form of a yeast like dandruff. But I learned to control it w/ an Acidophilus supplement. And sugar does make it worse. It reoccurs during times of stress but since I started Low carbing it hasn't reurned.

Good luck

RCFletcher Sun, Oct-13-02 06:37

Hi EmOhyousee,

I don't have psoriasis but a good friend of mine here has it very seriously (thought to be an after effect of the Chernobyl disaster).

Every year he goes into hospital for several weeks for treatment.

That treatment consists of ultra violet sun-bathing and vitamin injections. Over the last few years I have been bringing him multi vitamin tablets back from England and it seems to help.

Just a thought,


Wuchtamsel Mon, Oct-14-02 02:59

not diet -> UV-B!!!

I suffered from psoriasis for many years. It got treated with cortisone mainly, which helped but made it worse though.
Since two years I get "Helio-therapy". This means I get moderate doses of UV-B light by my skin-dokter.
I try now not to sound too euphoric, but six weeks after starting the therapy, all of the psoriasis was gone.
(Please excuse my English.)


Kaki Mon, Oct-14-02 04:03

I posted once before about my skin being clear since I started LCing. I am not sure exactly why. Maybe it's because I no longer eat yeast or maybe it is the suger, not eating any more processed foods. Or maybe our skin needed more protein in order for it to heal it self. Either way I am thrilled my skin is clear, no flaking and no redness. Normally both my legs are full and I have it in the cracks of my hands. Winter time was always the worst for me so that will be the big test. My diet now constists mainly of meat (no processed stuff, like lunch meat), cheese, salads, nuts, and fresh veggies.

This has worked for me and I hope others will get the same results.


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