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Karen Sat, Aug-18-01 23:41

Karen's Study Journal
Day in Cycle: 1
Week: 1
Day: Monday August 20, 2001
Today’s Program: Regular LC

Foods eaten:

2 oz. pork rinds

4 oz. roast beef

Romaine, 1/2 avocado and lemon cucumber salad, olive oil and red wine vinegar
Cauliflied rice with Portuguese bacon, eggs, garlic, chilies and green onion

2 oz. raw macadamia nuts

3 black coffees
1 Americano

Starting Weight: 160

Calories: 1592

Protein: 83
% of protein: 21
Cals from protein: 332

Fat: 130
% of fat: 75
Cals from fat: 1166

Carbohydrates: 35
% of carbohydrates: 4%
Cals from carbs: 64

Fiber: 19
Carbohydrates - Fiber: 16

Cals per pound: 9.95

Activity: Going to a meeting, then clothes shopping. Can you believe it? Rachel and I met each other in the bra department at the Bay! Highly odd, since I haven't bought a bra for 5 years. We had a coffee (Rachel) and roast beef (me) and shopped. Walked around the block and got lost

Measurements: I don't really care, but I measured myself anyway.

Bust: 42.5"
Waist: 38"
Hips: 41.75"

I looked through my copy of Protein Power to find my original measurements. The only ones required for calculation were waist and hips. At that time:

Waist: 46.6"
Hips: 47.6"

So, that's quite a reduction, but still somewhat "ball-shaped". LOL!

Thoughts: Nothing profound. How about "I love this WOE"! Looking forward to fat-fast tomorrow. Gelitan loaf. Yum-yum. ;)

Karen Wed, Aug-22-01 00:45

Day 2, Week 1, Fat Fast
Day in Cycle: 1
Week: 1
Day: Tuesday August 21, 2001
Today’s Program: Fat Fast

Foods eaten:

5/7 of gelitan loaf. Just shrimp, mayonnaise, water, lemon juice and gelitan

Weight: 160

Calories: 1068

Protein: 30
% of protein: 118
Cals from protein: 11%

Fat: 104
% of fat: 940
Cals from fat: 88%

Carbohydrates: 5
% of carbohydrates: 21
Cals from carbs: 2%

Fiber: 0
Carbohydrates - Fiber: 0

Cals per pound: 6.6

Activity: The usual. Walking dogs, running up stairs.



I thought I would foil the hunger today and make a huge gelatin loaf. I forgot to bring the avocado to work and had none for the loaf. So, I had this 7 cup slab of white jelly with a few shrimp embedded in it. The portion I brought home was fed to the dogs because I wasn't hungry, but I'm supplementing with 2 Tbsp. of Udo's oil. So, somewhere between 3-7 cups is the right amount.

I'm out of town for a few days and will try to post while I'm gone.

Made food for the plane trip tomorrow. Rack of lamb and cucumbers. I think I'll pack a few cans of tuna for Stillman day.

No headache this time. And that buzzy feeling is about!

Still gotta pack!

r.mines Wed, Aug-22-01 08:37

Have a great time Karen!

Karen Sat, Aug-25-01 22:51

Week 1, Day 3, Calorie Boost
Day in Cycle: 3
Week: 1
Day: Wednesday August 22, 2001
Today’s Program: Calorie Boost

Foods eaten:

1 Lamb Rack with Tuscan Salsa Verde
4 oz. cucumbers
3 oz. pork rinds
Korean Dinner – a whole bunch of stuff featuring beef, squid, various green vegetables, tofu and pickles

Weight: Woke up at 3:30 a.m. and saw no point in weighing in

Calories: 1663
Protein: 164
% of protein: 41%
Cals from protein: 657

Fat: 96
% of fat: 54%
Cals from fat: 864

Carbohydrates: 26
% of carbohydrates: 5%
Cals from carbs: 86

Fiber: 5
Carbohydrates - Fiber: 21

Cals per pound: 10.39

Activity: 8 hours spent travelling to Toronto! Dinner with friends.

Trivial Fact: It takes as long to get to Japan as it takes to get to Halifax from Vancouver.

Measurements: N/A

Thoughts: Didn’t do as well as I had hoped. It’s so much easier to do this on home turf. There was some sugar in that Korean food. Blech!

Karen Sat, Aug-25-01 22:51

Week 1, Day 4, Stillmans
Day in Cycle: 4
Week: 1
Day: Thursday August 23, 2001
Today’s Program: Stillman

Foods eaten:

2 Swiss Chalet chicken breasts, boneless and skinless
12 oz. beef tenderloin
6 oz. defatted lamb rack
2 oz. dried squid
2 black coffees
4 Americanos

Calories: 1142
Protein: 167
% of protein: 61%
Cals from protein: 669

Fat: 45
% of fat: 37%
Cals from fat: 404

Carbohydrates: 4
% of carbohydrates: 2%
Cals from carbs: 18

Fiber: 0
Carbohydrates - Fiber: 0

Cals per pound: 7.13

Activity: 6:30 a.m. photo shoot. Walked to Kensington Market - about 1 mile? Walked around the Eaton's Center.

Weight: N/A

Measurements: N/A


Blew it again. Choice of meats was too high in fat. But, the dried squid was pretty cool.

Today was a very special day because Doreen came to Toronto to meet me. Had a fabulous day walking, drinking coffee, yakking and eating...meat and dried squid!

Karen Sat, Aug-25-01 22:52

Week 1, Day 5, Calorie Boost
Day in Cycle: 5
Week: 1
Day: Friday, August 24, 2001
Today’s Program: Calorie Boost

Foods eaten:

1 x 213 gr. can salmon
5 wedges cucumber
2 black coffees

Cured beef salad: greens, 2 cherry tomatoes, shaved fennel, truffle oil
8 oz. pork loin, big load of mustard greens, demi glace
1 Americano

Asparagus and wild mushroom salad
Duck breast with foie gras, rapini, broccoli, spinach, demi glace
1 Americano

Calories: 1824
Protein: 152
% of protein: 34%
Cals from protein: 606

Fat: 124
% of fat: 63%
Cals from fat: 1116

Carbohydrates: 27
% of carbohydrates: 3%
Cals from carbs: 53

Fiber: 14
Carbohydrates - Fiber: 13

Cals per pound: 11.4

Activity: Shopping, tryining on clothes and eating

Weight: N/A

Measurements: N/A


Difficult again to follow the plan to the letter while eating out, but I'm not disappointed. It just makes me want to do a better job of it next week when I'm home.

Karen Sat, Aug-25-01 22:53

Week 1, Day 6, Regular LC
Day in Cycle: 6
Week: 1
Day: Saturday, August 25, 2001
Today’s Program:

Foods eaten:

Where do I begin? Think I caught up on the calorie boost days!

2 black coffees
4 oz. of gakky plane beef
1 x 213 gr can tuna

2 oz. shell on pumpkin seeds
1 oz. raw macadamia nuts
1 Tbsp. Udo's Oil
1 Americano

Green salad, 3 oz shrimp, 1 Tbsp. balsamic dressing
1 Americano

1 oz. raw almonds

10 prawns with lemon mayonnaise

8 rooster wings (huge mothers!) with hot sauce and lemon mayonnaise

2 oz. raw macadamia nuts

Calories: 3266
Protein: 210
% of protein: 26%
Cals from protein: 846

Fat: 258
% of fat: 78
Cals from fat: 2325

Carbohydrates: 30
% of carbohydrates: 63
Cals from carbs: 2

Fiber: 14
Carbohydrates - Fiber: 16

Cals per pound: 20.41

Weight: Travelling always constipates me. I'm not going to weigh in until the off-load happens.

Measurements: N/A

Activity: Sitting on a plane, working, dog walking


Got a little compulsive today with eating. Feeling totally pooped from the trip, but I loved every minute of it. There's no place like home, and I'm happy it's Vancouver, not Kansas. ;)

Karen Sat, Aug-25-01 22:53

Week 1, Day 7, Regular LC
Day in Cycle: 7
Week: 1
Day: Sunday, August 26, 2001
Today’s Program: Regular LC

Foods eaten:

2 black coffees

2 fried chicken legs, skin removed
1 black coffee

1 Americano

1 HB egg, 1/3 avocado, extra virgin olive oil, 2 Tbsp. mushroom tapenade, handful of spinach, splash of red wine vinegar

1 Tbsp Udo's Oil

1 Americano

1/3 recipe Korean Tofu
Cauli-flied rice with bacon

Almond, macadamia butter and cocoa pudding

Calories: 2002

Protein: 104
% of protein: 21%
Cals from protein: 416

Fat: 164
% of fat: 73%
Cals from fat: 1478

Carbohydrates: 46
% of carbohydrates: 6%
Cals from carbs: 127

Fiber: 14
Carbohydrates - Fiber: 31

Cals per pound: 12.51

Activity: 1 1/2 hour dog walk with break for coffee and chicken legs

Weight: N/A
Measurements: N/A


Got fidgety and overindulged in almond pudding. Argh!~. Hasn't happened in a while, which is good. I should always have a fidget project on the go, something along the lines of painting the Sistine Chapel. Now I have a tummy ache. Whine, whine, whine.

Still constipated. Bummer! ;) Looking forward to fat-fast Tuesday.

Hmm. Mardi Gras means Fat Tuesday, so Tuesdays for me will be Mardi Gras for me! :D

r.mines Mon, Aug-27-01 17:08

Welcome back, Karen!

Under 'activity,' you forgot to include a monster posting session! That was a lot of catching up to do!

See ya next week! Hope you're, um, offloaded soon!


Karen Tue, Aug-28-01 00:37

Week 2, Day 1, Monday, August 27, 2001
Day in Cycle: 1
Week: 2
Day: Saturday, August 27, 2001
Today’s Program: Regular LC

Foods eaten:

2 black coffees
Romaine salad w/ 1/2 can salmon, cucumbers
1 1/2 oz. macadamias
3 oz. pork rinds
1 Americano
Portuguese style roast chicken, 8 spears grilled asparagus with mushroom tapenade, avocado and tomato salad w/ pancetta and truffle paste vinaigrette, 1 cup strawberries with vanilla vinegar and roasted almond oil, 1/2 cup whipping cream
1 black coffee

Total: 2330
Fat: 184 gr = 1657 cals = 72%
Carbs: 42 gr = 101 cals = 4%
Fiber: 16 gr = 0 cals = 0%
Protein: 136 gr = 542 cals = 24%
Carbohydrates - Fiber: 26

Cals per pound: 14.25

Activity: Dog walking, typing and dinner at a friends place

Weight: N/A
Measurements: N/A


Felt totally whacked at 3:30 and had a nap. Still feel whacked.

Calories have been way to high for the past few days. Did not enjoy the whipping cream and wasn't even anticipating it eagerly. When macadamia nuts are gone, do not buy any more.

Used a cascara sagrada blend for blockage and it is what's giving me the tummy ache.

Remember the avocado for fat fast!

Karen Wed, Aug-29-01 01:39

Day in Cycle: 2
Week: 2
Day: Tuesday, August 28, 2001
Today’s Program: Fat Fast

Foods eaten:

2 black coffees
1 Americano
1 Tbsp. Udo's oil
Ye olde gelatin loaf made with 3 Tbsp. Mayonnaise, 1 1/2 oz shrimp. 1/2 avocado, 2 tsp. gelatin, 1/2 cup water.
1 iced espresso
1 Tbsp. olive oil
1 Americano
1 Tbsp Udo's oil
1 oz. macadamia nuts
1 Tbsp. psyllium husks

Total: 1091
Fat: 111 gr = 1000 cals = 91%
Carbs: 14 gr = 28 cals = 3%
Fiber: 7 gr = 0 cals = 0%
Protein: 18 gr = 71 cals = 6%

Cals per pound: 6.81
Activity: Dog walking, working, teaching a class, long dog walk to an ice cream parlour where I had a coffee

Weight: N/A
Measurements: N/A


Made a much bigger loaf but forgot the rest at work. :( So I had a Tbsp. of olive oil at the class and a Tbsp. of Udo's and the macadamias when I came home.

I really look forward to Fat Fast. Thinking of doing it once a week when the study is over. Stillman's just doesn't do it for me.

For fat fast, I may make a savoury cheesecake next week. Cream cheese, whipping cream, gelatin. I don't really want the dairy, but I'll do it for the sake of research.

Going away last week really through a wrench in the works. A write off!

r.mines Wed, Aug-29-01 08:45

Y'know, Karen, I too like the idea of doing a weekly Fat Fast and/or Stillman day. It's making me much more conscious of what I eat and drink the rest of the week. I notice I'm much less likely to munch, even on days I'm 'allowed' to.


Karen Wed, Aug-29-01 10:26

I find it refreshing to not be thinking about what I am going to eat or about food for one - two on the study - days a week. It sort of re-sets my mind, if you know what I mean.


Karen Thu, Aug-30-01 02:16

Day in Cycle: 3
Week: 2
Day: Wednesday, August 29, 2001
Today’s Program: Calorie Boost

Foods eaten:

2 black coffees
1 Tbsp. Udo's oil
1 chicken leg and breast
3 oz. pork rinds
1 Americano
8 oz. sirloin steak, mesclun greens, balsamic vinaigrette
1 Americano
9 oz. sockeye salmon, 1 cup cooked soinach, 1 Tbsp. olive oil, chives

Total: 2063
Fat: 132 gr = 1185 cals = 59%
Carbs: 12 gr = 22cals = 1%
Fiber: 7gr = 0 cals = 0%
Protein: 199 gr = 796 cals = 40%

Cals per pound: 12.89

Activity: Dobe got into a spat this morning - no, she didn't start it -over the skin from a softball. Had to take her two the vet for stitches in her ear. All the way to PoCo to her great homeopathic vet. It's worth the drive. Work and after dinner dinner with the Vancouver continuum. We know how to have fun on the Wet Coast!

Weight: N/A
Measurements: N/A


Didn't get in the 25 grams of green vegetables, but the cals were almost perfect. Still a bit bunged up. Stillman tomorrow, my least favourite!

doreen T Thu, Aug-30-01 11:33

Poor puppy!!!!
and poor you ... that must've been nerve-wracking first thing in the morning.

Sorry yer still bunged up. The cascara isn't the greatest idea .. that and senna leaf are basically irritants .. they stimulate the intestine to spasm, which is how they get things to move along -- or else they just cause cramps. Hmm ... I only see 2 Tbsp oil listed on yer menu yesterday .. except for today (Stillman) you could probably go up another Tbsp for "therapeutic purposes". Check out my Tips article on Intestinal Health .. I describe a Yoga movement you can do .. it helps me ;)


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