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peteranac Tue, Apr-06-10 13:25

My journey to personal health
Arilo 7th

Well after Easter and all of the chocolate is gone so now it is the bikini countdown.......

Starting tomorrow I have set up a fat loss and toning workout for MOnday Wednesday and Friday with light cardio for Tuesday and Thursday. I will follow this for 4 weeks. I haven't worked out for 6 months so I am starting from scratch again but I'll post my stas and again in 4 weeks.

Here we go...............

peteranac Wed, Apr-07-10 11:28

April 7th
weight 146.5 lbs

Week 1 Day 1

Am doing a 6 week fat loss and toning workout to get me back into it.

10 minutes jump rope not continuous VERY heart pumping

Superset 1
walking lunges with 6 lb medicine ball
on ball push ups
5 set of 8 reps - 30 sec rest between

Sup[erset 2
single leg deadlift w curl - 3 sets of 8
dumbell side raises in long lounge stance 25 for each leg

Superset 3
stability ball wall sit
30secs on 30 secs rest for 5 minutes

could only hold for 20 secs MAX

peteranac Thu, Apr-08-10 12:22

April 9th

Week 1 day 2

kettle ball squats with arm swing
figure eights with medicine ball
plie squats with overhead dumbell lift
step ups
all for 60 secs, 60 second rest and them repeat 1

** Heart rate was at 174 about need to slow it down as I want it between 150 - 160

Then walk briskly for 60 sec
sprint 30
repeat 4 times

After this I did 5 stretches holding each stretch for 60 secs and focused on breathing

All around not bad but think I am over trianing ab it need to slow it down and make sure I am not over doing it as I want to reach my goals.

peteranac Fri, Apr-09-10 13:46

Day 3

Took the day off as I was exhasuted. Think I havebeen over triaing in the past and need to recoup. I think I'll tsart slower and work my way up as it has been a hard year of illness for me.

Goal for the next 3 weeks walk everyday for 30-45minutes.

peteranac Mon, Apr-12-10 19:19

okay so the cold is starting to heal and I am feeling better.

Today I did ab training 10 exercises 10 minutes. Amazing how horrbile my abs are!!!!!

peteranac Wed, Apr-14-10 07:44

April `4th
Abs soar from yesterday a good thing. walked today am starting a 6 week running plana as well as the weight training. I have picked out my outfit for my daughter's First Communion and the pant s are too snug so they have to bfit a little better by June 6th. That is 8weeks from now.

146 lbs goal - 138-140lbs and toner mid section

peteranac Fri, Apr-16-10 11:36

April 16th

feeling like I can breathe again and not too fatigued so thoughtn I'd head out to the gym to get my caerdio back and start to tone up. Used to be such a habit of mine and now it is broken and REALLY difficult to get me self motivated again.

Lower body training squats, lunges, side kicks, front raises
walk 5 mins 4mph
jog 4 mins 5 mph
walk 5 mins 4 mph
jog 4 mins 5 mph
walk 2 mins 3.7 mph

second set of lower body squat, lunges, side kicks, front kicks.

NOTE: It was teh squats, lunges and stuff that I felt totally winded by not the cardio. ODD!!!

peteranac Fri, Apr-30-10 11:26

April 30

This has been the worst school year of illnes in my household. I got a cold March 26th and it has JUSt gone away and appears to maybe have devekloped into sinutits or post nasal drip, headaches - - - oh the headaches!!!!

Anyways pushed through
5 min warm up
squats 30 sec - 20
push up 30 sec -15
bicycle crunches 30 secs - 20 with difficulty finishing
jumping jacks 30 secs - 40
back extensions 30 secs - 15
rest 1 minute
walking lunges 30 secs - 12 ea side burns!!!!
jump squats 30 secs - 12 with breaks
bent over rows 30 secs - 15 8lbs
front knee kicks 30 secs - 20
mountain climbers 30 secs - 30 with breaks
wall squat 30 secs - 30 secs starting to really burn by then
repeat 1 time
5 min cool down

covered in sweat and exhausted. Felt pretty good afterwards though.

peteranac Thu, Jul-15-10 08:09

July 15th,

Okay I have started a detailed workout from a trainer for me. I have weights every otehr day only if there is no pain from the previous workout.

An crdio. I am average to below average for my cardio and need to get it back up there.

My resting heart rate is around 75 bpm - - which is too high. I would like to lower it to the mid 60's.

I have been tracking my workouts and it would appear that it is my diet that is killing me. I am tryingt o eat healthy but when I get home I nibble on EVERYTHING!!!!!! Any tips or tricks out there?

peteranac Mon, Jul-26-10 07:14

Today I am back to the gym after pulling a muscle in my back. Apparbnty Iw as tyring to hard too fast. I'll do the weight portion 2 - 3 times a week and cardio 6 days a week. Not too long but just enough to get my endurnace back.

Monday weight workout today.

peteranac Tue, Jul-27-10 08:56

my jog to personal health
July 26th
Didn;t do the weight workout, got side tracked.

Went for a jog or a pathertic attempt at it. It just solidified how out of shape I am.

15 minute mile avr HR 151 max HR 163 2 walking breaks to bering it back down.

Recovery rate 23

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