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Muse Fri, Dec-21-01 21:42

The Low-Carb Rite of Passage...
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, ...tonight was the night!

It was the night I felt a "kinship" will all those who have gone before me....a moment that I must admit was filled with trepidation, reluctance, and I'll say it, "fear".

Yes fellow low-carbers, tonight was the night I too walked where I'd walked many times before...but this time (sigh ) this time it was all very different; a "first" if you will. And, I'm not embarrassed in the least to say... it will definitely not be a last.

I, (pause ) I (deep breath ) not only walked INTO a McDonald's Restaurant .....

I (a tear gently wells in one eye ) ordered a Big Mac with...(a moment of reflection )...NO BUN .

Yes...yes...I did it. I received the look, the queries, the subtle "is she insane?" glance, and I conquered it head on, saying proudly, "I am Low Carbing, and may I have a knife and fork with that please?"

(Sigh) I knew this day would indeed come, and all I can say to others out there who like me are concerned and fearful...asking questions like, "Hey, can I measure up?, Can I also request no bun on MY big mac?"

To all you low carbers out there, I say "YES"!!!! YES you can and more importantly you must!

So go forth...go forth and be bunless!
Muse :daze:

Muse Fri, Dec-21-01 21:45

...and I posted this in the wrong place...BAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAH, (could someone please put this in daily low carb support?)

:daze: oops

Muse Fri, Dec-21-01 21:46

OOPS AGAIN, I mean in "general low carb discussion"....geeez I'm a mess tonight!

alto Fri, Dec-21-01 22:37

I hope it was the excitement of going bunless rather than going bunless that put you in a tizzy, Muse!! Cute story -- and a tip of the hat to your Major Accomplishment :)

Victoria Sat, Dec-22-01 09:14

You crack me up, Muse! I did that once going thru the Jack in the Box drive thru...I wanted broiled chicken, but not the bun. So I ordered the broiled chicken sandwich without the bun...Boy did they think I was loopy. And then they didn't give me the lettuce and tomato that should have come with it. But I think I must've confused them. So I just went home and made a lovely salad to go with the lonely broiled was great and I didn't have to cook. It's good to know you enjoyed your experience at McDonalds as well. Keep strong! Victoria

agonycat Sat, Dec-22-01 09:20


Woo woo! You go Muse!

I have to agree with Victoria.....You crack us up ;)

Alas, I have yet to get up the nerve to order I just don't order.

LC Sponge Sat, Dec-22-01 09:53

Hey Muse - anybody who can go into a Subway and order the filling can do the MacDonalds bunless thing.

You wanna impress me?? Go to KFC and ask them to remove the coating :)

Still looking forward to lunch at Mon Village in the Spring. We'll have the garlic bread without the bread ;)

Natrushka Sat, Dec-22-01 15:15

LMAO!! Go Muse Go (right to your nearest McDough and get that bigmac bunless!)

Interestingly enough John and I had dinner at Wendy's last night where they are almost used to his order of a triple with no bun. The cashier remembered him and said "Oh yeah!!! I know you" to which I replied "Yes, I am with the freak" (I order mine with bun and remove it - if they arent going to give me a price break on the bread I'm bloody well going to feed it to the ducks).


EllieEats Sat, Dec-22-01 17:56


Last week, out running around all day and HAD to grab something quick!! Pulled into a Wendy's drive thru and ordered
2 burgers-- no buns. The car behind me had two guys in their 20's and they heard me order---- yelled up "you don't want the buns?" and were laughing. I said "No, do you want them? Ask the girl when you get to the window" They laughed and said "We're going to... just to see what she says" We were all left laughing!

Ellie :wave:

Muse Sat, Dec-22-01 18:05

Hey LC, hadn't even thought of the Subway angle....MMMmmm I'm thinking major toppings here!

Nat, I know how you feel, I sorta felt a little freekish to hahaha, but hey, whatever! (love the new look lady!)

Agonycat, I have faith in can go bunless! Let me know how you progress your efforts LOL!

It was really good tho to be able to eat on the run quickly and not feel I'd done much damage altho' I'm still not convinced those Big Mac hamburgers consist of any recognizeable nutrients hahahahaha. Now I'm trying to think of other places too that are quick. I really don't think I can bring myself to order pizza and a paint scraper tho...sigh ...I guess I've got a ways to go! HAHAHA

Was fun to share,
Muse :wave:

Muse Sat, Dec-22-01 18:06

Oh that's toooooooo funny Ellie! I can just imagine the girl taking the order going like....WHATEVERRRRRRRR! and shaking her head.

AngelaR Sat, Dec-22-01 18:54

This is hilarious. Way to go!!

*giggling and wondering if it would ever be possible to organize an official around the world go bunless day* Major news story - McD's around the world are bombarded today with bunless orders.

agonycat Sat, Dec-22-01 20:34

LOL AngelaR!!!

OMG now that would be funny. I can see the headlines.

"McDonald's Goes Bunless!" McDonald's employees around the globe today were totally baffled as 50 percent of their customers ordered their burgers without the buns. The company's spoke person was wondering if this was some new form of terrorism, as all those bunless orders had to be made from scratch and slowed the drive through lanes to a crawl!.

More news at 10.

(wipes tears from my eyes from laughing so hard)

Muse Sat, Dec-22-01 20:47

OMG I'm dying here too.....ROTFLMAO!!!! I SAY LET'S DO IT!

Lowcarbers officially unite to loose "their buns" by going "bunless" at Micky Dees!!

bushong6 Sat, Dec-22-01 21:16

ROTFLOL!!! My husband and I are sitting here DYING LAUGHING!!! :lol: Ya'll are so great. I LOVE this place! :D

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