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Mollysmom Wed, Apr-23-03 22:14

Atkins not working for blood Type A
Hi, I have been on Atkins for a year and have only lost 15lbs. I have been doing mostly induction but at some points I have gone more toward 25 carbs per day. I'm pretty much losing it. Yes, I'm happy that I have not gained, and I wish I could say that I feel terrific but I don't. I love low carbing, and feel it's the way to go, but know that I must be missing something.
A few weeks ago I consulted with a Doctor in my home town who has lost an amazing 60lbs in 7 months on Atkins. She is a blood type O, the original meat eaters! She told me that the only people who will not do well on this plan is the type A's, who should not eat red meat at all!! I did not know my blood type, went to a Vitamin store and purchased a blood typeing kit. Low and behold I am an A!! I have been researching this and wonder if there's anything to it. :idea:
Anyone out there with very slow loss who may be able to relate to this, or interested in discussing the possibilities. I have ordered the South Beach Diet book, and plan to cut out red meat almost entirely and all bad Fats. For those who have not heard the South Beach Diet is the one of the newest low carb books out.
Would love input. Hope this is not too long. Thank You!!

Mollysmom Wed, Apr-23-03 22:16

oops, One more thing...
My stats are misleading, I lost all but 15 of those lbs prior to starting the Atkins plan.

earthlyone Wed, Apr-23-03 22:22

I am blood type A and have not had a problem losing. I am, however trying to cut back Red Meats, however that is because I am genetically inclined to having higher LDL. So I am trying to replace fats from red meats with fats from other forms.

Rosebud Wed, Apr-23-03 23:03

She told me that the only people who will not do well on this plan is the type A's, who should not eat red meat at all!!

I'm afraid that your doctor is talking a lot of nonsense.

She has presumably got her ideas from the book: Eat right for your blood type. There is no scientific proof for the assertions made in that book. Have a look at this site for more reassurance.

According to that book, A-types do best eating mostly vegetarian meals. Before I began low carbing (yes, I'm an A ;) ) I ate an almost vegetarian diet - and had hideous problems with IBS - which disappeared when I began low carbing. Now, my weight loss on LC has been slow, but I do take several medications which are responsible.

This subject of blood types crops up regularly, and every time A-types with brilliant losses post to reassure people who are worried.

Now to get to the nitty gritty as to the reasons for your slow losses. How about posting some of your usual menus, so we can perhaps see how we can help.

Maybe you could have a look at Karen's checklist for Turtles to see if something there may help. Here is the link:

All the best to you, Mollysmom!


theresa113 Thu, Apr-24-03 05:05

If your doctor was correct than I should be losing at a fast paced. I am a type O.

Rate of weight loss has to do with so many things. I have been stalled for 4 months but I am not even worried about it. I know I have messed up my metabolism and it will take some time. But I feel and look great! Some of us are turtles, some of us are hares, but we all get there eventually! :)

Hang in there. Only you will know what is the best plan for you! I agree with Rosebud that the blood type theory is totally off. :)

Jones Thu, Apr-24-03 07:01

The blood type diet theory can not be supported by science (biochemistry), in other words, hogwash. It seems to me that anyone who ever made it through H.S. biology (okay, maybe not, I was in all advanced classes and thrived on the stuff) should be able to deduce that there is zero correlation between blood type and the metabolic process.

I am A neg. and can happily report that I lost another 1 1/2 lbs. today following a largely, red meat diet. I am a slow loser but, I do not believe it is even remotely related to that kind of junk science.


gotbeer Thu, Apr-24-03 07:11

I'm type A, and my loss occured over 9 weeks despite the fact that I drink a considerable amount of alcohol. My pal Stacey is also type A, has been on the diet for 8 weeks, and is now 11 lbs under her pre-pregnancy weight, despite some Krispy-Kreme sabotage by her thin DH.

VickyRenee Thu, Apr-24-03 07:16

I am also A+ blood type and havent had any problems......I am at my goal weight and am gonna keep going!!

coolazchic Thu, Apr-24-03 07:37

I am A+ and I am losing S-L-O-W-L-Y but I am still losing. :D :thup:

black57 Thu, Apr-24-03 08:09

Everyone is different
You, know now that more and more people are doing this we will have the opportunity to learn more about this diet and haw to alter to everyones needs. I beleive that this diet will work for everyone when everyone learns about their own bodies and makes the needed adjustments. For example, some have stated that they did not reduce their caffeine consumption and still lost a considerable amount of weight. Some were unable to lose without the removal of caffeine. Some had a notable rise in cholesterol while many had a major drop in cholesterol ( bad ) and a rise in good cholesterol. .

I hafta take son to school :daze:


lowcarbabe Thu, Apr-24-03 08:09

All that blood type talk sounds like a lot of wishy-washy crud, but I don't know anything about it to say anymore. I actually just started Atkins and I came over from another great program called Body For Life
Anyway, I am no way affiliated with EAS or anything like that but I really think that sometimes you have to look around for what's right for YOU. Bfl did me well for the first year when I lost my first big weight but then I stalled out the last couple of months and thats why I'm now trying Atkins. I don't believe one program is right for EVERYBODY. Look around and switch up your eating/wkouts and you could see the results you're looking for..but after a year and you've only lost 15lbs? I'd be RUNNING somewhere else. My humble opinion..good luck either way!!!

this was my success on on to Atkins...

black57 Thu, Apr-24-03 09:50

I also think
The doctor is not saying ALL type As will have a hard time with this diet. I think she actually means that there are more type As that have trouble with this diet. In comparison, sickle cell anemia manifests itself in black people but not all black people have sickle cell anemia. In this sense, your doctor may be correct.

Just a thought,

Kathy54 Thu, Apr-24-03 10:05

Wow. Lowcarbabe.............. You've done fabulous :thup: I looked at your BFL, page :eek: Good for you !

You should start a journal here, it's a great tool, lots of help when you're getting started on Atkins. Good Luck.

Mollysmom, yes I too would think it is time to try something else, You've done really well to maintain your weight, but maybe a different program would give you a bit of a kick start.
But be carefull to have a new plan all ready before you stop Atkins woe.

Good Luck Kathy

Mollysmom Fri, Apr-25-03 13:08

Hi and Thanks kindly for the input!
I am always open to new idea's, and although I have a hard time seeing how the blood type could make a difference, I'm certainly not one who would call it hog wash or dicount it all together. Heck, if I were willing to listen to articles written by other health officials I sure wouldn't be low carbing the Atkins Way!:D
I have read parts of the book Eat Right For Your Type and strangely enough I found many of my supposed Poisen foods to be some that I already know that I don't tolerate.
My other idea to explore is that I simply overeat! Too many calories. I've always been pretty compulsive in terms of not knowing when to quit when something tastes good.... Although I stick with-in my alloted carbs, maybe I'm just plain consuming too many calories in order to lose. I am also nearing menopause, which I understand slows things down a bit.
Thanks again for all input. :)

MomSharon Fri, Apr-25-03 14:15

Type A+ here too.


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