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byebye30 Mon, Aug-09-04 05:28

4 lbs lost the first 3 days..WOW, I'm sold!
:D Well, I've lost 4 lbs. the first 3 days of eating a low carb. diet. I think that this is really going to work for me. I had sugar and carb. withdraws the first couple of days, but seem to be getting over them now. I can't believe how many carbs and sugar foods I was eating before. WOW! I'm on a mission now to figure out what foods are low in carbs and which ones aren't. Boy, that can be tricky. You really can't figure it out until you start reading labels. I've been surprised several times.I did, however, got constipated on the third and forth day, but have taken some correctol and got that problem resolved for now. I definetly want to keep myself as regular as before, so I plan on drinking plenty of water and eating as many vegies as possible. Can't wait to see the results in a month from now.

CompChick Mon, Aug-09-04 05:53

I was the same way!! I was so shocked at just how many carbs and sugars were in everything I ate!!! I lost 15 pounds but I am also pretty heavy too and this lifestyle I was living was an ongoing thing for sometime before I finally noticed something was critically wrong LOL Good for you keep up the good work. I am curious to see if people are having a ongoing loss though, so far I just hear about initial weight loss and I am interested in what happens after that???

byebye30 Mon, Aug-09-04 06:18

I really want this to be a lifestyle change for me. I know that I have read that you only get 1 golden opportunity with this low carb eating plan. If you stop and try it again later, you never get the same results. You will still lose weight, but it will take more work and it will come slower.Your body reacts differently after the first time, for some reason, so I am making sure that I take full advantage of this the first time around. I know my mother-in-law has lost about 30 lbs. and highly recommends this eating plan.
I see that your new also. Do you have any idea how to upload the before and after pics? I can't find the link to do this. Let me know if you figure it out. Good luck with your weight loss!

Talla Mon, Aug-09-04 08:31

Good luck guys. You're off to a great start!

nikotyme Mon, Aug-09-04 19:03

Hey Compchick

About ongoing weight loss, I started March 13 of this year, have lost 77 lbs since then, the initial loss was good and ongoing has been going along pretty well I figure. I've stuck to the pure food side of things, when I did try the packaged LC stuff like the Advantage bars I stalled, so keep it simple, be sure that the carb count on the packaging is really what it is, be careful of sugar alcohols in products.

I just got back from a 10 day vacation and came home 7 lbs lighter, exercised alot and ate according to plan. After being stalled for 3 weeks that felt mighty good to see the numbers this morning.

I seem to be losing that way, not too much for a week or so then bam a 5 or more lb drop in one week, but everyone is different and the amount you need to lose has a bearing on how fast you drop the weight.

Don't let yourself get caught short without the appropriate foods you need to follow your plan, you set yourself up for wandering away from the plan that way. It gets easier as the weeks go along, losing the weight is very rewarding psychologically, you'll start to feel better and also better about yourself, success is the best flavour, the best taste.

Good luck to you too on your journey.

PS: Start a journal so people can pop in on you to offer advice or to ask it of you soon, when you become an old pro at this LC way of life.

CompChick Tue, Aug-10-04 04:50

Hi Nik,

Wow that is really encouraging!! I will certainly have to work on that journal also. I just gained two pounds and I am a bit let down over it this morning!! But my daughter had purchased these low carb candies and we tried them out, well nevertheless a two pound gain from them. Otherwise, I have basically been sticking to the induction plan pretty close. I did drink diet pop and was wondering if that may have been stalling weight loss too. I am back on today again tho without candies this time LOL

Thanks for your help,

CompChick Tue, Aug-10-04 04:56


Yes I would like to make this my lifetime plan as well. Getting used to all of it is time consuming right now for me but I am plugging along with it. I never heard that how your body will react differently the second time around but I am sure it all makes sense huh? I know nothing yet about the profiles or uploading pictures and such....I mean I know how to, just havent been in that area yet to get it all done LOL I will try that one today. Let me know how you do.


byebye30 Tue, Aug-10-04 07:00

That was good to hear.....
Originally Posted by nikotyme
Hey Compchick

About ongoing weight loss, I started March 13 of this year, have lost 77 lbs since then, the initial loss was good and ongoing has been going along pretty well I figure. I've stuck to the pure food side of things, when I did try the packaged LC stuff like the Advantage bars I stalled, so keep it simple, be sure that the carb count on the packaging is really what it is, be careful of sugar alcohols in products.

I just got back from a 10 day vacation and came home 7 lbs lighter, exercised alot and ate according to plan. After being stalled for 3 weeks that felt mighty good to see the numbers this morning.

I seem to be losing that way, not too much for a week or so then bam a 5 or more lb drop in one week, but everyone is different and the amount you need to lose has a bearing on how fast you drop the weight.

Don't let yourself get caught short without the appropriate foods you need to follow your plan, you set yourself up for wandering away from the plan that way. It gets easier as the weeks go along, losing the weight is very rewarding psychologically, you'll start to feel better and also better about yourself, success is the best flavour, the best taste.

Good luck to you too on your journey.

PS: Start a journal so people can pop in on you to offer advice or to ask it of you soon, when you become an old pro at this LC way of life.

First of all, I hope I'm replying to this properly. Still trying to find my way around this site. A couple of days ago I was THRILLED that I had lost 4 lbs. in 3 days. Now I'm on the 6th day and I'm still at the 4 lbs. Getting a little nervous......need to hear that not contnually losing is normal. Your right about the visual of the scale dropping and how good it makes a person feel. It's a real motivational booster when it's happening, but can also be a motivational blocker when it's not. Always making you wonder if your doing it right. Just to know that there are stalls, and that they are normal can give alot more hope for the long haul. Thanks for your quote this morning!
~Byebye30~(now 26)

smullen Tue, Aug-10-04 16:32

Hi byebye30,
I've been LCing for 2 weeks now and I was so excited the first 6 days I lost 6lbs and I thought WOW a pound a day, I like this. Then I ate some cookies (regreted it) the next day my weight was the same so I thought I got away with no damage. The following day after that I weighed myself and found that it caught up to me. I gained 3 lbs. back. I was so upset but I told myself, "I'm not giving up". Thanks to all the friendly, supportive people I have found on this site, I stuck to it and have relost the 3#s plus 2 more. I've also read on others forums about the stalls and that it does happen. Why? I don't know but stick with it. YOU CAN DO IT!!! I wish you much luck.

LilaCotton Tue, Aug-10-04 17:13

Hi, gals! I wanted to say welcome, and throw in a couple of thoughts. First off, a stall isn't a stall until you've gone at least 4-6 weeks with no weight loss OR no inches lost. Example: Between January and May I lost not one pound or even so much as a quarter of an inch in size, equals stalled big-time. During the past few weeks I've been packing to move and while the scales are going up and down between 202 and 204, my pants are still getting way looser--I'm losing size--ergo, no stall! :)

Water weight fluctuations, while they don't normally show up during Induction (but can as you've found out) are normal--they happen and will drive a person nuts. If you're going to be a scale junkie (like me) get used to it or you'll be stark-raving mad within a week! :D It's also very normal for weight loss to fluctuate between two or three pounds for a while, then all of a sudden drop 4-6 pounds in just a few days. The weather also has a huge affect on water weight--as in the hotter it is the more our bodies like to hang onto their precious water. I notice that once the temp gets below 90 I lose several pounds overnight that stay off until the temp gets back above 90.

If you eat something off plan, you can expect to see some temporary water weight gain. There's no way two or three cookies can make you gain 3 pounds of fat overnight, but they can sure make your body harbor water! ;) Best thing to do to stay away from that kind of thing is NOT to have cookies or other things off plan. If you need a treat, look in the recipe section and you'll find plenty of nummy things to help keep you on plan but at the same time satisfy the sweet tooth. We 'treat' ourselves about once a month to cheesecake. :yum:

Geez, this is getting long so I'm going to shut up now!

Janie3k Tue, Aug-10-04 21:58

CompChick Wed, Aug-11-04 05:45

Janie, Now that is very encouraging! I wish I had the time to get on here and get that journal and profile done...I also lost that two pounds I gained this morning so you were right!! Thanks! I am a scale junkie but I have been so heavy for a year and a half now its the anticipation that kils me LOL I cant seem to find the time right now to do the journal but I really think that would be beneficial for me. My activity schedule is so bad also, i have none right now..working night and day as I do I am lucky to be able to stand up for more than a couple minutes at any given time LOL I type all day and all night!! Thanks for the encouraging words!!


CompChick Wed, Aug-11-04 05:47

Oops, I read that wrong, I guess that message was meant to reply to LilaCotton, sorry...see how much I have to rush all the time Eckkkkk!!

byebye30 Wed, Aug-11-04 07:38

I need to chill....
Good morning to my future thin friends,

:help: Is it just me or does anyone else have the problem with almost obsessing about this whole new way of eating? I am constantly thinking about food, how much I've lost, am I doing this right?, what am I going to eat for my next meal?, can I stick to this for life? It's on my mind during my entire waking hours. I even woke up last night and couldn't go back to sleep, because I was thinking about it. Is anyone else feeling this way? When does the time come where you can just chill and feel like it's just your normal way of life? I have a family and I'm not used to spending so much time focusing on myself. I'm not used to thinking about what I eat at all. I'm used to just getting hungry and popping something in my mouth. It didn't matter what it was. I never put any thought into it before. It sure does take up alot of time. Let me know your feelings and thoughts on this matter if you can identify with what I'm talking about.
~byebye30~(now 25)

byebye30 Wed, Aug-11-04 08:00

Dear Compchick,
Originally Posted by CompChick

Yes I would like to make this my lifetime plan as well. Getting used to all of it is time consuming right now for me but I am plugging along with it. I never heard that how your body will react differently the second time around but I am sure it all makes sense huh? I know nothing yet about the profiles or uploading pictures and such....I mean I know how to, just havent been in that area yet to get it all done LOL I will try that one today. Let me know how you do.


I see that we both joined around the same time. Since we are both about equally experienced in this forum and in the journey of low carb eating, I'll try to keep you up to date on the new things that I am learning and experiencing. I did get my before pic uploaded, but not really in a rush to do much else on this site besides comunicate with my fellow low carbers. I think having support in this whole journey and having people to share your ups and downs with is going to be very beneficial. I have a thin family who is not participating in this journey with me as far as being able to identify with what I'm going through, even though they are supportive of my choice to do it. I also have to deal with my husbands insecurities of me being thinner. He has heard that when women lose weight they have affairs. I'm sure that some do, but that is the last thing on my mind. I was thin most of my life and I think that I can deal with it.(ha,ha!) Anyway, if you come across any good recipes or snack foods that are low in carbs, or you find any new info. share it with us. I'll do the same.
~Byebye30~(now 25) :wave:

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